Chapter 24

A.N. With this we are done with the introduction arc. After one or two chapters, the story will move to the Digital world and the first adventure.

The romantic drama like this was more than enough and wouldn't take place later much. There will be some sprinkled across the story since relationships aren't easy.

Mostly the story will focus on building the characters, the adventure, the digimon, the action and the schemes.


Naruto and Rika stayed at the mall for some time, ate and enjoyed each other's presence. They played some snooker and played the dancing game at the arcade.

Rika liked dancing and listening to upbeat music, which was opposite of her family's image.

Naruto also liked dancing, singing and listening to music. Music had been one of the things that helped him through his depressing life.

Hinata also liked to sing as she came from a noble family, meaning she had experience using musical instruments and such.

Naruto liked soft music and upbeat songs in equal measure according to the situation. He learned to party from Jiraiya and then continued doing it after the war until he got too busy for such acts.

Asura and Luna also watched their masters playing the game, while trying to figure out the need for such actions.

'Maybe a distraction?' Asura thought while Luna saw that it helped with their reaction and flexibility. She had checked the ninja book so it told her that ninja needed to such things to fit in.

But seeing them smile and laugh while the people around them watched the show, Asura and Luna remembered that things could be done for enjoyment.

Asura liked the beat of the song and tried to copy his master while Luna didn't find these songs fun, she was geared towards soft and soulful songs.


Once the duo was finished with their date and it was 2, Naruto drove them to the Digi-Destined HQ where all the members lived and trained.

It was a large and impressive place that the team had made from their personal funds.

"We will have our personal base soon." Rika muttered as they passed through the large gates with the dragon and wolf statues.

At the moment the team had just become tamers and all of them were very young, so they didn't have personal financial power for such things.

Naruto did earn money from the sparring session with people who came to him for a round after he got the title of the best fighter.

Other than that, he also had a dojo that was run by people that he had trained using hypnotism so they had become experts.

But it wasn't enough for such a place and a personal training ground was better in keeping away from the public eye.

"We will have to improve our ranking and do a lot of missions for this dream, are you ready for such a thing?"

"I am always ready." Rika hugged him from behind as she was sitting at the back.

"Have you thought about our starting zone?"

"Hmm, I was thinking some low level forest area."

"Native Forest or Odin's Foot?" Rika asked as she named two different beginner forests with the strongest digimon being champions. These were close to the human cities so no Ultimate's were allowed without permission.

Odin's foot was a forest in the place where Odinmon had put his foot down with force while in a talk with the royal Knights.

It was a large foot shaped lake surrounded by a forest.

"Native forest is the best choice for a beginning, Odin's Foot is suspicious and strange things happen there from time to time." Naruto stopped the bike and parked it while answering the question.

Just like the legends of earth, Loki also existed in the Digital World and was part of Asgard. It was a group similar to the Royal Knights in another sector but they would some time gather in the Royal Knight sector since the royals were King Drasil's favorites and the strongest.

"I don't have a problem with that, though the Trickster Forest isn't so bad either." Rika got off the bike as she gave a suggestion.

"Good afternoon Rika, Naruto. I would suggest against it, Jokermon has been sighted in the region." Kari greeted them with her partner Salamon in her hands.


Salamon was a Plott Hound with white fur and green eyes. It carried a Holy Ring on its neck, as if it were a dog collar.

Salamon was a Mammal Digimon. It was a Holy-species Digimon child characterized by its lop ears. Because it was still very young, it was unable to manifest its holy powers, and isn't even aware of its own mission. For that reason, it was naturally insecure, so it could become either good or evil.

Kari named her Salamon, Aaliyah. The name meant high and exalted. Aaliyah was one of the best digimon partner's anyone could get but the initial journey was hard since Salamon was naturally not a good fighter and needed to be taken care off.

It was the same with Patamon.

Aaliyah had some power of light but it was weak enough to be only work on dark digimon while the rest would barely feel it.

At this stage Salamon was just like a cute mascot instead of a fighter. But Kari was Tai's sister, so she had access to all kinds of resources.

Just like Henry, she could easily transform the cute little puppy into a murder machine.

Her partner's personality was based on Tai, so Aaliyah tried to act like an adult and protect her master.


On the other hand Jokermon was a humanoid digimon that looked like a jester with a scythe. He was mysterious digimon that roamed around freely and played tricks. He was a chaotic digimon, he could help or he could kill depending on your luck.

Many suspect that he was one of Piedmon's servants, Piedmon being the leader of the Dark Masters.

Dark Masters were one of the evil digimon organizations that wanted to take over the digital world and in the process of that goal they had been messing with the tamers and the human world.

The group was led by four top ranking mega level digimon but the main problem was the fact that the group was made by Apocalymon.

This meant, these four mega were stronger than what they should have been like and the group was a dangerous threat to the world.

Apocalymon was one of the strongest digimon in existence and not even the Royal Knights could fight him without a team.

King Drasil did rule over the Multiverse but he didn't have total control over the world and things changed without his knowledge, and went beyond his calculations.

The digital world grew and changed mysteriously as legends and such were formed. Desires were generated and imagination grew.


"Hello Kari, I hope you are not stressed out." Naruto smiled and walked closer before taking her in his arms.

He hugged Aaliyah and Kari, before giving them a kiss on the forehead.

Naruto had known Aaliyah for a week now so she didn't mind his actions or she would have tried biting him. She didn't like a show of affection and mushy stuff outside.

"I was not, but there was still some worry. This situation isn't easy to handle and quite unfair, don't you think." Kari smiled gently as she replied to his query and placed her head on his chest.

"Ahem, I am still here." Rika looked at them stuck to each other with a not so happy expression. Things would change but she wasn't changing over night.

She liked it better when both of them were alone.

"Why don't you leave, fox girl? Naruto suits my master better." Aaliyah had moved to Kari's head and looked at Rika was a displeased expression.

She wanted Kari to be happy and this girl was disturbing that happiness.

Naruto let go and Kari caught Aaliyah before Rika decided to make a barbecue out of her.

"Sorry about that, you know how she gets protective." Kari apologized but it wasn't hard to see that she was amused by the scene.

She also hadn't liked the interruption.

Naruto could finally see what would have happened if he had been in a harem, seemed quite troublesome at the start.

To stop the girls from potentially getting in to a fight at the entrance of Tai's palace, he stood between them.

"Yes, Aaliyah is a cute little child. Where is Tai now?" Naruto held Rika's hand and tickled Aaliyah as he broke the awkward atmosphere.

Both girls had some level of pride, Rika having more than Kari.

Rika calmed her smug attitude and just held hands with Naruto. She knew Naruto liked her style but there were time and place for it.

She wouldn't usually feel like this but it felt like Kari was being competitive with her. There was also the sharing.

'This is going to be harder than I assumed.' Rika thought while giving a calm expression and smiled at Kari.

"He is training in the gym with Ryu. Are you sure about this? Maybe talk to him once he is tired." Kari suggested since her big brother was sparring against Ryu. Ryu was in his Wargreymon form and had taken off his armor.

Wargreymon was a humanoid dragon with chrome Digizoid armor. Its real size was more than 100 meters tall but any experienced digimon could manipulate their size.

Just like Jack, Ryu also preferred to stay in his humanoid form once getting used to his mega form. Unlike Jack, Ryu was a battle junkie and martial arts fan.

Just like his partner, Ryu knew no fear and pushed his body to the extremes. He could be always found training or playing with his powers.

He also had a tendency to hoard treasure and listen to upbeat music to get in the mood. He loved to fly around and explore new places, and meet new people and digimon.

Jack used to be his rival but they were partners now and he had a more appropriate rival, Riser. Riser was also an Agumon and the partner of Masaru Daimon. His final evolution was ShineGreymon, which was a digimon with higher stats and fire power.

Masaru and Tai became rivals when they met the first time in the digital world. Masaru was part of the Task Force but he was always in the digital world unless called back for a job.

He was a fighting junkie and his partner was the same.

Tai liked to adventure and have fun. He loved being the hero and wanted to make the peace a permanent thing so that the future generation wouldn't have to suffer. This was his passion that outside of exploration and taking care of his digimon, Tai trained and hanged around with his loved ones.

He didn't do other jobs like Yamato, who had a band or Sora who had clothing brand.

Just like Ryu got a change in rival, Jack got a new rival. Hide, was of a similar digimon line and his final evolution was Mirage Gaogamon.

Both of their personalities were the opposite in this case so they didn't get along unlike Ryu and Riser.

Hide was a cold and prideful digimon that disliked Jack's crude acts.

But all of them respected each other and the rivalry ran both ways. The Digi-destined were on the weaker side as their rival's had more powerful versions.

Ryu and Jack had lost more battles than they had won against their rival, and those had been mostly been a boost from the crest held by their partners.

Just like the other side was working hard, Ryu was working hard to get another evolution. They had learned of another Greymon evolution that stood at the top in old times besides Emperor Greymon during their exploration and Tai was intent on helping Ryu achieve it.

Victory Greymon

It was the reason why he had been in constant battles and without any support from his team. He had to fight alone and win all battles.

"No, this is fine. What about you, are you sure about this? Do you really want to be with me?" Naruto asked again for clarification because the whole thing depended on Hikari. Tai was a good brother and a good brother always makes sure that their siblings are taken care of properly.

Tai would definitely ask Sora to test them with her crest of love. The crest of love could tell if someone loved someone and could even influence others.

Kari looked at him and Rika. Last night she had trouble sleeping because her mind was on the topic. She liked Naruto but did she love him enough to make such a compromise.

She did like such intimate moments but the possibility of her being a sex fiend was low. She liked the passing time with him and talking with him.

Some cuddling and kisses, sweet words and such were all she imagined.

The topic had been on her mind all day and she decided to go through with it. In the end, she liked Naruto and this one thing wouldn't make her turn away.

She could still get what she wanted, just had to share him with others. The problem of sex was true and she knew that such relationships had all failed. Sentry had broken off his relationship with his wife who had been too weak for him and could never satisfy him.

The same went for Thor.

The emotions were all time high at the moment but the dissatisfaction would consume that affection over time. It would work both ways.

Now the solution would be to make sure to keep the number low and find someone that can take all of him.

That would be a digimon for sure. Morrigan's partner was sex crazy so she should satisfy him. The problem was already solved right there for them.

Kari and Rika only had to share him with the maids and Eve.

She knew the maids, so it wasn't a big problem.

All of them had their job so Naruto would still spend most of his time with them, more like with Rika unless she joined Naruto's group.

"I am sure. I might not act intimate with you until later but it doesn't mean my emotions are any less." Kari replied and it was clear to see that she loved him but the degree of affection was lower than Rika.

Rika had a possessive side, which is why she didn't have desire to let go of him while Kari would have stepped down if he had never bothered giving this option.

It was a response Naruto expected. He was the one bring it up as he knew their nature. It was his desire to possess them because he felt that there was a large chance that he would love them.

Deep down he knew his options had not been selfless in their entirety. There was some selfishness.

He liked their personalities and they were beautiful. They could follow him in his path. Even without love, a desire to possess them existed which was an unconscious desire.

"Thank you for your feelings, I will make sure to answer them with a beautiful response." Naruto took her hand and kissed it before walking towards the gym with both girls in hand.

He didn't try to hide anything. He had nothing to hide.


In the underground gym, Tai was fighting against Ryu on a sandy field. Ryu's stats had been suppressed with the binding seals using the crest of courage.

It was one of the high ranking cards used by Tamers and it had weaker versions.

Both fighters were good since Tai had been training since a young age. He was only wearing shorts so anyone could see his muscular and beautiful body.

It was common for all tamers to have a muscular body and only retired or inactive tamers would have normal or fat bodies.

Ryu was a combat beast and he had long surpassed Tai in skill, so just all the spars he downed Tai with a python hold.

Tai tapped the sand and Ryu let him go.

"Damn, I am tired. How many rounds have we gone?" Tai asked as he was dripping with sweat and the sand was stuck to his body.

He cleared some from his face and stood up, walking towards the seat and taking the water bottle.

"It was the 60th round, so we still got 40 more to go." Ryu replied with a smile as he was happy with his partner. They had gone through a lot of problems along the way over the decade but it had been a fruitful life.

He was glad that his partner was ambitious and wanted to go forward unlike Jack's partner, who wasn't so excited about going higher or the other Digi-destined.

"Hahaha, shit. I thought we were close to finishing, you must have hit me too hard." Tai chuckled as he poured water over his body to cool down.

"Tai, we have guests." Ryu informed him as he saw Naruto walk in with Hikari and Rika. His eyes focused on them and he didn't like what he was seeing.

Tai turned to see the scene and he didn't make any assumptions before getting the information.

"Hey kiddos, what brought you here?" Tai asked as he stayed in his seat and drank some water to get back his energy.

"Hello Tai, sorry to disturb your training montage but I have something important to ask." Naruto let go of the girls and walked forward with a friendly smile on his face.

