Chapter 36

The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is.

The truth is that the heroism of your childhood entertainments was not true valor. It was theatre. The grand gesture, the moment of choice, the mortal danger, the external foe, the climactic battle whose outcome resolves all--all designed to appear heroic, to excite and gratify and audience. Gentlemen, welcome to the world of reality--there is no audience. No one to applaud, to admire. No one to see you. Do you understand? Here is the truth--actual heroism receives no ovation, entertains no one. No one queues up to see it. No one is interested.

These were two things that Naruto came to realize in life. The applause and the excitement had been long lost over time. People barely cared for what he did and only saw what he did not.

He couldn't blame them. He had shown them a beautiful dream and crushed it like it was an illusion.

In the old world, he had imagined that things would get better after a climactic battle but it was just a childish wish.

He had looked at the big things in life since he started this journey and along the way he had missed the small things. He had forgotten Jiraiya's words about the small things in life becoming something too big to handle.

In this new life had seen those things and noticed the issue. Things started from a weaker point. Things started from a family, from family to society and from society to the city and from there to the country and more.

He saw the affects of a broken family, an abusive family and cheating. These things and how they were perceived shaped events.

It was how people treated each other and how that slowly built up to some other stage.

Things didn't just suddenly happen, they were built through many stages and he had never considered these problems because of the bigger issues.

Now he had seen it and he had helped whenever he saw these problems. He helped out families. He helped people get out of toxic relationships.

He gave advice to the people that were the problem. He could have destroyed them socially but he wanted to help them change.

He did these small deeds. It was his way helping out and making amends for his mistakes in the past especially with his family.

Now the world didn't need him to be a hero, there were better people than him for that task. But, he knew that it was just a matter of time.

He could never run away from this path and he didn't want to run away. He was meant to be a hero and a hero he will be.


Getting back to the current time line, two days passed by like a dream. Tesla and Takato were over their problems successfully and were ready for departure.

The whole group had enjoyed their time like usual and supported each other, improving their bonds especially in the case of the girls and digimon.

It was happy time and Naruto had enjoyed it greatly. He had met up with Mi Jung, Na So Ri and Yumi over the two days, just for some casual conversation or some shopping as they had come across each other.

Naruto hadn't gone to Na So Ri's place. He had just helped fix her personality and stopped her from taking the wrong path. She was interested in wealth and rank, but what would she do with it in the end. Her end was looking miserable with how she was walking towards that goal.

She was a shallow woman that wanted wealth and rank. She eyed Mi Jung's place like a predator and would love to get some dirt on her, so she could throw some dirt in her eyes.

She came from a normal family so it was her dream to stand high above others. She had been humiliated in her younger years and bullied by people that were jealous of her looks.

Her past had made her obsessed with authority and wealth. Her mother had always complained about money and how she wished she had married someone with a large account instead of her husband, whom she had cheated on and gotten divorced from.

Na So Ri did end up listening to him, but she still pursued him and her personality wasn't changed yet. It wasn't easy to change people even if he could connect to their hearts.

Forgetting about the messed up woman, Naruto had also talked to Young and got her thinking about it. She had confidence issues and she was unsure about it.

She had almost accepted another offer just to fight against her feelings but Naruto managed to convince her out of it.

She was just going to hurt the other guy and would feel guilty about it later.

Moving away from all the shenanigans that took place over the days, the group finally stepped through the gate and was teleported to the Digital world.

They were on the Asia side of the Royal Sector and arrived in a city that was very closely related to Japan.

This side of the territory was under Izumi and Takuya Kanbara; both had been lovers a long time ago but now were single for unknown reasons.

They had daughter named Kara.

The city was named Dawn, as it was the first city established in the Digital World and people could find their heroes in this city if they were lucky.

It was luck because they were usually moving around and having to check up on things in many sectors and the human world.

Their lives were filled with work and it would be understandable that they were stressed.

They had many reasons to be worried since the human side was still not on equal footing to the digimon side.

Takuya had been the one who had gifted the crests to the Digi-destined as he had accepted their potential.

The Ancient warriors got into touch with every powerful tamer when they achieved part of their potential, meaning Naruto's group would also meet them for sure.

