Chapter 33

With the test over, the group came out of the testing room. Henry held his unconscious partner while Takato and Arthur were silent as the partners had lost their usual excitement.

"Naruto, I am sorry. I might not come along this week." Henry spoke up logically and didn't make excuses or blame anyone. He was responsible for it and he needed to apologize for his giving false hope.

Takato looked at Arthur and the death scene flashed by his mind. He wanted to say it as well but he was ashamed of uttering such weakness.

He just stayed silent as he sat down on the sofa in the room while Arthur silently sat beside him, putting his head against Takato.

Rika had expected as such but the extent of the reaction was worse. Luna didn't understand why Tesla was out when he had no injury or why Arthur was sad and down. Arthur was a highly combat oriented species, so he shouldn't have any issue.

Her thought was logical but she forgot to see that the tamer's emotion also affected the Digimon partner. It was Takato's emotions that made him feel weak, though he did feel extremely bad for going berserk.

"You guys don't have to apologize. I am doing something that isn't considered normal, so problems were expected. I apologize that I didn't stop you from going through with it. But, I don't regret my decision. I trust you guys and your partners.

This will help you grow faster, you are not like the rest and don't need months for adjustment. I won't put a weight on your shoulders and demand your attendance, so go and spend time with your partner.

I know you guys will be fine and I will always be there to help when you need me. Just remember, having such a reaction is normal and it will go away with time." Naruto took in both of the boys and gave his words on the situation. He had trust that they would pull through and if they did not in the week, there was no loss for him.

He would still go with Rika and the boys could meet up with them later.

"Is it normal to feel bad? I feel disgusted by what happened, even though he was evil and wanted to kill me." Takato asked as he hugged Arthur's head. His voice was soft and uncertain.

He really didn't want to speak about it but all of them were his friends. He needed to let them know and get their opinion, maybe it would help. He especially wanted to hear from Naruto. He was the person that made him walk confidently till now.

Yeong sat at the table as she got the results. She had watched all the battles, the result of the battle was expected but the rest was unknown before it took place.

Rika acted like she expected.

Naruto was calm like always and took out Asura's problem instantly as well. It was directly related to the fact that Candlemon were weak on the emotional scale and the personality was based on Naruto, so the reaction wasn't bad.

Takato and Arthur's reaction was expected as the boy was very pure while Arthur was a Guilmon, the digimon required more time before going into battle.

It had a tendency to go wild.

Henry was impressive but his partner was the gentle type so he was also put on hold. Now two of the team mates had to prove themselves worthy in two days or they will need to go through another test next week.

In these situation's she didn't have experience but Yeong would have tried, but Naruto handled it and she watched over them to see if her help was required.

Just like usual, she got the impression that his back was very wide and he looked like an experienced leader.

"It is normal. People out there will tell you what they would do in this or that situation, but when it comes down to it than most of them would back down.

Why do you think most people take at least a month before passing the test? It is because of the mental affect of these battles. The digimon are like human beings, they are good and bad so it is obvious that you would feel bad about killing. Do you not feel uncomfortable if someone was screaming in pain near you? You would even if you knew they were bad, it is just our nature. You will get over such feelings with time but you still need to keep them, or you might end up on the other extreme side. The only time someone doesn't feel bad is if they were trained for it or they had direct hatred involved. All of us have some training for such things except you.

Yeong, what do you suggest for solving Arthur's problem?" Naruto explained to Takato carefully and gently as this was delicate state before turning to Yeong for a solution to Arthur's berserk issue.

Yeong was into the dialogue that she was surprised when he called out.

"Oh, Arthur's issue. Guilmon is a hunter and predator, so he just needs experience and careful management to control his wild instincts.

We can arrange for a region where he can hunt little data animals. His reaction was excessive because of it being his first time." Yeong quickly collected herself and answered calmly while locking down on things that she could help with soon.

Naruto had asked then Takato would follow with it.

"See, it is not your fault. You were excited and overlooked something's, it happens and now you can fix it. Plus, I don't see a bite mark on your body. Arthur did well and you were superb." Naruto approached the duo and placed his hand on their heads.

In a way, he could have avoided all of it except for Tesla but even he had been too busy with things that he had overlooked the small details.

He had believed that Takato would have taken care of it, but the young man had looked down on instincts and killing.

"Even I had a weak stomach the first I saw it, so it is normal." Henry commented to help his friend out. Tesla needed his help but he was asleep for now, so he could focus on his best friend.

He knew that well placed comments would help Takato get out of the rut easily, he was just like that.

"You are a sissy, Takato. But, it is normal for people to have negative reaction to killing and it depends. Just be happy that you didn't laugh like a maniac, or you would have been locked up with Hisoka." Rika also helped out in her way, though she didn't forget to insult him and remind of the bad outcomes.

Takato looked at the floor as he took in those words. Naruto's hand on his head that sent energy wave helped in thinking clearly.

He had really been thinking too arrogantly, thinking that this failure meant he was nothing. His weakness meant that he was nothing.

Seriously, this was why he hated feeling negative. The mind became narrow and you thought of stupid things.

He wasn't weak or a loser. He was just participating in something exceptional with high chance of failure.

He had overlooked something's because of his arrogance and excitement.

All he needed to do was fix those problems and he would be going on the adventure with his friends. If he really failed, it would be a regret that he would never forget for life.

"Arthur, did you understand? We are not weak, we were just stupid."

Arthur looked at him and through the bond he could feel Takato's emotions rising. This made his negative mindset also leave.

He really hated the feeling of negativity. He couldn't do a thing as his heart hurt.