"Haha, does this something have to do with Kari?" Tai chuckled at his words and he couldn't deny it. It definitely felt like one.

"Yes, I apologize in advance for my words." Naruto said as he stopped only a few feet from Tai.

Tai drank from his bottle and he indicated for him to go on. He had already guessed what it was after those words.

"I want to date Hikari while I also have other girls."

"Ryu" Tai muttered as Ryu was about to punch his head off. Ryu's body was shaking from anger at what he was suggesting.

Kari was like his little sister and he had taken care of Kari with Tai from a young age.

"Speak carefully, Uzumaki." Ryu growled as he glared with his draconic eyes. He had definitely let of of his friendly persona.

It seems it was a bad day. Ryu's dragon blood was raging from the training so he was easily excited.

"He is right, Naruto. We are friends, so you shouldn't speak such words lightly. It could ruin our relationship." Tai spoke calmly as he stood up and placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

He looked towards Kari and she seemed to side with Naruto.

"Sorry about that, I meant that I might date your sister along with another girl in the future. I haven't decided yet but these girls are very persistent and I do like their style, so it is just a matter of time. So, I just wanted you know beforehand." Naruto clarified as Hikari and Rika stared at him with a surprised look. They couldn't believe it. Naruto was indirectly confessing to them. Though, the other part was expected but it was not well received.

Tai really liked Naruto and wanted Kari to be with him.

But this was not what he expected. Someone was asking Tai for his sister to enter a harem. People didn't have the balls to ask his sister out unless Tai liked them.

He could see Naruto's reason. He personally knew Sentry and Thor. They had gotten drunk with him and talked about their relationship problems. They were jealous that he was chill with just one partner and never had to find another.

"Kari, are you fine with this? Naruto is a good guy but looking at this we can be sure that he is a natural born pervert. Both of you are not compatible physically, so do you trust him to love you the way you desire?" Tai patted his back and walked towards Kari, it was her opinion that really mattered.

"I do and just in case, I have made him take oath that we will have a platonic relationship for six months." Kari answered Tai without backing down and if she showed hesitation then he would latch on to it.

"Naruto, are you confident in making this work? You know it can go bad." Turning back to Naruto, he asked again.

"I am confident in making this work. I will give it my all for it. I have cared for Kari and Rika for a long time now, so it is impossible for me to break their heart."

"What is the price you are willing to pay, if you break this promise?" Tai stood in front of him, his eyes looking at him with a rare ferocity.

"My Freedom, is that enough?"

Tai didn't think Naruto would offer so much. They weren't kids here, so he knew that his words had consequences.

"You can't go back from that, you know."

"I am willing."

"Fine, I will allow it. I would have broken all your bones today if you were playing around with Kari, but it seems you are serious about it.

You will have trial period of six months, just as Kari wants. You will serve the Digi-destined for 30 years, if you betray Kari's heart.

Finally, I want to see the intensity of your affection for Kari. You will battle all the new Digi-Destined one month from now and win, a pure digimon battle.

Is that okay with you or, do you want to step down now?" Tai spoke calmly with a smile as he placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders.

"I am fine with this arrangement and I will not let you down, you are like a brother to me." Naruto replied and those words came from his heart.

Tai and his team were very mature, and understanding. He genuinely saw Tai as his equal. Tai plus his digimon partners could rival his prime.

The whole team would pretty much beat his prime.

Mega level digimon were very powerful, it was the reason why they were uncommon. The weakest Mega could destroy a continent and mid level could destroy a planet.

But most of the time it wasn't the pure destructive power of these digimon, it was the broken abilities these beings had that made them better than his prime.

Some digimon could easily just reduce your existence to nothing or invalidate all your attacks.

Tai smiled at those words. He would have been happier if Kari and Naruto were just alone, not with others.

He was only allowing this because Kari really liked him and she was still being cautious about it. Tai was very well versed in relationships since Yamato and Sora were by his side. They had friendship and Love covered.

He very much cared for his sister. She was the most important person in his life. He had taught her and he trusted her choices.

She was a smart girl who would never let him down.

She wouldn't endure a bad relationship and lie to him. Naruto might be important but Kari was closer to him than anyone else, and she would never hide anything from him.

He liked Naruto but the moment he broke Kari's heart, Tai would sweep down like an eagle over his prey.

Tai could become very cruel when it came to his loved ones, especially Kari and Akali.

He knew Naruto for a decade now and the boy had always been very mature. Just the perfect guy to join his crew, it was these qualities that granted him this honor.

Without this connection, Tai would have thrown him out even if Kari wanted him.

"I will be watching, little brother…Are you happy with this Kari?" Tai patted his head and turned to Kari, who jumped into his arms.

"You are the best big brother ever." Kari was happy that this didn't turn into a torture session or a beat down. She rubbed her head on his chest and giggled.

Tai loosened up with Kari in his arms. He didn't like being hard headed especially in front of Akali and Kari.

It annoyed him a lot. He preferred being chill and relaxed.

"Yes, I am. Now, you guys can leave. I still have training to finish." Tai tightened up the hug and kissed Kari on the forehead before letting go.

"Thank you for listening to us." Naruto bowed and gave him a hug before walking away with the girls.

"I hope you don't let me down, Naruto. I am a fan, don't make me hate you." Ryu whispered to him in dragon tongue as he walked alongside them.

Rika wasn't fluent enough to understand but Kari and Naruto understood it.

"I won't." Naruto replied in the same tongue.

All digimon types had their own language but they could also communicate in the human tongue, all of them. They had no problem understanding any human language once you got them the data.


With the trial of love finished, Naruto could relax. He was confident in his skills to maintain a relationship. His power of bonds was greater than anything else.

He could connect with the soul and enter an intimacy that was impossible by others. Love took time and the girls had the qualities he liked, so with time there was no doubt that he would love them.

"Are you sure about this? You put your life on the line for our desires." Rika asked as they left the gym. She didn't know that Naruto offered similar things to her parents but seeing this, she didn't have to guess.

"I want to ask the same, you said you didn't love us so why." Kari also wanted to know.

"Because I know I will love you. You girls have the qualities that I like, so it is just a matter of time for my affection to reach that level." Naruto answered honestly. He had experience with Hinata and knew enough about his heart.

His love for Hinata hadn't been instant, he had slowly fallen in love and it had been the same for her.

It was the same for Rika and Kari.

Hearing his answers both of them felt happy and they held his arms with joyful expression.

"This would have been a lot better if you didn't have such a powerful body. I am good with Kari but more is definitely annoying."

"Right, I also thought the same. Naruto, why don't you try sleeping with Eve and that should take care of it? People like you end up sleeping with Digimon to maintain a normal relationship."

Naruto looked up and chuckled at their words, it seems he wasn't the only thinking about it. His powerful body definitely brought a difficult angle to the relationship.

"Don't worry, I will figure it out later. I will not allow such a problem to weaken our relationship."

"You just want to try sleeping with different women, don't you? It must have been that perverted old man that corrupted you while we weren't looking." Rika pinched his side.

"I won't deny that but my physical body will become comparable to a Mega digimon within 6 years. I have seen the end result of my powers and this is just a small part of it." Naruto really wanted to share his secret but he needed to regain his full strength to be sure about their safety. For now he could just give them vague answers like this.

Just like before it was a shocking statement.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, you will see that my power will grow very fast from now on. Just check one month later for the result and see the huge difference." Naruto was happy that they trusted him. Unlike Morrigan and Eve, both girls loved him enough to disregard the norm of the world for his words.

It really touched his heart.

Both girls had doubt but there was also trust in him. They felt the desire to improve because of it and there was also happiness for him.

With that the trio left the base and went out to town to hang out together. It would be their first date together and first experience for all of them.


a.n Hope you enjoyed

Naruto in canon is a planet level character. During the war he was continental level plus and moved faster than light. He was partly responsible for creating the moon. The sage used the technique but the power came from Sasuke and Naruto.

The big power up came in the last movie. Naruto took moon splitters to the face without a scratch while being exhausted and in a weaker form. Most people don't seem to remember the fact that Naruto wasn't on full energy at that point.

But the biggest feat was the destruction of the tensaigan barrier. The barrier could survive the moon getting destroyed but Naruto destroyed it with a rasengan in a weak form.

Just by scaling up to Naruto's full power, you will get planet level in the Last movie. Hokage Naruto is supposed to be stronger so he would be at least Planet level and at max Large planet level like Jupiter with his Baryon mode.

So yes, canon Naruto did reach DBZ early Namek Saga already and maybe could go higher if Boruto hadn't been so terrible with its power scaling and show of power. Everyone looks weak in Boruto, weaker than Pain Saga. Even the biggest power up Baryon mode fell flat and didn't even look stronger than one tail Naruto.