Chapter 35

While Naruto was in the meeting, Rika met up with Kari at a nearby café while giving a call to the rest about the party being cancelled.

They were supposed to party all night but that had been postponed to the digital world. It was disappointing but not something that bothered anyone much.

Just like always the two girls attracted gazes for their looks and fame. Hikari was the only one from the team that was still in the human world while the others had already left in the early morning. They had finished the test the day before and it had been easy for all of them since they had spent almost two weeks training their partners while getting guidance from experts, like Tai and Yamato.

Hikari had already passed as well, though she really didn't like killing but she understood that it had to be done.

She could always sit it out but it would be unfair on her partner and humanity. The world needed every tamer for its protection and some with such great potential sitting it out was high irresponsible.

With such thoughts in mind, Hikari had overcome her dislike for death and managed to convince Aaliyah to kill.

Aaliyah and Micah, Takeru's partner Patamon, had it even worse than Tesla since these two were naturally good natured. The only time they would destroy was when they went against dark digimon.

Regardless, she had stayed back for Naruto and decided to meet up with her team on that date.

"How did it go?" Kari asked as she sat with a cup of coffee and some pastries. She loved sweets to match her sweet personality while Rika liked sour things most to match sour personality.

Naruto got to enjoy a sweet and sour taste from Rika, best of both worlds. Though, Naruto kept sour things in moderation as he also preferred sweets.

"As you had expected, the boys broke and now they are crying in their rooms." Rika sat down and ordered some coffee and cookies.

"The real news, please." Kari knew that her friend and sister had a very sharp tongue that liked to play with people's mind. She definitely got that from her family. Those people loved to mess with people's head.

Though, she had also seen Naruto do it. He trash talked people when he was actually fighting seriously and he looked like an asshole doing it.

She really liked his usual personality except that part where he looked like he enjoyed giving pain.

Anyone that knew very closely knew that Naruto had some sadistic tendencies that came out in specific situations, mostly when he was really stressed out.

"We passed except Henry and Takato. I think Takato would be fine in two days while Tesla could be a problem. Naruto recommended you, so it depends on your abilities." Rika replied with a neutral tone. They had been hanging out more than ever and their relationship had become better, but they still needed time.

Rika didn't enjoy sharing time with Kari at all, which is what led to their fight just one day ago. All of it was instigated by her but Rika felt that she had been played like a fiddle.

This witch was hiding her manipulative personality behind a kind exterior.

Hearing that Kari was happy and Rika wasn't wrong, since she also had problems sharing so in her annoyance she had played with Rika.

It wasn't too difficult since the girl was very prideful.

Rika had been punished but Kari had also seen a stern side of him as he hadn't let her go either. He had given her a talk about not doing such things as they would have to live together with each other. It was best to avoid playing such games as it would build up hostility over time.

Kari couldn't deny that thought process and agreed to desist with such acts of terror.

Rika also learned to avoid giving into her desire to fight Kari. They were still rivals in love and battle, but the goal post had changed.

She was going to win Naruto's affection to a level higher than Kari unlike the previous one, where she was just going to be his lover.

She was just his lover now, and it didn't have the same meaning.

In these few days both girls had come to understand more about Naruto and about themselves. They had seen the ugly side of themselves and had to fight the negative feelings to accept each other, and the maids who seemed to be emotionally attached to Naruto.

"I will do my best and hopefully we will all go through together."

"Hopefully, so…have you given up yet?"

Hikari dropped her coffee and looked at Rika. Her face had been serious along with her tone but it turned out to be a joke.

Why are you such a bitch?

"You need to learn better jokes, as that was rude." Kari commented as she cleaned up her dress with the wipe and it was completely clean. Such incidents have been happening since the dawn of time and finally they got the most convenient solution.

It was well received product and people didn't have to walk around with dirty clothes until they found a change. Now they didn't need to change as the problem was cleared.

"Who said it's a joke, I was just writing fiction with my mouth again." Rika didn't know how to talk to Kari normally at this point without Naruto being there to control them.

"If at first you didn't succeed, you should have stopped trying already. You're probably too tone deaf for this. Look what you made me do, you crazy woman." Kari also ended up talking in a negative manner even though she promised to act civil. Rika's mannerism just grated on her nerves.

"Speak freely girl, this is my way of doing things. I don't hate you or anything. It will just take time for us adjust and I am not so submissive like you."

"You are just impossible. I am not submissive, as I am acting mature while you are being immature. We are supposed to be working together and you are always being rude."

"That was just normal. I suppose you haven't seen my rude side. I promise that is a lot worse. I just want us to show our true selves and get forward from there. But you insist on taking those happy drugs and hiding behind that smile."

"You are just messed up, you know that. I enjoy feeling happy, why should I look cold and unapproachable."

"Really, I thought you were on some good med to always smile like that."

"Did you think the same for Naruto?"

"Yeah, he is definitely taking weed and cocaine."

"If I promise to miss you, will you go away?" Kari knew this was going to be hard. They were just polar opposites and had pride that also collided.

"Ughh, that gave me goosebumps. Please refrain from such dangerous attacks or I might need counseling."

"Since you have trouble speaking like a normal person, I guess I will have to do everything. You could have just said that didn't know how to start a conversation. So, how was the test?" Kari collected herself and said with a smile.

"This obviously isn't working out. I think it's time for us to go our separate ways and start making other people miserable."

Kari kept on smiling while Rika felt Naruto's hand land on her shoulders, she felt him squeeze a little.

"What did I say about this?"

"Do it again, I like it when you are sarcastic."

"Nice try, I said play nice. Do you want me to do it in public?"

"I know you can't do it, so why say it."

"You are using your pretty little head for the wrong reasons. Don't antagonize Kari too much, a little bit of fun is fine but too much isn't good. Okay?" Naruto asked as he looked her in the eyes as he leaned forward from above.

"I just didn't know how to play nice, so it just happened. I will try better, and maybe learn from the dissatisfied fairy on the other side." Rika sweetened up a little because of Naruto but didn't just do a 180, just a slight change.

Tapping her head, Naruto sat down in the middle and took Kari's hand.

"You know how she is, so please understand. She isn't trying to be rude towards you. She sometimes had problems with talking normally with certain people. Just play along and it will help you increase your patience and control." Naruto once again explained this point in different words. He didn't blame them, as it was like taking both Ino and Sakura at the same time while expecting them to act civil about it.

"I will try." Kari replied as she felt better with him around and holding his hand. She wanted to kiss him but she held back because she wanted to be sure and Tai wouldn't be happy about it.

"Good, you are wonderful girl unlike a certain tsundere girl."

"I am no such thing, take that back. Hmph hmph." Rika shook her head as she denied it in a playful manner. Her approach really changed when Naruto was around compared to when it was just the two of them.

'Hopefully we can get through this stage peacefully.' Kari was happy at the moment and everything was looking better, but she had been having bad dreams so her mind was slightly pessimistic at times.

With that, Naruto spent time with the girls. Young also joined them later after the usual training and Naruto had some coffee with Mi Jung where they had a casual conversation.

It was a small interaction but it wasn't bad.

Finally, he went back home and came across his uncle Aizen. This man was responsible for most of the planning and development of the clan. He wasn't Kushina's brother but a cousin that was far removed. The man was handsome and very cold, and calculating unlike most of the clan. People thought he was adopted because of the personality being so wildly different.

It was this man that had taught him a great lesson, sometime being manipulative was the right choice.

It was this man that made him see the problems he had created by his decisions. He had made people lose faith in him and destroyed what he had built with his own hands.

He didn't like manipulating and doing the shady things, so Shikamaru and others took care of those things. By doing such a thing, he made people question his role and he made his supervisors too strong that they lost the respect for him that was supposed to exist.

Shikamaru and Sasuke had reached a point where they didn't even consider his opinions because of his decisions. He had done it. He had made himself into an office worker instead of a leader.

What did he expect would happen when others took care of these things? His unprofessional attitude with his friends even in the work place had destroyed all semblance of respect. He was someone that didn't really keep grudges and overlooked people's mistakes a lot, and people took advantage of that.

Even his friends took advantage of it.

To show the power of Konoha, Shikamaru had humiliated him in front of other people by acting without a word and restraining every Kage in the room.

He knew that many people called him a puppet and figurehead. He had wanted to be the best Hokage to ever exist but in reality he had become the worst.

The first Hokage brought general peace to a very dangerous era. Though, he also made a big mistake with the Bijuu and Madara.

The second covered for everything and improved Konoha. He made a mistake with the Uchiha, which sowed problems for the future.

Third took good care of everything and retired peacefully. Things only went wrong when he was forced out of retirement after losing his wife. He wasn't the same person anymore.

Tsunade took care of everything as best as she could and she didn't even want to be Hokage.

Kakashi didn't want to be Hokage but he disposed of all threats to Konoha and made people respect it. He utilized Naruto and Sasuke's power perfectly while also keeping Naruto out of his way and never letting him on to what was going on.

Naruto came and brought Konoha down from its pedestal to an equal ground. He stopped utilizing the resources of the village for large scale murder missions.

Under him Konoha had lost a lot of respect it used to have and Naruto's position had also fallen. He was a doormat that anyone could walkover. They just had to avoid getting caught in an evil act and that was it.

They just had to prepare a sad story for him and express their remorsefulness.

It was unfortunate but he had brought home many problems and slowed the process of his real goal of bringing peace. If he had followed what Kakashi and others had advised, he would have been closer to his goal.

His own people wouldn't have disrespected him and called him such degrading things. They wouldn't have almost revolted against him because of words from a criminal.

He learned that there are times that he needed to compromise. Equality is nice and all but he should have never made people think they were his equals, he could have just believed that in his heart.

He shouldn't have regulated too much power and he shouldn't have been to straightforward. He should have manipulated people.

People did harmful things even when they knew it was wrong. Some people didn't know what was best for them.

It was his role to cover those things and use every resource for his goals, and not bogged down by small problems that didn't need to exist.

Aizen looked like a typical villain with such beliefs but it hit home with Naruto and he had taken many lessons from him.

Naruto had given him some of the situations he had encountered in the previous world and Aizen had answered without much problem.

He had even commented that this character in the story was illogical and couldn't exist. Was he even human? How did this soldier become a leader in the first place? Just because you are a good fighter, doesn't mean you are good leader.

Let's be honest it had been uncomfortable. He had to sit there with Aizen cursing him for 5 minutes straight as he really hated it when people acted stupid.

After that Aizen forced him to read a lot of books so that he wouldn't come up with such nonsense again.

Getting back to the present time, Naruto sat down with his favorite Uncle and had a short talk with him about things.

They were still looking out for the Akatsuki and were planning to hit some criminal gang soon enough for information.

After that Aizen talked about Yurine, his daughter, and what Naruto had planned. Yurine was very close to him and they had known each other since young. She was only two years older than him and they were close enough that they bathed together even now.

To her Naruto was her prince charming and she wanted to be his bride since young. She never let that thought go and Aizen had brought it up with Minato.

Aizen didn't mind Yurine being one of his girls since he already knew about Naruto's stats and he was a very logical person. To him it was a great thing that Naruto would have a lot of children as it would make Uzumaki clan take over the world.

He had very insane aspirations.

Though, he did warn him to not make her unhappy or he will get castrated in his sleep. Naruto didn't doubt that, Aizen acted very fast and didn't hesitate.

His digimon partner was Wisemon with power over space and time, so he could attack from another city if he wanted.

One call from Yurine and his dick might be gone the next moment.

Naruto told him not to worry and that he was going to make her happy since she wasn't going to move on and he didn't like the idea of a miserable Yurine getting with another guy.

He wanted her happy.

After that small talk, Naruto left and came across Rias playing with her friends in the game room. All her friends were good looking and not all of them were from big backgrounds.

Hyo Mina was also there as they played a digimon game that was fun and allowed them to practice for their future. They would be getting one next year.

Other than Hyo Mina, there was Rei Ayanami, Reina, Suzie, Ai, Dora, Sandy and Wendy.

Rias seemed to have a powerful sense of his presence or she put a gps on her body, she noticed him and hugged him before dragging him inside to play with them and give them instructions.

Naruto adored his siblings and he had time so he played with them before spending some time with maids.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment

Naruto's new family looking exactly like his other world people is part of the plot. It is supposed to keep reminding him of his old life.