Chapter 32

A.N. are you guys bored?


Henry and Tesla walked in to the battlefield with a calm expression on their face. Henry had wanted to carry him but Tesla declined, he didn't want to do such a thing when they were on a battlefield.

The sudden cold temperature and the snow filled with wind caused them give an involuntary shudder before the armor regulated their body temperature.

They had arrived in one of the cold regions of the Digital world. It didn't have any markings so Henry couldn't tell and it was most likely just a weak copy of the real place.

The temperature was hitting negative 70 degrees Celsius.

The ground was solid ice covered by snow that made it hard to walk and the continuous wind threw snow into their eyes.

Fortunately, they had heat vision and could utilize it to locate their target. Henry and Tesla were forced to activate their abilities in this terrain.

Yeong had really given him some dangerous place to fight but he could see why. He had forgotten to train Tesla in a place where he had such difficulties.

The digital world was random so even a region that was known for its beautiful spring like feel could end up covered by snow for no reason or because fights taking place.

Looking forward, both of them saw the opponent.

Black Gabumon

BlackGabumon was a Reptile Digimon. Its fur was made from collecting Garurumon virus type data. While a bit of a hooligan, strip it of its pelt and it became a horrifying monstrosity. Its true face was a secret. It hid the face behind the pelt as it was abomination inside.

If BlackGabumon lost its pelt and got taken over by its monstrous nature, it would become an eldritch horror.

BlackGabumon was a brown-eyed white-skinned lizard in a black pelt with white markings and black claws. A black horn protruded at the top of its head and its belly was yellow with unusual white markings.

Unlike the normal Gabumon who was nice, this was one quite evil and had habit of killing weaker beings in a cruel manner.

It tortured other digimon a lot even making them kill their partners for survival.

In these cold regions it was one of the strongest rookie digimon and a normal Gabumon would lose against it most of the time in the wild because of its ferocity.

One of its special moves was to slightly remove its mask and terrorize other beings. If someone wasn't used to disgusting things, they would be paralyzed by the sight.

The foes level was 20.


Henry was calm and he could never show weakness so that his partner could get the strength to continue from him.

His weakness reflects on to his partner.

"Tesla, are you ready?" Henry asked as he looked at his little partner.

The cute little bunny dog that barely came to his knees was armed and protected by armor. The silver and green armor protected his tiny body while he carried tiny Gatling guns on his tiny arms and bombs on his back.

The tiny guns were modeled after his future evolution but because of the small size and low capacity of Tesla, the weapon wasn't very strong.

Tesla had walked in snowy regions before when they went to visit the mountains so he wasn't completely lost.

Unlike the other partners, Tesla had spent a lot of time with Henry learning about machinery and programming.

He had grown from his weak and soft personality but he was still very shy and soft. He had become close to Suzie as well and learned how to dance.

Coming back to the battle situation, Tesla felt nervous. He was the type of student that was completely prepared for a test but would feel pressured until the test was done.

Tesla gulped while his cute adorable eyes focused on his foe. The terrain was very bad for him especially because of the armor.

The armor was using up the energy so he couldn't play around unless he wanted Henry to support him. They had promised not to interfere today and he didn't want to be the only one that relied on his partner for something easy.

Using the interface, Tesla changed his footing so he could ski walk on the snow and not sink.

"I am ready."

Henry could feel his nervousness and patted his tiny back, "Relax, it is just a weak digimon that is evil. Don't hold back and don't try to associate with him. He is your enemy, so end him quickly. Remember, he is a virus in the system."

Tesla ended up thinking more about it because of those words. Henry had miscalculated with his words and his tiny hard started beating imagining the blood and screams.

Data spilling over while his enemy died, Tesla felt sick at the thought.

Pulling up and stopping over active imagination, he roared a battle cry.

"Too victory and beyond!" Tesla roared while moving towards his enemy and the enemy started moving.

Looking towards Tesla coming at him, B.Gabumon couldn't help but laugh. He could smell the weakness from him and seeing the shape it wasn't hard to identify Terriermon.

"Haha, I guess it is my lucky day. It isn't everyday that a delicious bunny would jump to my dinner table without a hunt." He muttered looking down on him, no respect at all. This region was his playground. He could easily operate in this area.

"Oh, it's a tamer!" Gabumon became excited once his sight found Henry. He had thought it was some different digimon but the smell told him it was a human.

Just as Tesla was coming towards him with boosters, the enemy also decided to dash towards him using the ice dash ability.

The snow under him became solid while he moved extremely fast towards Tesla.

Bullet storm

Tesla locked on to his foe started shooting while moving to the side to avoid getting hit.

The enemy skated to the side while releasing blue flame balls at Tesla.

Tesla stopped the bullets and started moving towards the foe, calculating the heat he had decided to move through it.

With extra boost, his body sped towards the foe and crashed through the flames.

Gabumon was surprised but his horn was covered in flames and ready to hit him in the face while Tesla reacted properly and used his ear to hit the horn with the spiky point while the releasing a heated air blast directly to the face.

Bunny blast

Gabumon screamed in pain as he was pushed back by the hit while his were burnt and hurt by the heated air.

The damage wasn't much but the following attack did a number on him.

Bullet storm

Tesla emptied the clip into the foe from close up causing damage to build up and making him bleed, his eyes were taken out.

Terrier Tornado

Tesla hesitated and saw the enemy screaming in pain while charging up blue flames in his mouth. The hesitation caused him to get hit by the flame ball and he was sent flying.

The damage was lowered by the armor but he felt the heat and the force behind it.

Flying through the air, the enemy roared and sped up to get him with a horn attack.

'I don't like it when you get hurt. Remember that when you are in battle. To me, you are the same as family. I will forgive you for everything because I know you will never go wrong.

I trust you Tesla.' Those words flashed by his mind as he was thinking about giving up.

'For Henry!' Tesla focused on the task and let everything melt away.

Terrier Tornado

This time it was calculated and Tesla moved like a storm that directly dodged the horn attack while his sharp ears cut the enemies throat.

Tesla continued to rotate and his enemy was completely torn apart by the bladed end.

It was the most gruesome death.

Tesla landed unevenly on the ground.

"Tesla, don't look!" Henry screamed but it was too late Tesla took in the scene.

The enemy was torn apart and his inners leaking, as he was bleeding everywhere. His body was covered by the blood.

Tesla was paralyzed by the scene and lost consciousness.

Henry ran fast and caught him. He had been afraid of this happening. Tesla's battles would always end up with a lot of blood and gore, but he had been too afraid to get him used to it.

It wasn't Tesla's fault. He was just a child that was naturally kind and cute. It was his duty to get him used to it.

In the wild this digimon would follow a stronger and kind digimon, only fighting at rare moments. It was a combat species that didn't like fighting.

Picking him up, Henry carried Tesla away. He had passed the battle but his decision was postponed until the day of the departure.

He had to prove that Tesla was ready to enter the digital world for an adventure or he would not be allowed to accompany his team.

He wasn't disappointed in Tesla. He was disappointed in himself.

He felt hurt for Tesla.

He should have done better.

I should have stepped down. Naruto didn't push him but it was his choice to follow.

Maybe it was the wrong choice. Henry thought as he looked at his partner shaking in his sleep.

"Don't worry Tesla, you will be okay. It is just a bad dream, so don't let it eat you up." Henry whispered and he had not realized that Tesla had glimpsed the face causing him an extra shock.

The data was absorbed by Henry's device and fed to the unconscious Tesla.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment