Chapter 25

With that problem handled, Naruto had a date with both girls together. They just ended up doing the usual stuff. There wasn't much difference except the emotions involved.

Along the way, Henry and Takato along with Juri joined up with the group. The group spent some time in the mountain side and showed their digimon partners the city from above.

The digimon partners were still young and with each experience they grew. They weren't like human babies fortunately so they matured very quickly unless the digimon was a stage below rookie.

Jack and Ryu were like 10 years old, and they talked like they were in their thirties.

Finishing up with the fun, Naruto sparred with everyone in the group. It was the usual to improve their skills and he was the best person for it.

He was the best fighter and he had polished his teaching skills over the years watching the other trainers in the family.

It was Naruto against everyone and it helped the digimon partners learn how to fight beside human partners.

It was weird for Asura since he had the urge to protect his master throughout the battle against the other assailants.

It was the normal reaction. He could fight with his master but when others attacked, a tamers digimon would feel his instinct rise.

Seeing that it was difficult for Asura and causing him confusion, Naruto didn't want him to get some mental damage from it so he let him join where he belonged.

It became Team Naruto versus everyone else and Asura finally started learning how to support his master.

He felt right and happy to support him.

A roar rose from his heart and unleashed his fighting desire as the bond between master and partner deepened. He could feel Naruto's flames, his desire to fight and decimate the battlefield.

He could feel it. He could see it, a battlefield of millions where he stood at the top and laughed like a maniac.

Naruto's hunger for fighting was consuming him when they connected and continued to combos with his guidance.

Naruto released flames and Asura taking hold of them to attack or the other way around. Naruto jumping over him to attack the foe or both of the attacking at the same time, one from below and the other from above.

With Naruto's usage of team attacks, the others also started utilizing their new moves they had thought up. All of them had experience with it since they had been fighting Naruto for a long time but Tesla and Arthur didn't have a human shape so it was a new thing for Henry and Takato.

In the group, Hikari utilized a bow and provided support with her healing ability while Aaliyah wore metallic claws like her future evolution and indulged in close combat and shot rounds from her back.

Juri didn't have a partner but she fought using chains that she could control with her mind. These were new type weapons and something that Takato had given her after Naruto recommended it. Before that she used a whip.

Her power was charm so she also used it on Asura just like Hikari. Naruto had to break the charm constantly but didn't get annoyed since it would build resistance.


Finishing up with the fight, Naruto enjoyed a small moment with Rika. On the other hand, he had already dropped Kari at her place and there he had met one of his future opponents.

Daisuke Motomiya also known as Davis, one of the new Digi-Destined and the leader of the new generation since Takeru wasn't interested in being the head while Kari also didn't like such a role.

Kari was just a temp part of that group just like TK as both of them would join their brothers in most of their adventures instead of being part of the new group.

Davis was tall guy with tanned skin, frizzy burgundy hair, and dark brown eyes.

He wore a dark blue bomber jacket with a red and yellow flame patterns at the bottom and over a light green shirt. He also wore dark olive green shorts, dark blue socks, and orange and white boots.

Davis was loud and abrasive, and had a penchant for getting in trouble. However, for all his bluster, Davis was a deeply caring and loving person who was extremely loyal to his friends. He was a firm believer in second chances, willing to extend a hand in friendship to the worst of enemies should they accept it. He refused to give up even when all seems lost, and his infectious optimism and determination were the reasons the new Digi-Destined called Davis their leader.

Although he often rushed into things impulsively and made mistakes, his courage in the face of outstanding odds cannot be denied. No matter how dire the situation, he always believed that they could somehow make it through.

He was someone that Tai liked a lot and he was very similar to him, a mix of Tai and Yamato.

His partner was a Veemon called Rai, and his personality was on the friendly and playful type that matched Davis.

All that was good but there was a problem, he loved Hikari. He had been rude to TK in the start because of their close relationship but they got over it and became good friends. On the other hand, he really didn't get along with Naruto when they met few times when he visited the HQ.

Once he learned that Kari liked him, Davis had taken Naruto as a rival and challenged him many times.

He had obviously lost every time and when Naruto allowed him to win, he became angry. Davis didn't like being given a victory, he wanted to earn it. To him it was disrespectful.

Naruto liked the guy as he was a lot like his younger self.

In a way Hikari would be very happy with Davis if Naruto wasn't there but she preferred Naruto over him.

Knowing that Naruto had gotten together with another girl beside Kari and had been given the task to beat his team, Davis was reasonably angry.

It was okay that Kari chose someone else but why did she allow this to happen.

He really felt like punching Naruto and beating some sense into him. Was he not blessed to have her affection? Why did he need to be so greedy?


"I heard that you are going to fight all of us. I know that you are stronger than us, but did you hit your head. Are you really looking down on us, just because Leader likes you? Your Gankoomon is literally nothing to my partner. You already knew Rai will become Ultraforce Veedramon, how can you disrespect us so much with your pathetic Candlemon?" Davis stood at the gate of the living quarters of the Digi-Destined.

Naruto had just stopped his car and got out with the girls when they met with him and he was very far from happy. Even Rai looked unhappy because his partner was angry and frustrated.

Both partners glared at him.

Naruto understood so he tried to calm him down.

"Davis, you already know me. I would never do such a thing. It is a task that Tai has put on my shoulder so I don't really have a choice. I have deep respect for you and your partner. Cute little Rai has a good future and I acknowledge it, but isn't rude for you to look down on my partner. I know you are angry but please don't resort to such things, it isn't right." Naruto stepped forward to talk to him and his voice was friendly and understanding.

Just like always he didn't show any pride or take a high and mighty attitude. He didn't like being rude towards people.

Davis faltered and it was the usual. It wasn't easy getting angry at Naruto since he never really responded back with anger or snap. He was always too patient that it made people feel like they were making fun of themselves.

"Why did you not speak back? Even if I was beatable by some miracle, everyone in the team is gifted and my bro Ken has Wormmon with the potential to become a GrandisKuwagamon. Realistically, both of us working together would be more than necessary for your Candlemon. No matter how special you are, that is a fact.

Do you know how disappointed you made Ken with your actions, he freaking looked up to you?!" Davis wasn't just angry for himself. Naruto had disrespected all his friends with his actions and words, especially his best friend Ken.

Ken was a smart and was kind of opposite him in personality but he very talented. He liked Naruto because of his personality and talent. Naruto was like his big brother to him and he was one that believed his Gankoomon was going to be better than anyone else even though Ultraforce Veedramon was one of the strongest Royal Knights.

He was literally on a similar ranking to Omnimon. Having that kind of future put Davis as one of the most important prospects in the world.

Even Grandis was something that was close to the power of the Royal Knights and was one of the strongest bug type Digimon just behind Tyrant Kabuterimon.

Naruto looked at calmly and stood in front of him.

"Davis, it is not his fault. You can't just look at his actions and blame him for everything that is taking place." Hikari walked towards them and tried to stop a fight from taking place while utilizing her powers to clear the violent feeling.

Davis didn't even glance at her, as he was extremely disappointed in Hikari. To him she was like a pure flower that couldn't be violated by vulgarity and here she was joining a harem. She was the princess that people wanted and now she had just accepted the proposal of becoming just another woman.

He didn't want to utter things that could ruin their friendship so just ignored her words. It hurt him. It really hurt him. He had punched solid metal walls until his knuckles broke from the anger and only then could he stand here without getting violent.

Naruto could feel his emotions and felt sympathy for him, but he couldn't regret his actions because it would be disrespectful to Kari.

She was not a doll or a puppet that needed others to guide her. It would be very wrong if he guided her into Davis when she wanted to be with him.

How would someone feel when the person they loved tried to set them up? Extremely depressed was the answer and he didn't want anyone to feel like that.

"I know how you guys feel but I am not looking down on you. Davis, none of you can win against me. It is a fact. You will always lose against me while we all are in the rookie stage. Once you go higher, that would change but at this stage none. You guys have zero chance. It must feel like I am being arrogant but you know me, have I ever acted so?

Look at my partner and tell me if you think Rai can win." Naruto had no choice but to do it the straightforward way so that Davis would back down and understand.

He would help him with his emotional problem later and get in touch with Ken and Takeru as well but for now he needed to solve this issue.

Relationships were a delicate thing and even small misunderstandings could sometimes ruin years of friendship.

His words were standard asshat dialogues but just like he said, Davis knew him. Naruto never looked down on others or spoke great about himself even though they could never compete with him.

But those words didn't convince him as he believed they could beat him with just two of them. Before he could say anything, Davis finally saw Asura.

'WTF!' Davis was shocked when he saw the digimon.

"This isn't your partner, you are cheating." Davis accused him of getting a digimon from his family because Asura didn't resemble Candlemon in any manner.

He looked like a freaking champion digimon.

"Davis, that is Naruto's Candlemon so don't be an idiot and just check your digivice." Rika said in a cold tone as she was annoyed at his emotional breakdown. He was being such a drama queen. She felt the urge to tie him to a chair and make him watch Indian dramas or baby shows. Hmm, she couldn't tell which was worse.

Davis had the urge to snap back at the annoying girl that he very much disliked. He took out his digivice from his belt and pointed at Asura.


Candlemon: Uzumaki Variant

This is a Candlemon that has been modified using digimetal and large amounts of energy into a humanoid form. With its golden armor, Candlemon can take any attacks without worry and provide weight to its attack.

Its humanoid form allows it to utilize close combat, flexibility and speed that were not available to the normal version.

It has openings in the armor to utilize its wax body and with the armored form it has become a deadly combo.

This digimon strive to be a competent fighter and achieve breakthrough from the norms of society.


Davis stepped back as he stared at the digimon and the digivice multiple times. Even his partner was shocked to see his rival.

'Horry shit, he looks so cool. No, no, can't admire the rival.' Rai shook his head and tried to glare at Asura who looked back at him.

Rai was already one week old while Asura was almost two days old.

He didn't get why Rai was glaring at him since the other partner digimon had been nice to him.

"What the fuck did you to him? How the fuck?" Davis forgot about the slight as he was shocked out of it from the scene. He could see why Naruto thought it wasn't going to be impossible to beat them.

This guy was going to murder his team if hadn't know about it beforehand. Now they could at least prepare for him and not let their pride get in the way.

He had been looking down on Candlemon and now he felt like punching himself. You could do that with this guy. This guy was literally one of the worst digimon ever.

Any newbie tamer could slaughter him even without his digimon.

It had good attacks and support skills but it was too slow and had low mobility.

Now all the problems were solved. Digi-modifying was a thing but barely anyone used it on rookie digimon.

Rookie digimon were too squishy and could get corrupted easily or just die.

Even when people did adjustments, they never went too far with it. Naruto had literally changed everything about his digimon.

"I just did what was necessary. I used my powers and allowed Asura to get closer to an ideal shape. You should know that I am not going to settle for something normal."

"What if he had died? He is literally one day old." Davis was annoyed at his casual approach to this process. It was one of the hardest things and many had lost their digimon because of a mistake.

"Thanks for worrying about Asura, but I was always in control. There was zero risk involved and I had used the Digivice to calculate it. I would never risk someone even if it was just 1 percent.

Moving back to topic, I hope you understand why I was not worried. Just work hard now and get ready to fight because Asura will be more intimidating in one month." Naruto closed the distance between them and embraced him, patted his back as he finished his words.

Davis couldn't push him off so he had to take it.

'Damn! I lost again.'

"Just you wait until the champion level, and then I won't need a team to beat you." Davis didn't give up. Naruto was his rival and he wasn't giving up just because the rival was a better fighter and had a lot of skills.

In a Tamer battle, it was a fifty-fifty between the tamer and the digimon. Naruto might be a better than him but Davis could always make a powerful team to make up for his weakness.

"That's better, and I will be looking forward to a good battle. I like you guys a lot." Naruto let go of him and smiled happily. He loved challenges and rival was a great thing.

In this world he had many beings that were stronger than his prime self so he could enjoy fights even when he got there and this time he would have many people on his side that could rival him.

Last time he was extremely lonely with just Sasuke and Kurama by his side.

That was his prime in the old world where he had stopped training properly because of work. Here he would surpass it and just like his digimon, he would modify himself with equipment and powers of the new world.


A.N Hope you enjoyed