Chapter 26

Once they were finished with Davis, Naruto left with Rika to have some private time. They went to his dojo and sparred at a very slow pace, where Naruto kept on guiding her movements. After finishing up, they took a shower and sat down. Rika made some green tea in a traditional manner and they drank in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

There were many thoughts on his mind but just like always he pushed some of them down until he could face them.

Thoughts of his world weren't rare, just because he killed Ishiki didn't mean he had nothing to worry about.

He just wanted to know that everyone was safe and his family wasn't dead. He only had a small family in the old world and it would break his heart if they died.

Other than that, he was also thinking about preparing for things in this world. One thing Naruto knew about himself was that he was unlucky. He was born unlucky and suffered throughout life, only to die young.

He was blessed this time but seeing his life's track record he doubted anything could be so simple. He was always worried about some Digimon attack actually taking place directly on the Uzumaki clan.

Seriously, with how things had ended in the last life he couldn't even say that was just ridiculous. With such worries in his mind about his new life and family, Naruto wished to quickly achieve his full power.

According to his calculations, he should attain his war arc level after 12 to 18 months. That would put him directly at the bottom of the mega level digimon ranking since every mega level digimon had continental fire power at the least, highest no human knew.

The highest point was unknown but the Royal Knights have been witnessed and they tore through planets with utter ease. There were even digimon bigger than the earth and the solar system.

Knowing all that data, Naruto was put into a pickle as he really would need to go higher than the past with utmost urgency. Leaving it to luck was one thing he detested from the bottom of his heart.

He got annoyed when people uttered such words.


"What are you thinking about with such a serious expression?" Rika asked after few minutes of staring at his serious looks. It was a rare expression for Naruto so she wanted to remember it.

"I was just thinking about growing stronger so we don't have to worry about dying from a sudden attack. It kind of worries me." Naruto replied as he looked at Rika who gazed at him curiously. She was a charming girl and he would love to love her but there was something stopping it.

He was afraid of building a family. His unlucky life had left Hinata a widow and his children without a father. He didn't want a repeat.

It had become a trauma that he had yet to overcome.

To make matters worse, he felt alone sometimes since he could never share his secret. None of these people really knew him and the reason why he was like this.

He wasn't a child that he would find it as a point of pride that he was adult like in his new life. If he was anything less, it was better to drown in a puddle of shame.

Only with that last step would this relationship enter a new level. He couldn't share it because of his concerns about their safety or he would have done it already.

"Really, I didn't think you would worry about such things. Everything is looking fine now and there hasn't been any big incident in a decade, oh." Rika was wondering why he would be worried when she realized mid sentence. She just never focused on it. She was goal oriented so sometimes it blinded her to the obvious until it was put in a sentence.

The last incident was 10 years ago when a mega level breached the human world along with his servants and the first action took out a huge chunk of Kyoto.

It was never pretty when a mega level entered the human world, millions died instantly.

It was an incident that was arranged by the Akatsuki of this world. Unlike the ninja world, the Akatsuki of this world were fanatics that just wanted to end the suffering of the world.

To them this life was of no use. They were living in fear of getting killed by any big digimon, what kind of life was that?

So there answer was, let us all die already and give release from the terror of living in fear.

"The security level has increased since we got new Mega Tamers but we never know what can happen. I don't want to lose anyone. It is one of my greatest fears." Naruto brushed her stray hair and gave her a gentle kiss on the nose.

He was sharing his feelings so that his partner would get to know him better. He never really shared his fears with anyone. It felt like he made them stronger by voicing them.

Rika felt happy and warm with words and touch. She got to learn more about him, things that others didn't know in the group.

"I always feel like a kid in front of you when you say such things. Why are you so mature?" Rika asked the million dollar question. No matter what memory she visited, Naruto was always the same. It was actually very weird.

"You already know the answer. It is part of my power." Naruto smiled and gathered her in his arms. He had become an expert at lying over the years and he was not proud of it.

"One more question, did you choose a harem because of us? I have known you for all my life and I have never seen you show any perverted desires. Even now you were in control." Rika asked as she lay on his chest.

It was a question that came to mind once she had settled down.