"We were stupid, Takatomon?"

"Yes, we should have asked for help but we just focused on training and forgot about preparing for this test. "

"Takatomon…that makes you stupid."

"Hahaha, he isn't wrong. Don't try to put it on innocent Arthur, it's all on you." Naruto couldn't help but chuckle and everyone else also joined in.

It was an infectious laughter and it helped the depressed souls get some rest.

"Thanks guys, I feel better now. But, I will need some time before we can party."

"Don't worry, as no one wants your depressed face in the party. We will postpone it to the Digital World, so just get your ass ready before I kick it." Rika replied and squeezed his left shoulder. It hurt and she did it on purpose because they were making them worry.

"I will keep that in mind, Miss Uzumaki." Takato slipped away with Arthur as Rika slipped on those words and felt her expression lighten.

She didn't intend to do anything to him, so it didn't matter that he escaped. He was probably going to some place alone with Arthur and talk about life, maybe add Juri to that conversation.

"What about you, Henry?" Naruto asked as he walked closer to his young friend and sent a wave of golden chakra through them.

He could feel that Tesla was having nightmares while Henry wasn't happy.

He still had his empath ability and his chakra possessed the power of hope and positivity like usual. It really made things like this easier to handle especially since he had taken time to improve upon it.

It now helped on helping people think clearly, removing their problematic thoughts.

"I was just thinking of talking to him and having Suzie help out. Tesla is just a child and needs emotional support to get over this traumatizing moment." Henry answered as he rubbed Tesla's head. Fortunately, he seemed to be sleeping better now.

"Tesla's reaction was so severe because he saw Black Gabumon's real face. To help Tesla, please play with him in a flower garden or such with other similar type of digimon. He may love technology, but nature is still his home." Yeong interfered as it seems Henry had really missed it. He had been focusing on the future and hadn't seen the present. Tesla in the present would prefer a natural area than artificial places.

He might not speak about to look cool and intellectual.

"Well, that's a good plan but I will bring Kari along and improve the chances. How does that sound?"

Henry was happy that it wasn't really as severe as he had expected but he also felt down from knowing that he had missed such a thing. He had also failed to consider Tesla's love for outside and had almost been thinking about taking him to the lab for a good time.

It was good that he had other people to remind of such things as he really forgot about it sometimes. He had been lost in the future since Tesla entered his life.

"Thanks, I will take my leave and see you later." Henry bid farewell to the rest and also left.

"Naruto, will you still continue?" Yeong asked for confirmation as she was unsure of his plans now that half of the team may unusable.

"We will continue and we will go together. Trust us, as we will get through it easily. We intend to go beyond everyone, so these small things cannot stop us.

Regardless, you have done an excellent job. I am really impressed with your decisions and advice. You have actually surprised me today with all this." Naruto replied before showing his appreciation of her work. She had to think up different things for everyone and actually test them, not an easy task.

"I was just doing my job." Yeong was happy at his words but she felt like it was just normal.

"You did better than others, and you didn't show the wrong emotions. You are good person and an excellent assistant. I really look forward to your assistance in the digital world." Naruto took her hand and dragged her into a hug to show his gratitude.

Yeong felt really nice in his arms, it was good for both of them.

Both of them were on friendly terms even more now since she had been assigned to them. They had met outside over the week as she joined their group outings.

Naruto had always been touchy so giving a hug was a habit and it helped train Rika to get used him showing affection to others.

He hadn't really done anything big in front of Rika or Kari.

Naruto never broke his oaths on purpose and Kari also felt better about it. If he did break it, well he was becoming a slave since Kari would really dislike him.

Tai was the most important person in her life and Naruto was his friend, breaking an oath here only meant wrong things.

Getting back, Rika did have some issues at the start. She would frown and even become very touchy with him or have a mood swing, now she didn't have a problem with seeing him hug other girls.

She just remembered that he was like that, and it didn't mean that every time.

That was true but the hug went on longer than usual.

Rika coughed.

"Naruto, please." Yeong muttered in an embarrassed tone as she had really forgotten about Rika for a moment.

She could see that her attraction for Naruto had increased to another level and his hugs were always very nice.

He was a huggable person.

"Oh, I thought you wanted more." Naruto teased playfully as he let go and walked back to Rika's side, hugging her to calm her down.

Relationships weren't easy, and everyone had to do their parts to make it work.

Seeing them like that, Yeong remembered that what she felt for a moment was a fleeting dream. She shouldn't consider such options, as it would only end up as a bad ending.

Rika's family might make her disappear.

That was a thought but then her mind reminded her that Naruto was with Kari as well, along with his four maids. It was public knowledge that had blown up across the country and the world.

People, who didn't know about Naruto, now knew about him for very different reasons than expected. He was the young man that had dared to make a harem with two girls from powerful clans that were equal to his own and to go even further, he had four maids that were stronger than him and even their digimon.

People called him insane, a lunatic.

People called him a madlad.

People called him a manwhore and a pervert for sleeping around so brazenly.

Many people were impressed and many people were jealous, and some hated him more for ruining their idols with his perverted acts.

With that many girls had started planning to become part of this group. If he was going to add this man then might as well add more, later.

People were thinking that they could make use of his perverted desires for their own benefits.

'Maybe, we can…' Yeong was starting to think that way but stopped it. She was just going on rumors as well, Naruto hadn't talked about it.

Maybe he really liked the other girls as well. The others were close to him, not some strangers.

'All of them are better than me, it's better to look at my level before looking at the stars and make a fool out of myself.'


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment.