Chapter 31

Moving on from Takato, there was the cold duo. Luna and Rika walked into the battlefield with calm and graceful demeanor.

The location they arrived in was open grassland, a beautiful region with nice smell, scenery and wind.

It looked like the perfect place for a picnic.

In this place they found their target.

Violet Elecmon

Elecmon (Violet) was a Mammal Digimon. It was an Elecmon that evolved into a Virus-species. Due to its indiscriminately mean and unpleasant personality, it dexterously used its tails to strike the enemy.

Elecmon (Violet) resembled a skunk-like creature with nine tails, red eyes, and long ears. It was a blue-violet color with a white underbelly and yellow markings.

This wasn't a digimon that was extremely evil like Dracmon or destructive like Keramon. It was just a little bit crooked and rarely evil.

The normal Elecmon loved playing pranks but this version took them too far and caused injuries that could be permanent and some time resulted in death.

It was a curious and intelligent creature that roamed in a gang with other digimon with similar traits. One of the digimon they followed was Etemon, an Ultimate digimon that loved fights and pranks.

Etemon could be neutral or very evil and violet Elecmon followed either of them.

It also meant they were strong enough to follow such a creature and weren't scared of getting into fights.

Nonetheless, it wasn't a challenge for Luna. Unlike the other three, Rika and Luna were pretty much cold hearted.

Yeong actually trusted this team to not have any problems while she had doubts about Asura and even some worry for Naruto. Being wise and mature didn't mean being able to handle killing of sentient creatures with intelligence.

Rika's family had this trait and was suited for being assassins, as their ancestors were assassins once upon a time.

Killing people or digimon that she deemed targets was simple for her, the only time it would be a problem was when her friends became a target.

Luna was also a combat species that specialized in dealing with small problems for the Royal Knights and the King.

It was a natural killer that had very low emotional range. It developed emotions over time but never got distracted by them except in rare cases. The only thing could cause her such problem would be if its master was injured or damaged.

Yeong had nothing to test them with since she knew the low level tests wouldn't be a problem for Rika and she couldn't just utilize a powerful digimon to create a situation where Rika had to face against a friend or family while actually believing that they were real.

That would be excessively cruel. She would be fired. She also hoped that never happened to any of them.

It was the worst situation any one could face as most of the time the tamer would have no choice but to kill their loved ones or die holding back.


Looking at the digivice, it was just Level 20. Going further, she got the data needed to take the mission. It was just a wild digimon that played around, tortured other digimon with its pranks and killed them. There was nothing really special about it. It was just a normal wild digimon that she would need to kill on a basis to help Luna grow.

It was normal for digimon to hunt each other down like normal animals did in the human world. This was true for almost all digimon, though many of them would stop once they became civilized after surviving for many years.

There was a difference between digimon in the cities and digimon in the wild. The wild digimon followed their instinct and were weaker.

The city digimon were civil and more powerful than the wild digimon in most cases.

Digimon needed data to grow stronger and killing other digimon was the best source for this data. It was the reason that peace didn't exist in the digital world as this world order was made to exist and none could stop unless they wanted to go against the natural order, King Drasil and all his forces along with all the evil species.

Digimon could eat up all kinds of data so taking from the world itself was an option but most digimon didn't have the ability to convert it into useable data unlike Keramon. It was the reason Keramon was a plague.

It ate away the world itself and could end up erasing everything. The final evolution of this digimon was a mid level Mega, not very strong but its abilities made it the worst kind of enemy.

The Royal Knights or Sakuyamon squad made sure that none of that happened. Sometimes even the Digital Sovereigns like Baihumon would hunt them down to keep the balance while fulfilling his desire for violence.

Digimon could also feed from data provided from the human world but too much was required when looking at the number of digimon that existed.

Data harvesting would cause massive problems in the human world. It was the digital era, not the old ages.

When digimon started eating up data in the human world, massive crisis took place so there were always guardians present to keep the tragedies from repeating.

Digimon also could not go instinct and were born in large numbers to always fill up space according to the program. King Drasil held data of all digimon except few like Sussanoomon and Apocalymon etc while the tamer digimon were created with the help of the Celestial Digimon like Seraphimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon, Dominimon, SlashAngemon, ClavisAngemon, Rasielmon and a Mythical Holy type called Valdurmon.

This was the reason why Tamer digimon were naturally stronger and could digivolve faster with the help of the digivice since it was an item blessed by powerful digimon.


"Luna, finish him." Rika spoke as she walked back and sat on a small boulder casually like she wasn't about to kill an intelligent being.

It was this trait that made the people in her family very scary and in a way she was a lot like the Sasuke of this new world to Naruto.

She was obsessed.

She was strong.

She was the darkness to his light.

If Sasuke had been a girl, Naruto could see that they would have ended up together. He loved Sasuke more than anyone except his family while Sasuke put him above everyone.