Getting out of the gate, Naruto saw a blue sky above like normal and saw a metropolis extend in front of his eyes.

It looked more advanced than the human world and the major difference was the high amount of digimon in the city.

In the human world this was regulated to a few digimon compared to the actual percentage but here no digimon had to stay inside the digivice as they could move about freely without any worries.

It was the best place for them.

It felt right at home for them and it made them feel stronger.

The digimon were not the only one. Strangely, Naruto also felt the same feeling and it confirmed his thoughts about a digimon being involved in his reincarnation.

Naruto just stored that in his mind and focused on the present situation as Arthur and Takato were looking around wildly, making excited gestures and Tesla wasn't far behind them along with Aaliyah.

Asura also looked happy and he was taking in the sights but he didn't act like someone that had never gone out.

Luna just gave casual glances and made note of what she saw. She was a ninja and she needed remember things for future needs.

Rika had a smile on her face but she also controlled and the same went for Henry and Kari.

They only got out and were met by teammates and family.

Davis had gathered with the team for Kari while Yurine had come with her sister Mio for Naruto.

Behind Davis was his group that consisted of the new generation while Sora's partner followed them without being seen.

There was Yolei, the oldest in the group and the only one with a champion digimon. She was a beautiful girl with long and straight lavender hair that reached to her waist and brown eyes and wore glasses.

She was 18 years old.


Yolei was energetic and usually confident, although she could sometimes be embarrassed to admit her true feelings if they don't meet her standard for herself. She was also stubborn, cheeky and impulsive. While she was somewhat loud and bold, Yolei was very sincere and true to her feelings to the point where she was often unaware of others or how her feelings were affecting them very similar to Mimi Tachikawa. She was not only compassionate and generous, but capable of being decisive and resourceful. She had odd tendencies to suddenly become depressed without explanation, but always found the strength to come back and help her friends.

Much like Sora Takenouchi, she was a very loving person who cared deeply for her friends and family and much like Mimi, she would do anything to protect others and help out. She was true to her feelings even though she didn't want to fight, and would tell things as they were without apologizing when it came down to it.

Yolei's most notable skill was her technical prowess. She was Izzy's successor as the president of the computers club at Odaiba High School, could fix any mechanical implement, and was also proficient at sound editing.

She was also going out with Ken, whom she considered a perfect boyfriend material with his perfect stats.

Her partner was Hawkmon and Gatomon, named Ainz and Lola.

Both her partners were Champion level and she could mix them for more power. Her Gatomon was unlikely to reach the Ophanimon level from the reading she had gotten but she had no intention of listening to machine tell her what to do.


The next was Ken, who stood beside Davis with a calm expression. Ken had pale skin, dark blue hair and blue eyes.

Ken, in his core, was a sweet and kind person. He was polite and courteous towards others, and had a gentle spirit. However, he was haunted by the death of his older brother, Sam who had died saving him from a digimon attack. His guilt and his desire to make sure no one else suffered because of him caused him to be self-sacrificing and believe he didn't deserve happiness. This changed once he met the group and talked with Naruto, who helped get out of the stump and find happiness. It was the reason why he was very much attached to Naruto and wanted to make him proud. Naruto had taken the place of his older brother in his eyes.

Ken had a blunt and sassy side to him, which he only showed with people he was comfortable with like his mother and Davis. He wouldn't speak like that with Naruto because he saw him more than a friend.

But Ken also had a cold, cruel and sadistic side that showed when he got angry. He seemed to enjoy nothing more than causing pain to Digimon and making them suffer for his amusement. This part was probably because of the trauma from his brother's death.

Ken was very intelligent and athletic. He became a top-level computer programmer and soccer player, and also excelled in activities like chess and judo when he wanted it. He also knew multiple languages.

Davis saw him as a rival at school which started with soccer and then fighting skills before his attention had moved to Naruto.

Now Ken was best friends with Davis and he was going out with Yolei since few months.

His partner was Wormmon, named Jotaro.


On the other side stood Takeru, Yamato's little brother and Naruto's good friend. He was a soft looking guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

T.K. was a very cheerful and amiable person. He didn't like when others were fighting or sad, and would do anything in his power to make others happy. He was very protective of his loved ones, and took his duty as a protector of the Digital World very seriously. He was rather optimistic, and always tried to keep a smile on his face.

His partner was Patamon, named Micah.


Behind Takeru stood Iori Hida, he was a short guy with brown hair and green eyes.

Cody was the most serious, and always conducted himself with a maturity that was far beyond his years. A lot of his wisdom came from his grandfather, who had been the sole masculine figure in his life ever since his father died. In the beginning, his worldview was very black-and-white, as befitting a child, which led him to be very stubborn and to be rather hard on people. Later on, throughout his training, he realized the error of his ways and gradually softened in nature, having understood that it was utterly impossible for reality and people to be as black-and-white as he once firmly believed them to be.

Cody was very curious, though unlike the senior bearer of the trait of Knowledge, Izzy Izumi, Cody was more curious about the nature of people than the mechanics of the world. Regardless, he was just as inquisitive as his predecessor. Like the senior bearer of the trait of Reliability, Joe Kido, Cody was also honest and trustworthy. Like Joe, Cody held himself to a very high standard, and often questioned if he was as reliable as he could be and feared he might be letting the team down.

His partner was Armadillamon named Dio.


The final member of the group was Meiko Mochizuki. Meiko was a beautiful teenage girl with fair skin, long black hair, and pink eyes.

Meiko was a very shy and gentle girl, often apologizing for her social awkwardness when meeting new people. She sneezed often when she got too embarrassed, and tended to blush quite a bit too. She had less training than the others and relied on them a lot.

Even though she had a very subdued personality, her inner brave showed up at moments and she showed a completely different image.

She was a loving person and friend to all them especially Kari, who was her best friend.

She was also in love with Davis, though she never confessed because she didn't want to get her heart broken knowing that he was stuck on Kari.

She loved Kari but she also felt jealous sometimes.

Along with Hikari and Takeru, she also had high Celestial Digimon.

Her partner was Meicoomon Rookie named Misa.


Moving from Hikari's group, there was Yurine. She was a beautiful girl with a good form and athletic body that attracted the gazes.

She had short red hair and green eyes.

She was a cheerful girl with a lot of confidence. She was proactive person and very erotic. She loved working out and fighting.

She was also very smart since Aizen wouldn't let his children act stupid.

Her partner was Bulkmon named Highlander.


On her side was Mio. She was older than Yurine by one year. She was an attractive girl with a serious and smart look.

She had long black hair and lavender eyes.

She took after her father and was very calculating. Yurine hadn't been the only one after him, as Mio had been playing a game with him as well.

She had been testing out things with him, ways of presenting herself to see what reaction he had. She touched him from time to time.

Showed her body in strategic manner, like she was slowly building up to a finale and Naruto could say that it was the first time he had seen a girl do that to him.

She was really too smart and active in her approach. If Sakura had done something like this, maybe Sasuke would have really fallen.

Her partner was Exermon called Mereum.


Seeing Naruto, Yurine called out and jumped him without any hesitation since she had been gone for month for her mission.

Her partner was one of the strongest champion level digimon that was only starting to become common in the world.

"Naruto, I missed you so much. Did you miss me? Did you miss this feeling?" Yurine hugged him tightly and whispered the last part in an erotic tone. Just like her sister, she knew how to play with people.

If he had been anyone else, he would have given in long ago with how erotic most of the girls were around him.

It wasn't just the four maids, other maids and so many people where ever he went would try to attract him.

It was the desire for a better life and a happy life with security since having a normal lover meant that your life was dependent on outsiders.

"I did." Naruto answered as he hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

Hearing his response she had a huge grin on her face, Naruto always gave direct answers to her questions so it meant what she thought.

"Finally, woohoo. When are we getting married?"

"Sis, slow down. It seems we are out of the loop." Mio walked forward while Davis and the others also followed along to greet them.

The group had moved away from the gate to avoid getting in the way of others.

Mio indicated towards Rika and Hikari who were standing on his sides, looking at both of them.

"Oh, Rika, Hikari, I didn't see you guys there. So let me guess, you guys are a thing and somehow managed to make Naruto in to a harem seeker. What is your secret, mistress?" Yurine said playfully as she gave them both a kiss on the cheeks.

"She was serious and I am curious." Mio followed through and hugged Naruto as she smelled him before trying to give him a kiss on the lips.

She had always given him a peck on the cheeks or the chin or the forehead but this time she went ahead and kissed him on the lips but Naruto blocked her attempt.

"Not yet, we are still not there yet." Naruto gave her the answer she was looking for from him.

"Yet? It seems you are really considering this relationship. I thought you would never feel such emotions."

"You shouldn't assume things when I already gave my answer. It is just a matter of time."

"Hmm, I suppose it might have to do something with this part or this part. Not so sure, but I am not going to stop playing the game. It is fun, isn't it?" Mio whispered back as she touched the heart.

"Hey, hey, make some space. That's my place sis. I haven't recharged my narutonium batteries yet." Yurine bumped her to the side and stuck to him like a Koala.

She really did what she liked and he could feel the glares. Both girls had known that Yurine and Mio acted like that but had forgotten about it because of their happiness over the week.

Rika stepped forward for both of them and pulled Yurine away from Naruto.

"Come on, I wasn't finished." Yurine was just having fun teasing them, though she was curious what happened while she was gone.

It felt like something major took place for Naruto to change or he was just too good at hiding. Both were realistic since Naruto was really good at hiding things.

"He just decided to act out his evil plan once he gained his Digimon partner. That's your answer. He will take you in but don't act to familiar with him around us, we are still his first. You are not even second best." Rika answered her question in her personal style, a cold and sarcastic tone.

"Relax, no fighting… Mio lead us to a place where we can all sit down and talk." Naruto held both of their heads before hugging them together.

He was used to being intimate with them so it was very normal for him to act like this.

"Big brother Naruto, I am so happy to see you here. Would you allow me to show you around?" Ken walked forward and stood in front of him.

Seeing the little guy with shining eyes, Naruto couldn't deny him. He felt like he had a younger brother in Ken. He also felt that from Menma.

He just liked having a big family so he didn't mind adding more brothers and sisters there.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment

This is a small look in to a future arc where Naruto would finally go back home.


It had been an arduous journey into the deepest parts of the Witchelny sector with his team. It had been many years and he had turned 25 but finally he found a way to go look at his home world.

He had met Shakamon, one of the strongest digimon to exist that was just below King Drasil, and gotten a task.

Shakamon had tested him already but never really gave a straightforward answer. He was told to find Lampmon in this magic sector.

It was one of kind digimon that was based on genie from Aladdin and had the power to grant wishes. It seems that Shakamon wanted him to achieve his goal by his hands instead of relying on others.

He had grown stronger than his old prime and most of his digimon had already achieved Mega but he still hadn't been able to master space and time abilities to the level where he could find his world. He had ended up in random worlds and realized that he wasn't going to find it without some expert.

Shakamon was his only hope since King Drasil didn't want to help him at all, nor did Naruto want anything to do with that heartless being.

They had lots of problems between them and Naruto would make sure to rip him to pieces for everything that monster had done.

Moving back to topic, the journey had been harsh since the world had changed a lot and digimon had become stronger and more aggressive.

The amount of Mega digimon had skyrocketed in the last few years because of the constant battles. It was fortunate that the earth was still safe and humanity hadn't gone extinct because half the planet had vanished in the War of Worlds.

Everything was almost done at that point but luckily humanity pulled through and Naruto had played a great part in it.

Nonetheless, that was the past and Naruto was just wishing to see his world. He had been tortured and mentally broken by the monster that had brought him to this world.

He had been shown a nightmarish world. He had been told that it was just a possibility, it wasn't real. But that didn't help, he needed to see with his own eyes and finished what he had started.

He had the power. He had the skills. He had the knowledge. Naruto had confidence that he could finally save his world from evil.

He had no intention of being the leader. He will control all the leaders and make sure things went his way.

That was his conclusion. He was the hero. He was the soldier. He was the savior. He was not the King. He was not the Emperor and he didn't want to be one. He only wanted to save the world and taking care of things like leadership wasn't his thing.

He would just ensure the foundation and constant improvement.

No matter the difficulties, seeing how he was so close to his goal had him giggle like a little girl. He was so excited that he couldn't keep a smile of his face.

He was just so darn excited.

And, it made everyone happy.

Naruto was taking a rest with his partners while the rest of the team decided to scout out the area. It was a mountainous region with cold wind and snow covering the land.

His partners Alphamon, Beelzemon, Bancho-Leomon and Darkdramon had gone with the others while Asura and Diablo were sitting by his side in a smaller human size form.

The other partners were taking a rest since there had been many battles along the way. It was best to keep others on standby.

Just as he was about to take a short nap, Naruto saw two figures smash through space and leave cracks that quickly closed up.

One of figures was an unknown young woman covered in light green energy that reminded him of the Tensaigan chakra mode.

He couldn't tell the person because of the energy and armor covering them.

But he recognized the other figure. It was the blond filthy scum that worked under Ishiki.


Just like their first encounter, she looked like an arrogant bitch that was playing with her prey. He had made the mistake of not capturing her that day and she survived to make life a living hell for his people.

Naruto was tired from the battles but he stood up while Asura and Diablo looked at the intruders.


Naruto called out to his partner and he was partially covered in black and red armor with a golden large blade in his hand.

It was his digimon partner, RagnaLoardmon. It was a powerful mega but mixing with him was the best choice since it was a weapon type digimon.

He also mixed it with Asura on occasions.

He didn't need to, but he was just being careful.

The whole thing took a moment and he moved liked he teleported as he broke through space to come down like a storm upon his enemy.

One slash and he had ripped Delta in to two pieces horizontally as he didn't want to damage the brain section.

It was shocking moment for both fighters.

"Long time no see, Delta. I really wish you were dead and we didn't have to go thought this." Naruto spoke calmly as he looked at his downed foe who was taking in his appearance.

She was a cyborg so it didn't take long to click together.

His appearance might have been slightly different but anyone could still see that he was Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto, how?" Delta asked with shock clear in her eyes. To her Naruto had died five years ago along with her master.

She didn't have the same attitude in front of him. He was a monster to her. He had killed Ishiki when he was awakened, there was no way she had a chance.

Fortunately, she had other bodies and he couldn't permanent to her. That knowledge helped her relax.

"Father, is that you?"

When he heard those words, Naruto's neck snapped back at insane speeds and he almost broke his bone. Though, he wouldn't have cared.

"Hima, Hima, is that you?" Naruto couldn't control himself and took the woman into his arms.

Hearing her name called, the energy cloak dropped and the helmet opened up.

She also saw his face clearly and it was only slightly different from what she remembered. She had never forgotten her father, even if he had been gone for five years.

He was always around town and worked close, so she always so him.

Knowing that it was him, she felt relaxed and hugged him tightly. She couldn't help but cry in relief and sadness.

She had to be strong because of the situation but he was here so she could act like a little girl again.

Naruto felt happy that Hima was here but he felt alarmed by her pain and appearance. Nothing had gone right after his death and it was clear with these two.

'Diablo, hack her and get me everything.'

'Yes, boss. Let me take care of it. I will show her the Diablo.' Diablo answered with a playful tone but his words and intentions were anything but destructive. He was one of the cruelest digimon that followed Naruto.

Naruto didn't say anything. His silence was a confirmation and Diablo was happy and sad for his master.

It was rare for his master to get so cold. He was a warm person that didn't like seeing people in pain but here he didn't even say anything. It meant this was personal and Diablo went extra hard.

Naruto held Hima and kissed her head, cheeks.

"I am here, Hima. I am real and everything will be okay now. You don't have to hide anything or take anything on your shoulders, I am here for you." Naruto said gently as he flew up and before landing on a peak where he changed the place to give her peace and quiet.

He had the power to alter reality on a small scale so this wasn't anything big for him.

Diablo was right, Naruto was very angry but unlike before it was cold and calculating. He could see the delicate mental state of his little princess.

She was at a breaking point from stress and depression.

If she was like this, everyone else could be in a worse state.

'Girls, don't come back until I call you. My daughter is here.' Naruto informed the girls to keep distance as he didn't want to break his daughter. She would need to be helped through this before she could handle that reality.

Her life had been a constant downward spiral while his had fluctuations but he was living a good life.