Chapter 28

Just like that five days passed as the new tamers trained with their partners and built up their bonds. In these five days, Naruto got close to all the girls and learned more about them while they got to know him better.

Even though some of them didn't love him, the bond between them grew and it wasn't hard to see that it might happen if they continued perfectly.

It was also a very pleasant experience for all of them. Naruto couldn't deny that these had tempted him a lot. He might be sinking into the ocean of pleasure at this rate and he didn't want to stop.

Without notice, Morrigan and Eve's natural affects had gotten him comfortable with such a setting.

Other than this, he had also spent time just talking and enjoying it normally with them, his friends.

As for his family, they had been preparing to fight against the Akatsuki and take revenge for their losses. But first, they needed to find the base.

Naruto took notice of it but put it on hold for later when he was ready. Asura's training went well and he matured with each day.

But, Asura wasn't the only that grew with time as Naruto's power was growing very fast. His powers had been locked by the seal every mutant got and now that it was gone, his powers quickly returning to their proper level with his training.

He had stuck at one point for years because of the seal. He wasn't knowledgeable to break it and he didn't have the powers to break it.

There were many seals in the world that were too much for even his full power but the seal on children was made by Ultimate Digimon, Taomon.

Fortunately, it was gone and now he could quickly get in shape. He just needed at least one year to get his war arc power and he would be ready to participate in the world and help Asura digivolve faster.

Getting to Champion wasn't hard for any good tamer but Ultimate wasn't easy since you needed to kill a lot of champion digimon or a dozen Ultimate digimon. That was not enough as you needed to fulfill the data requirements along with material requirements.

Fortunately, that was recorded for most digimon so the tamer just had to follow the instructions.

The Mega on the other hand was always a problem as it had extensive and difficult conditions.

Fortunately, Asura's requirement was just a lot of fights and getting recognition from Gankoomon. That was the normal manner but sometimes the emotions of the digimon could burst and resonate with the tamer to unlock the evolution.

It was a rare case but it happened.

Naruto didn't care about that one because it required luck and that was one thing he hated the most. But he was looking forward to meeting Azulongmon for the Bio-Merge program.

Azulongmon was one of the digital Sovereigns and guardian of the digital world that actually liked humans, though he was pretty much neutral.

It was the digimon that had the program for Bio-Merge that it granted chosen Tamers, meaning only few Tamers had it.

You had to pass some test for that to happen and this was a very powerful gift as it allowed the digimon and the tamer to fuse, allowing the digimon to become more powerful every time and sometimes even access a high evolution.

This was something Naruto always aimed for because it would allow him to directly get to Mega and add his power to Asura, making him surpass his Prime instantly.

With just that much, he would have enough power to contend with the Royal Knights. He wouldn't be the strongest but he would be one the strongest beings alive.

Naruto didn't forget his team as he intended to help them grow fast as well. He hadn't shared his plan but he was going to make them the youngest tamers with a Mega.

The current Youngest Tamer with a Mega was 20 years old, meaning it took them four years.

Naruto intended to finish it within three years.


Five days had passed and Naruto decided it was time for Asura's first kill. This was a necessary step that was compulsory for all tamers before they enter the digital world.

There were logical reasons behind this step and Naruto agreed. It was the same thing that was used by ninja in the old ages and abolishing this had caused many deaths because the ninja never had experience killing other people so they held back or got paralyzed when they killed.

There were obvious rare incident where they enjoyed the experience of being splashed with blood.

That was the same reason in this world.

Tamers lived with digimon and digimon weren't some mindless monsters. This point made it very difficult for many tamers to actually kill other digimon at the beginning and even led to death.

Just like there were good and bad humans, it was the same for the digimon. But even without the evil and good argument, there were borders and skirmishes going inside the digital world.

Getting into battle outside the cities was very normal so a tamer needed to be ready for such an experience.

The association helped with it and checked on the mental health of the tamer before allowing them access to the digital world.

But the tamer wasn't the only one with the problem, even the tamer's digimon needed to go through this process for their benefit.

Unlike normal digimon, Tamer's digimon would have no experience in the wild and dangerous world. They would be used to friendly digimon and this would lower their aggressiveness.

So just like the ninja in Naruto's world, these partner digimon could hold back and get killed because of that mistake.

The other problem would be that the digimon could get distracted by the data of the prey when it kills for the first time and get ambushed by another digimon.

Just like the human, the digimon partner's mental health was also checked to be sure. Some digimon could end up losing themselves to bloodlust from the excessive killing and those had to be put down sometimes or they ended up killing their partners.

Being a tamer was a dangerous job even if it was the most important and exciting job.


Naruto had arrived with the whole group and Yeong had prepared everything for them. They would be fighting some weak rookie digimon and this time it was a real digimon. The association wasn't evil and Naruto wasn't someone that made compromises on these things so the digimon were some evil things from the dark zone.

Yeong was looking fresh and very happy these days. She had become a lot closer to the group and she could confidently call them her friends.

There was an age difference but all of them were very mature so it didn't really matter.

"I want to make a final confirmation, are you sure about this? This is an irreversible step and usually takes longer than a week. Most people would take a month to be sure. Any of you could develop problems from this ordeal, my suggestion would be to slowly get used to it by combating the fake ones." Yeong stood in front of the group of enthusiastic Tamers.

Rika stood with Luna calmly, she was fully confident that this was just formality for her.

Henry was fussing over Tesla, as he was definitely worried since his digimon was of the gentle type. He would have definitely taken long but the team needed to enter to the digital world after two days. He had to take one for the team and cheer his pal.

Takato was just very much excited about the battle along with Arthur, as he was a very simple guy that divided people into evil and good. He didn't mind killing the evil digimon.

Arthur was a combat digimon with aggressive personality in battle so there was also no worry there except the guy losing his mind to blood lust. That was a common case with Guilmon and dragon types.

Naruto had everything under control so he wasn't worried. He had trained Asura perfectly and he had helped his team. They might need to take the whole day off but they wouldn't have any problems.

There were only three that could have problems, Takato, Tesla and Arthur.

Takato was confident but it was unfounded and he was not going to like what he saw.

"Yeong, thank you for your concern but we are sure. We have a very deep bond with our partners now and you already know the values, so there is no need for us to hesitate. Believe in us, we will get out fine, Right guys!" Naruto responded to her worries gently and gave a shout for the people at the back.

"Yeah!" Takato, Arthur, Tesla, Henry and Asura responded while Rika and Luna gave a silent nod.

"Yeong, we can do it. Trust in our capabilities." Rika walked forward to stand beside Naruto and also gave her piece.

They had already been authorized so they didn't need to do it but Yeong was their advisor and friend. It would be unwise to just brush her off.

She could become unmotivated and become aloof to their concerns if they acted like she was wind.

In these five days, she had proved her worth and helped all of them with information gathering. Naruto had gotten the records for different places and items he needed with her help.

"Look at Arthur, does it look like he is gonna cry because of some evil thing died. He isn't going berserk either, just look at him." Takato spoke up as he held Arthur and presented him for proof.

"Takatomon is right. We can handle this battle with ease and get back to celebrate with some cake. Yum Yum." Arthur helped his master out.

"Takatomon, really?" Rika looked at him with a judgmental gaze.

"Hey, what's wrong with that? I always wanted to be a digimon or get called like this by one. It is my dream, stop looking at me like that." Takato defended it and hugged Arthur.

Yeong couldn't help but give a short laugh at the scene. Looking at them, she felt that she might have been worrying too much.

All of them looked confident and excited.

"Thank you for caring for my opinion, I approve of it. Please enter carefully and do not let your guard down." Yeong gave a nod and walked to the computer to the side where she could activate the battle zone for the tamers.

One by one each of them disappeared to their battle arena.


Naruto and Asura appeared in a wasteland with high heat, 80 degree Celsius, and wind that carried dirt. It didn't make it less hot but made it worse

High and very low temperatures were normal for the digital world, and this was just child's play. There were regions that were completely on flames, flames that were approaching 20, 000.

All around them there was nothing, just an open wasteland with cactus and normal lizards or snakes. The digital world sometimes directly copied beings from the normal would so those animals also existed but were mostly used as feed for digimon weaker than rookie.

In this terrible place stood their target, and what a target it was.

Naruto blew a kiss at the sky. They gave him a special target. It was one of the worst rookie digimon to face, not even if you were an Ultimate Tamer was it a good idea to face this thing.

It was a Keramon.

Keramon was a devour type Digimon and it digivolved from Tsumemon. Its physique had gotten larger, and with its huge mouth, it could eat away at much more data than Tsumemon could. Because it eats away at more than 100 megabytes of data per second, the data was destroyed the instant it entered Keramon. Due to its extremely cheerful personality, it thought of its destructive actions as just part of its play.

This digimon was never alone. It moved in huge droves and was like a calamity of the Digital world. It caused destruction where ever it passed. It was followed by it champion and Ultimate form while all digimon and tamers made sure that it never achieved its Mega form because it would cause deaths on both sides in huge numbers.

The Mega form of this digimon was known as a world crisis as it could clone itself indefinitely, creating thousands of mega to overrun the world.

The mega form was stronger than Wargreymon, meaning it wasn't a weak Mega either.

Keramon was a digimon with a normal adult size head that was round in shape with large eyes and mouth.

It had two long antenna sticking out from the head and it two long skinny arks with large hands.

The part below the head was just eight tentacles with sharp claws at the end.

This digimon had never been granted to a tamer for being too dangerous and its destructive personality.

The Royal knights kept the situation in control or it could have always been a problem for everyone.


"How do you feel about this foe?" Naruto asked as he stood beside Asura. It was not their first battle without his active participation but it was their first battle where they were not going to hold back.

When it came to killing, even Naruto only had few kills on his hand and he had felt bad about those kills. He never really got used to it.

His body naturally didn't like taking it that far so he had goosebumps when he killed and he felt the urge to cry for what he had done.

That was so but Naruto managed to keep that under control and not show it to others or let it affect his battle abilities.

To him it was a reminder that he still thought of those killed as human even if they were scum.

"I am honored that I can fight such a powerful foe. I thought it was going to be a mundane task that would be over within a second." Asura had grown a lot in these days and he had developed ways to sound like a confident warrior from his experiences with people and digimon.

His fighting skills and personality had become solid.

Training with Ryu had also pumped him up and he was raring to become stronger. He was looking forward to beating up the Original Gankoomon and pretty much onboard with his crazy ideas.

"I meant about the killing. This is a real digimon and not the fake one. What do you feel about him?" Naruto asked again since Asura didn't get his point.

Asura had been sparring and spending with all kinds of digimon so this could be a hard point for him.

"I feel like I am seeing that insane clown, IT. Feel like punching that grin of his face." Asura growled as he remembered the movie, he now hated clowns.

Naruto patted his back and laughed. He loved his partner. This child had only been in life for five days but he had become one of the most important people to him.

"Go and get him warrior." Naruto pushed his back and back away

"Master, don't worry. I don't know what I will feel after this but I am sure that I won't let you down." Asura replied to Naruto's concern as he walked towards his foe.

In these five days he had learned a lot and become a powerful close combat mage. Naruto planned to teach him weapons but that was for later.

He now only head throwing weapons, bombs, smoke bombs and poison bombs along with a shield on his back.

Looking at the digimon that would fodderize Candlemon in nature, Asura smiled as he started running towards his foe while the Keramon was finally let loose.

The beast laughed hysterically at the sight and its voice was torture for the ears.