Chapter 34

Finishing up with Yoo Sook Young who decided to meet up later as she had report things, Rika and Naruto let the room only to come across Kim Mi Jung.

Just like always she looked like a very enchanting woman that was very much his type. She wasn't a little girl but an older woman with a daughter.

Her body was mature and bursting with charm.

She had long black hair with purple eyes. She wore a beautiful formal dress that gave her a different kind of feel.

In this place, she was one of the reasons that Tamers would like to come and apply.

He had heard weird comments about her being thicc as an oatmeal and step on me, and other weird things.

The world was filled with unique and perverted people.

It also didn't help that most people working at the place were very good looking and changing appearance was an easy job, no risks and almost free.

If people didn't like their looks, they could have it changed and go about their life within a day. Now everyone was good looking and sexy, so models and such were actually very high standing people that didn't just rely on their looks.

"Mister Uzumaki, Miss Rika, it is nice to meet you. Hope everything was up to your standards." Mi Jung greeted them courteously as she walked up to them.

Standing in front of Naruto and Rika, people could clearly see that she was tall. Naruto was 1.9 Meters and she stood equal to him, making Rika look small.

Looking at her charm, Rika did feel jealous and wanted to grow up faster. It was the problem that came from having a guy that acted older and seemed to prefer older women.

He didn't say it but she had his eyes slip once in a while.

"Good morning Miss Kim, Young did an excellent job and we are extremely satisfied." Naruto smiled and shook her hand.

The woman in front of him was ambitious and career driven. She had worked extremely hard to get to her position, only to get sidelined for the head position because of Mitsuo having a better digimon.

She didn't show it but she really hated him.

She had sacrificed a lot for this but someone younger took her place. She was a professional woman but her real personality was over powering and it was the reason her husband ran away.

Even her daughter wasn't on a good terms with Mi Jung because of her work.

"That's good to hear, I will see to it that Miss Young is rewarded for her work. It may be a little personal, but I hope my daughter hasn't been a nuisance."

Mi Jung's daughter Hyo Mina was friend of Rias, and she was 15 like the rest of the group attending the same school.

"You don't have to be so formal, Miss Kim. Hyo Mina is a nice girl, she has never been a problem and Rias always enjoys her presence. You have taught her well, so please have some confidence in your daughter." Naruto knew about the problem since he had heard Hyo Mina complain about her mother.

Rias was very much attached to Naruto, so he knew all her friends since she brought them around his place when she could.

If he was a normal brother, he would have been really annoyed by her antics since she did interfere with his training and alone time.

Fortunately, she had matured and stopped doing that.

"Thank you for your kind words, I am happy that Hyo Mina has good friends."

"Miss Kim, I believe you have some work." Rika really didn't like these pleasantries that Naruto did with the older people. Why the heck couldn't they just get to the point? It wasn't about maturity, it was just her nature and she didn't like the look that Mi Jung was giving Naruto.

Or that was her mind playing games, probably not. It wouldn't be hard to imagine her seducing Naruto to get higher in life.

"My apologies for taking your time Miss Rika, I came to inform you that a company has shown interest in sponsoring you. It is a well known brand and is very rewarding, and we would definitely recommend it for any tamer.

Would you like to meet them in person or just get their proposal?" Mi Jung didn't mind Rika's words as she saw the young girl as kid. Naruto was a different case and she never made that mistake after the first time.

He was an experienced adult that she couldn't play games with. He seemed to look through her tricks, but she still enjoyed doing them.

Just like Rika thought, Mi Jung was interested in Naruto. She had been interested in him even before the news about his harem decision. He had all the qualities she liked and she could heavily benefit from it.

She came from a normal background and built up all this wealth on her own. Her Husband was rich but she didn't take anything from except use his reputation for her benefit. It was her pride.

Polygamy was normal in these times around the globe because humanity needed powerful warriors. Strong Tamers were encouraged to have many kids for that reason.

But even this had complications.

Female Tamers, mutants and New Types could never have a child with a normal human.

Strong male tamers, mutants and New Types could not have children with normal people for different reasons.

In the case of the female, the normal seed wasn't powerful enough for the process.

For the male, he was either too strong and would kill the partner or his child would end up killing his partner.

This was the same case about having sex with digimon. Female humanoid digimon were too strong for any human to have children with them. The only digimon any human could have sex would have to be a rookie, and that was highly frowned upon and disgusting.

Only New Type's could have some chance since they could reach the level of a champion digimon but even that was rare.

Male digimon would have the same problem as mutants would have with normal human women.

And even when equal partners were involved it wasn't an easy process, a battle seemed to take place before pregnancy even happened. Truly tragic for humanity, it was the reason they wanted people to get more partners and were looking for other solutions to these problems.

It was the reason why her pride didn't feel anything was wrong with becoming one of Naruto's partners. She wanted to get in there before his powers became bigger and it was the same for other women, since none of them actually knew that Naruto had absolute control of his body. To them they were under a very harsh time limit to get his child and become very important part of history, and get wealthy.

Getting back to the sponsorship, it was one of the ways that Tamers earned money. Other than killing targets with bounties, finishing missions or selling data or minerals, this was the most lucrative method.

People from clans didn't need money but majority of the people weren't in clans so they did need sponsors.

There were many talented people so the companies and brands fought over them. The association helped out so that the tamer wasn't duped into a weaker deal.

It helped tamers make a lot of money safely and increased their presence in the public. The Digi-destined mostly came from average backgrounds except Yamato, Izzy and Mimi.

Tai's family jus lived in an apartment before he became a tamer. With his adventures, he became famous and made money through many means to get to his current position.

Sponsors were one of the ways for money as he didn't join a clan or another group. Now they were extremely rich and even had many businesses under them that were handled by Izzy.


"Rika, meet up with Kari and I will join you guys soon." After a moment, Naruto turned to Rika and asked her to leave while he took care of the meeting.

He knew Rika didn't like such things so he was letting her step out and get some alone time with Hikari.

Rika thought on it for a moment and agreed. She would feel bored and might end up annoying Naruto in the process. He was very perceptive so she didn't want to take his attention.

"Okay, but don't take too long." Rika hugged him and asked him to get it over with as fast as possible. She had to get used to such things since Naruto was the leader and he would be taking care of such meetings later, and there will be more of them.

She thought of getting some practice so she didn't have to avoid them later. She just never had patience for such things even though her grandma had tried teaching her how to sit and listen during these events.

"I will, now don't forget to play nice or it will be punishment time." Naruto answered and Rika shook at the punishment word, not in a bad way.

He had placed her on his legs and spanked her for fighting against Kari on their date. It had been really embarrassing but she couldn't deny that she had enjoyed it.

He had made her into a pervert.

And he had the perverted tendency of being called Lord Seventh for some reason.

She didn't even know what that meant and just took it as his alias, as some tamers had those in these times and didn't always use their real name.

With a kiss on his lips and a smirk at Mi Jung, Rika walked away with style. She really looked beautiful and fire from every direction.

It's just that Naruto felt like he was playing with girls that were same age as his own daughter or his friend's daughter.

So there was some awkwardness that he had to sideline.

But he did enjoy his time with them as had always liked being given affection and giving affection in return.

With Rika gone, Naruto followed Mi Jung to the meeting room where she would guide him through the process personally.


Arriving in the meeting room, Naruto saw two women sitting on the other end. It was not a big room since the meeting was between few people and not a large group.

One woman had tanned skin, blond hair; blue eyes and a body that made people memorize it like their life depended on it.

It wasn't hard to see that she was mixed and it was quite common.

She wore a black official dress along with a tie and black heels.

The other woman was also a thicc and extremely attractive woman with short black hair and violet eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and a black skirt along with a black coat and heels.

Both woman were extremely attractive and made him feel like they were models. He wouldn't know since he didn't follow those things and none of the others did either.

Mi Jung introduced both parties and Naruto sat down on the opposite with Mi Jung.

The tanned woman was Yumi Ishiyama and she was the CEO of the company while the other woman was her secretary called Aiko.

There company was called Ecstasy.

Hearing the name, Naruto had the urge to turn around and walk away but that would be too rude and shortsighted of him. He decided to listen and decide later, instead of acting immature.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mister Uzumaki. I have been a huge fan of yours for a long time so this isn't just some lip service and I am really happy to meet you." Yumi turned out to be a very cheerful and friendly person while Aiko was serious like anyone had expected.

"Thank you, I appreciate your words and I would love to get in to these topics later. Could you explain your brand?" Naruto gave a friendly smile and shook her hand. He was completely professional and didn't give the feeling of a young teenager.

His eyes didn't stray nor did his body language say anything more than his words told them.

He was here for business and their bodies weren't going to change anything.

This was a point they would all agree on and Yumi was happy about it since she was really a fan. She liked martial arts and had seen him fight in tournaments.

She had joined his dojo, but sadly he rarely visited the place and she had work.

On the other Aiko was disappointed in a way, using their looks gave them another advantage in negotiations. Their company was filled with beautiful women and that made it easier to attract the male Tamers.

Mi Jung already knew what his reaction would be since he didn't even react to her and she considered herself above both the women.

Yumi stopped Aiko and decided to present it personally, as it was the reason why she was here. Usually Aiko would handle it along with some other employees and Yumi rarely came to the negotiation table for these things.

It was important for high level people to attend as it showed that they were serious and gave respect to the tamers talent.

Pride and such would only push away the tamer once their rivals Owner decides to visit and treats the tamer like a friend.

"As the name implies, it focuses on a trance-like state in which a person transcends normal consciousness. Our main product is ladies wear that makes them look strong, sexy and confident.

Every woman here is wearing our product so you can see that it looks good and is well received. Other than that we also design male clothing. Your clothing is from our rival and we can assure you that we can definitely deliver a better product.

But all this might not interest you, so we wish for you to help us with our final product. This is our recent product line and it focuses on the digimon partners.

We are producing clothing for the digimon and even armors that adhere to our design policy. All our products are of high quality and have gone through the required testing for such a claim." Yumi explained in detail but didn't talk about the history of the brand or anything like that. She didn't want to waste his time and push him away.

It would have given bad impression that she didn't care about his words and just wanted to give lip service. She already knew his character from the information provided and just went to the point.

The hologram showed her products and models, just in case for the eye candy approach.

Looking at the armor designs, he was impressed. He wasn't very talented at it so the armor that Asura wore was quite simple.

"I like it. So, what is the benefit and what is the cost?"

Hearing that Yumi was happy as they passed the first step, it was really hard to know with his calm expression what he was thinking.

But, his smile and nod gave them the answer that he did like what he saw.

"The benefits are negotiable but we will place our offers forward for you to see." Yumi replied and Aiko got out the file.

"We are willing to provide free pass to the whole team at our clothing stores. We will provide an accommodation for the team. We will fund your adventures and provide annual salaries that are negotiable. Finally, we will personally design and fund your equipment." Aiko put forward the benefits and it shocked both Naruto and Mi Jung.

Wasn't that too much?

"In return, we wish for your team to act as our brand representatives and wear our insignia. Provide priority service to us and protect the brand in an emergency.

You will need to appear for photo shoots at times but the rest of the time we will not interfere with your goals and work." Aiko continued and put forward the costs.

It seems they had taken the gamble that this team will really achieve their potential. Most people wouldn't give these benefits until the tamer at least reached the champion level and showed that he was still going strong.

Yumi came strong and attacked with full power almost instantly, trying to get a critical hit and one shot the competition.

If her gamble was true then they would have a powerful guardian in this dangerous world. They would have extremely famous people as their brand ambassadors to win against the big giants and even get access to better resources to produce new lines of products that had been stuck in the Research department.

"This is a very lucrative deal, but it is better to not to decide hastily. Please wait for other offers and if you have any questions, please put them forth at this point before any agreement is signed. Breaking a contract is a very harsh process and the legal system will punish you for it." Mi Jung spoke through the communicator so that only Naruto heard her words that were spoken by her mind and not the tongue.

This way they didn't build some bad relationship with these parties and allowed the tamer to think clearly without feeling pressure from the company.

The other side also had these so they could also communicate with each other during the meeting without them knowing.

"What about other sponsors? Can I only take yours and decline everyone else?"

"No, that would be too greedy and illogical. You can take other sponsors but they cannot have similar products. You can check the list for those brands that we can't allow." Yumi replied while Aiko sent the file to him. They had already expected such a question. He didn't seem like someone that would get lost by this much especially since he came from a rich background.

Reeling in a clan kid from the top was one of the hardest things anyone of them had to go through.

The Uzumaki clan also had products they sold under their brand so he would probably endorse those, and it was lucky they didn't produce similar products or they would be cancelled before the negotiations even started.

"I am happy with this offer…But, I will give my answer once I return from my trip next month. I will go through other offers as you expect and if I accept your offer, I will visit your company for the contract." Naruto stood up and gave his words. He wasn't going to decide this instantly and he wasn't going to decide without talking to his team.

They were young and he could do it alone, but he needed them to learn not to rely on him alone. They were a team and they needed to act like one.

"Wonderful, we will prepare a grand welcome for your group. And, if you have some time then we could have some drinks." Yumi wasn't put down by his words as they had come expecting them. Though, he had acted more mature than they had expected and their looks had done nothing.

That was a very surprising point since most people would get influenced by them.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have another commitment to fulfill." Naruto said as he took her contact and Aiko's.

He didn't mind having such powerful contacts even if they didn't agree on this deal. They could end up using his services regardless of the sponsorship.

"Thank you for your time Miss Kim. I will be seeing you later." Naruto said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It is just part of my duty and you can just call me, Mi Jung. No need to act so formal, Naruto." Mi Jung spoke calmly as she slightly scratched his hand.

He had seen such a gesture before and ignored it every time in the old world. It was a way of telling him that she was interested.

He didn't feel affection, so it wasn't love or he would have known.

He remembered the gesture from Ino, Temari, Shizune, Tenten and so many other women he had come across.

He had made sure to help his friends fix that problem since it looked their relationships were also going wrong.

It was easy to see with Ino and Temari since their partners didn't suit them when it came to the body chemistry.

Tenten had been a surprise since he thought Lee wouldn't have problem since he was romantic but it seems he had been ignoring that to spend time with Metal.

Shizune was a very big surprise since he always saw her as a big sister. It was unknown why she never settled down. He thought she would go with Kakashi but it seems their relationship didn't work out.

It was shocking to know that he was her target of affection. He had always thought that it was just familial love. He can't really tell them apart with his powers.

"Even than thanks for all of this, Mi Jung. Let's have drinks sometime." Naruto replied with a smile and left the room.

He had decided to accept girls that he was attracted to and he couldn't lie, he was attracted more to older women since he was old in reality.

He did decide it but because he had never done a thing like it, he hadn't done anything in these days. He had completely fallen into a routine with what he had.

It was a habit. He had only acted for his love and it had never been casual for him.

Even all the girls that he currently had, pursued him and offered themselves, so he still hadn't done it without being given a direct confession.

Mi Jung would be the first woman that he just acted on a hint, though it depended on their normal conversation to see where that went.

He had also unconsciously given Young a push. He could see that she was conflicted so he was intending to take her in and solve that problem.

Just as he walking out of the Association, he came across Na So Ri and she passed him a card while giving him a wink.

The card had her number and address.

She was very direct about what she wanted. He could easily tell her character. She was the type that used others for her gains.

She had been going out with someone else and used him to get a lot of luxury products, but decided to aim for Naruto once an opportunity showed.

She had confidence in her looks and style.

Honestly, she would never really have a chance with him since he didn't like such women.

She was the type that would destroy families and relationships, but that wasn't a possibility with him.

No matter what happened in the world, there would always be people with questionable morals. Naruto was still trying to see how he could fix that problem. Now, he was just not killing his life for it.