Sasuke barely cared about anyone else but knew everything about him. Without a word, Sasuke would see through him and act to ease his difficulties.

Naruto could never act out the dark acts that his job required of him and Sasuke took it upon his soul to take that darkness on his shoulder for him.

He had put a lot on the line for Sasuke and after the war his soul brother had done more than enough to repay that love.

There were times that Naruto had joked about it and Sasuke hadn't denied it.

Getting back to Luna, she had learned a lot in these few days and showed her excellence as a combat species. Among the whole group, she was the easiest to train since she was talented while the rest had to work really hard for the results.

Tesla needed to arrive at his next form to become a talented fighter and the same went for the rest of them.

Luna was clad in silver armor and locked on to the enemy. Utilizing the energy inside her body, Luna enhanced her body and speed while releasing an illusion utilizing pheromones.

Without any hesitation, she vanished from the place she had been standing and rushed towards the target.

Elecmon just sat down and started releasing electricity to protect his body. It wasn't his battle and Luna might his first Renamon but he wasn't ignorant.

Every humanoid species was trouble so he took a defensive stance.

This wasn't his first time meeting humans, as he had met weak tamers before and tried to trick them only to get captured.

Unlike normal Elecmon he was very violent and dangerous. His electric powers were also higher.

Just looking at Renamon and Rika, he wanted them both. He would easily evolve if he got a tamer. That was basic knowledge in the wild, eat the tamer along with his device and you will most likely evolve directly.

To him his luck was shining. Elecmon didn't know this was a controlled place so he thought it was just region in the digital world.

Seeing that the enemy was defending, Luna jumped and took out multiple shurikens that she threw at the target.

Usually a Renamon would utilize leaves but Luna was armed with real weapons that became stronger when used with her skills.

Diamond Storm

It was like a petal storm and looked really beautiful as Elecmon was affected by the illusion. He didn't trust his sight and could smell the metal.

With haste, Elecmon started rolling to the side while releasing lightning darts at Luna.

Using the grappler on her arm, Luna shot to the side while throwing a kunai charged with the skill.

Elecmon wasn't expecting that and got hit in the ass. He screamed in pain and started begging for mercy. He was someone that tortured others but he didn't have the ability to take much suffering.

Normal Renamon would play with their foes and slowly kill them but Rika had no such tastes so Luna was no nonsense fox.

The screams and such didn't disturb Rika or Luna. In her house they had training for the nerves and it was worse than this scene.

Luna ignored the words and didn't care about them as she bounced towards her enemy for a swift strike using her ghostly flames.

With the hand covered in blue flames, Luna punched Elecmon from below his chin as he was crying and sent him in the air. Following that was a swift strike by the tail as it directly pierced his neck.

Luna took out a short sword and impaled him to the ground, killing him. It was a short battle since the foe wasn't suitable for Luna and it wasn't strong enough to cause her any harm.

Without any problem, Luna took the data.

"I am done, Master. Was it satisfactory?" Luna asked as she turned around and walked towards Rika.

"It was good enough, but next time don't stop for such weaklings and kick them from the start. It took more steps because you used Diamond Storm in response to his defense, instead of going ahead with the power paw." Rika replied to her question as she got up. She had small smile on her face but she was a strict tamer, she would critique when she found a fault.

Luna nodded as she understood the point. She didn't feel down or get hurt. This was her nature and Rika's nature suited her the most.

"Understood master, I will do better next time."

"Good, let's go. We will need to help the boys since I doubt they won't be crying after this experience." Rika smirked as she spun her shades and stuck them to her shirt.

"Why would they be crying?"

"Because they are soft hearted, they will end up associating the targets with something they know."

"I see, that is an illogical choice." Luna nodded and walked behind Rika.

The battle went as expected by Yeong. She didn't give her a stronger foe since it wasn't really a battle test, but a character test.

Rika and Luna directly qualified as Adventurers while Takato was out on hold to see his mental state later.

Naruto was approved as he didn't seem to get affected by the scene while his partner returned to normal very quickly.

Finally, Henry was also put on hold because of Tesla.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment.

You know my writing style has changed over time and I now cover less in the same amount of words that would cover four different events.

Do you guys have anything to say about that?

I know you guys are following hundred other stories so you got anything to say.

I wasn't expecting to associate Rika with Sasuke but it just happened. Lol.

You know there is this ridiculous thing that makes me doubt people have actually read Naruto.

people somehow forget that every ninja knows transformation jutsu and it is not an illusion. I have seen many fanfics where people treat it as an illusion, did these people ever see Naruto.

Naruto literally transformed into a large shuriken and Sasuke threw him. Do you think a human body can spin like that?

Gamabunta couldn't hold onto the first tail because he didn't have claws, Naruto made him into the Kyuubi and then he could.

Illusion doesn't suddenly allow you to do something you couldn't.