Chapter 29

Even though Asura didn't have ears, he felt the laughter affect him but it was lowered because of his anatomy.

"Are you my new friend? Are you, are you?" Keramon asked as he moved from side to side and started laughing again as he flew up and shot purple energy bullets from his mouth.

Bug Blaster (Crazy Giggle)

Asura didn't respond as he entered serious mode while fighting and with the three shots coming at him, he jumped to the side and threw five kunai at his foe.

They were made of special metal and Asura enhanced them with chakra. Just like Naruto, he could produce chakra since he was given data from Naruto.

Asura was talented at these powers and Naruto could say that he would end up activating the Six Paths Mode with time.

The moment he had started utilizing chakra, a Yin-Yang Symbol had developed on his back and his power had been boosted.

With chakra enhancing the kunai, they flew through the air like guided missiles but Keramon laughed like a happy child as he made aerial maneuvers to dodge them.

While doing that he also released lasers from his large hands to attack Asura.

Unlike Asura, the foe was just having fun. It had no concept of morality. To Keramon this was how it was supposed to act. There was no evil, just nature.

Asura blocked the attack with his shield while his flame head attacked with fire arrows. These were better than the kunai since he could guide them within a certain distance.

There were four of them and each of them came from different direction after flying around.

Keramon dived down and Asura tackled him.

"Hahahaha, you got me. It was fun." Keramon exclaimed happily as he used his tentacles to push Asura while blocking his fists with the large hands.

Asura released a fire ball straight into his face while Keramon released an energy ball. Both exploded, and Asura landed few feet away unharmed because of his armor.

"Hahaha, that hurt. That hurt, that hurt, but I am having so much fun. Are you having fun? Are you having fun?" Keramon flew towards him with burn scars on his face before turning to the side and sucking in the surrounding data to heal up and grow.

It was too fast and Asura didn't expect the move. Within 10 seconds before Asura could attack, Keramon had healed and doubled his size.

Asura created small fire lance and threw it with full force while enhancing it with fire chakra. The flames reached 600 degrees instantly and it flew like a bullet at the target.

"I don't like the burning. I don't like it, okay." Keramon released lasers at the lance before sucking in the data from it.

"You like the fire. You like the fire, don't you. Here it comes!" Keramon shook in excitement before going up in the sky and releasing fire arrows at him.

Eating up the data, he could replicate those things.

Asura frowned and realized he couldn't aim close to the mouth. Once the flames closed upon him, Asura caught all of them with his control using fire manipulation using up some of his small reserves of chakra.

The flames were combined together and Asura ate it all up to increase his flame powers. The flame head that was Asura's body flared up even further.

This location was ideal for him as it was a hot region.

Clap Clap

"Wow, so cool! How about this?!" Keramon clapped happily at Asura's actions and dived down while releasing lasers and he flew around Asura to surround him.

Asura focused on him and kicked him at the right moment while enduring the attacks with his armor.

Keramon went flying to the side from the hit while being disoriented and Asura increased his speed with chakra to follow him before giving him another kick from below.

Keramon went up while screaming in pain mixed with laughter as Asura went to his knees and jumped high using chakra as a booster while his Wax leaked through and formed a lance.

The wax lance was enhanced by chakra and Asura pierced through Keramon's head with it.

"Ah, it was fun. Let's play again." Keramon muttered while the lance shred his head to pieces.

Asura landed on the ground while Keramon turned to data.

Looking at it, Asura walked forward and extended his to get it. It was the only real way for him to grow. He needed to repeat such battles many times and eat the data of his fellow digimon or eat the data from digital equipment.

It had been an evil creature.

But now that he was out of the battle zone, Asura felt terrible. Keramon wasn't like the monsters in the movies. He had been like a little child.

There was no killer intent. He just wanted to have fun and even till the end, he looked at him like Arthur looked at him.

His gaze was so pure.

Asura was feeling terrible about this situation. He didn't like what just happened and because of it he was hesitating eating the data.

Keramon could come back if he didn't eat it.

"Master?" Asura didn't know what to do as he felt pain and he didn't understand why. He didn't know Keramon. They weren't close and he was trying to kill him. But why did it hurt.

Turning to Naruto, his flame head flickered with uncertainty.

Naruto had been watching the fight from the sidelines as it was an easy battle for Asura. Keramon was strong but it wasn't a match for any competent Tamer's digimon.

In the natural world, Candlemon wouldn't even stand a chance before getting devoured.

It would have been a challenge if there were five of them since Keramon specialized in group tactics but one on one was not a challenge.

Regardless of its power, Naruto understood why Yeong chose this digimon for him. It was like a child and it acted like a child.

In the wild there would be many digimon that would be like children and some that would have families.

They could even be your friends before the battle but circumstances could force them to fight to the death.

Life wasn't easy and sometimes it was extremely ugly.

Even he felt uncomfortable from this battle, the Keramon had zero bad intentions as he just wanted to have fun and enjoy time with Asura.

It seems he hadn't covered everything. He had been looking at the big digimon that he failed to look at these situations.

Naruto walked towards Asura and gave him a hug, "Asura, you haven't done anything wrong. This feeling is normal because you are associating Keramon with a child. You like children so it is normal for you to feel this emotion.

It will take some time but you will be able to separate them from these monsters. Keramon isn't like you or a normal baby. It is sad but this digimon only exists to destroy. He doesn't have any other reason to exist.

The source of this digimon is a virus that deletes all the files and it has been doing it since then. Many People have tried to tame this digimon but it doesn't change at all and always tries to kill the tamer and other digimon.

You don't have to feel bad for such beings. It is unfortunate, but such beings need to die or the rest of this beautiful world will fall.

Do you understand?" Naruto explained to him slowly after having returned to calm state. That digimon was disturbing but once you get to the logical point of view, you need to kill them unless you want to die.

Asura hugged Naruto while hearing the explanation and he could now understand why he felt like this, and it made sense.

He had been playing with little kids and he liked them, his mind ended up mixing Keramon with the kids because of how he acted.

He was innocent but his existence was wrong.

Some digimon was just unfortunate and their source code was just the wrong thing.

Leaving it alive would mean that it would kill others. It would kill his friends and other people, and the children.

The being didn't know it was causing harm and didn't care.

With those thoughts in mind, Asura let go of Naruto and placed his hand into the data.

Keramon's data was absorbed and Asura could feel his body becoming stronger as he became Level 10.

He had been level 1 the whole time while his opponent was not.

Asura felt really good and comfortable eating up the data. It was natural for a digimon to consume data so he felt just right.

With the level increase his size also increased slightly. He was now taller than Naruto.

When digimon leveled up, there size increased because of the increase in data so a normal Agumon could be 1 m tall while a level 100 Agumon could be 20 meters tall.

With that in mind, Asura was calculated to become around 30 to 40 meters tall. This was just natural but most digimon would compress their sizes instead of moving around with such large size at weaker levels.

Because of this reason there weren't giant rookies in most areas of the digital world, it was just better to keep the small size.

Naruto pointed his digivice at Asura and shrunk him back to the normal size. There was no point in becoming big at this time and compressing meant more power.

"I feel better now, Master. Thank you." Asura said as he turned to Naruto

"There is no need for thanks between partners and this is what I am here for. Trust in me and we will soar." Naruto replied with a happy smile as he walked to Asura and patted his back.

"Let's go, we are done here."

With that Naruto and Asura were done but the digimon partner would need some time to adjust to these new thought and emotions. It was the reason why there was a gap left between their departure time and this test.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

I decided to cover it like this because digimon are like people and you know what happens there. These aren't just monsters. They had personalities and they are friends. Monsters that look like monsters are easier to kill, though they have their own problems of being traumatizing.

Even in the canon digimon, they only end killing when its life and death while they become friendly most of the time.

There will be a lot of battles from now on and each character will get his turn.

This was just pure digimon on digimon battle but most battles would be digimon supported by trainer using his digivice.

In Naruto's case he would also be fighting beside Asura so he will have stronger foes.

Most Tamers stop engaging in direct fights once Champion digimon get involved, so the other partners won't be getting into direct battles.

They would plan, command, use cards and support skills.

I also wanted to ask something. What if there was an arc that just followed Beelzemon from the Tamer Universe not the Demon Lord and the arc ends with him fighting against Naruto.

This would be short and takes place before the X virus arc.

Talking about the X virus. That thing was done by Drasil to kill off weak digimons for some reason and he can give X evolution to any digimon. He canonically made the Royal Knights X.