"I already said it was, so what do you mean?"

"I mean you sleeping around with others, is related to us. Am I right to assume that or am I wrong?" Rika elaborated her random thought.

Looking into those curious eyes, Naruto couldn't help but smile and acknowledge it. She wasn't wrong. Part of his reason to sleep around was related to the girls and the other half was related to Jiraiya.

In his old world other than his teaching about peace and understanding, Jiraiya had also wanted him to learn to live freely.

The man was a Casanova or in exact words, a manwhore. He slept around a lot and he had no stable lover since he loved Tsunade.

He had kids that he supported from the shadows without their knowledge. None of them knew they were his children until Naruto found them after finding the information in Jiraiya's personal book. It was all written in code so he had never noticed it before.

One of the things he asked of him was to enjoy life. Naruto ignored that promptly since he wasn't really interested in sexual acts that much.

It changed once he started doing it and he became an addict for the first few years. He couldn't go without it and ravaged Hinata continuously. His poor wife was unable to perform her shinobi duties because of him.

He managed to overcome the problem and always stayed in control. But this control actually ruined the experience and weakened it.

It was also one of the reasons why he got stuck to office work since he just wanted to busy himself. He had forgotten what pleasure meant and he didn't find desire to do it.

This had caused Hinata stress and depression as she felt inadequate. It was the reason why others had suggested getting another partner to resolve the problem for everyone involved and even Hinata was fine with it.

But Naruto was not okay with it. He didn't like anyone else so he wasn't sleeping with someone he didn't love.

With that, he got stuck to office and the sexual life died off. His connection to the house became low as the office became his house and everything.

If he was a normal human, he might have died of overwork.

Learning from his previous example, Naruto didn't make a big deal about sleeping around if it meant that the relationship with someone he preferred wouldn't go wrong.

In the case of Rika and Kari, it was even worse since they were weaker than Hinata. The moment he even got to his Sage mode level, he would need absolute control and chakra enhancement for the girls to even engage in such activities.

It would be like Superman sleeping with a normal human. His dick would literally stab them and tear them.

It was one of the reasons why super powered individuals didn't sleep around with normal humans. At least Naruto had ways to make his partner durable while others didn't have such luxury.

Naruto didn't want the girls to get depressed because they couldn't satisfy him even a little bit, to avoid that problem he gave in to his perverted desires.

"Remember what I said about my power."

"I see. We can't handle you now so it would be worse later, but how does that relate to this?" Rika was new to these things so she didn't know about relationships. She was not aware that love and affection could cool down over time because of many problems, and sex was one of those problems.

Naruto was an active person and especially after fighting his sexual desires entered their peak, but he was always forced to push them down.

It added to his frustration and stress. Others never saw it because he never allowed others to see him suffer. He was the type to carry others but refused to be carried.

"I have spoken with my grandfather, he has a similar issue. He told me that if I didn't satisfy myself, these urges will make me depressed and in return also make my partner depressed. I read further about the topic and understood that even if I am okay with it, maybe I won't be okay later. Or it would make you depressed knowing that I am not satisfied every time we do it, pushing us both away from each other.

I want to avoid such depressing situations. Happy thoughts and a happy life is what I desire. Did that answer your question?" Naruto replied honestly. He liked sex and he had been an addict at one point but he could stop himself.

He wasn't a young kid that could be led by his libido. But he was always someone that took into mind other people, so his actions were more towards that.

He didn't know if his new love would be human or digimon before falling in love with Rika and Kari but the same problem could exist with them as well. So he wanted the problem taken care off before he entered a similar depressing state that he had with Hinata.

Both were loyal to each other and lived without any intimate contact for many years. Their lives had cooled down or Hinata would have definitely tried to get him into bed or attacked him in the office.

She knew that it would make both of them disappointed by the end of the deal.

"I understand. I knew you weren't a pervert. Thanks for clearing my doubts, it felt weird without knowing the answer." Rika smiled happily as she kissed his chin and hugged him.

"I wouldn't deny being a pervert. I am definitely perverted when in private." Naruto chuckled as he kissed her neck, making her feel ticklish.