Chapter 37

With Ken's offer, they all decided to move around since excitement filled their bodies and there were zero problems from the teleportation.

Sometime people got ill because of it, so they usually took a break.

The group easily walked with their partners as the streets were huge, big enough to allow large digimon to walk in their real forms.

Even though the population of the city was small, it was bigger than an earth city and everything was bigger in comparison.

In the City of Dawn, there was everything that a tamer would need. It wasn't like the game where you couldn't find the highest quality items in the starter village.

Many brands with enough power also had branches in these kinds of cities.

More powerful equipment could be seen being used freely in the city and the vehicles were of the highest quality that could be utilized in the wild. These were things that weren't allowed in the human world without permission.

There was news about new achievements and digimon being spotted in regions.

There was the museum that had the artifacts from the two Ancients of this territory.

There was base of the Digi-destined in the city as well. Uzumaki family and the other big groups also had a base.

There was the Association building where they could communicate with them in the human world, as the employees were not present in the Digital world except a few.

There was the huge fighting arena where large scale battles took place between Tamers, sometimes the Ancients would watch or at least their daughter would.

It was one of the famous places for battles and each year a tournament would take place where the Ancients would gather, and the winners would receive a valuable reward.

But the biggest attraction was the central tower where the Ancients lived. It was the center of the defense system connecting to the pillars at each corner of the city.

Every day people would look up at the tower to see if they could find their heroes since only the chosen people could climb the tower and meet them. It was rare for normal to meet them directly.

Dawn City was one of many cities under humanity, but the other cities were not established by the Ancients in the region. Each region only had the starting village by the ancient and the rest was done by other tamers.

It was to make sure that they weren't completely dependent and could stand on their feet.

Following that thought, human territory around Dawn city was big as Canada.

There were many resources in this territory and places that it shared with other parties.

There were many parties in the region.

Metal Empire led by Ultron.

Underground Forest ruled by Tyrant Kabuterimon.

The dragon Empire led by Megidramon.

There was the Net Ocean with its multiple Kings.

There was the Underworld with Plutomon and Helamon.

There was the Dark Area with the Demon Lords and the Vampire King. It was big as a planet and was one of the biggest and dangerous areas.

There was the Galactic Empire in space led by Galactus. He was someone stronger than the Royal Knights and travelled between sectors to consume data. He was like large version of Diaboromon and acted like a balance across the Multiverse.

There was the beast Empire led by its Beast Emperor.

There was also the Plant Kingdom, the Fire Lord, Land of the Celestials, Bagra Empire and Skypiea.

The digital world was big and complex place. There were borders and there were agreements between parties.

There were wild lands and there were civilized lands.

Not all regions were occupied because of the Royal Knights declaring them as neutral regions; the Knights lived in the center of the planet inside Yggdrasil.

Anyone could see the large tree from anywhere on the Planet, it was so big that it escaped into space and some said that this was just what they say.

It could be like the myth and it was big enough that it was grasping all of the Multiverse in its roots.

Nobody knew if that was the truth but it wouldn't be surprising.

None could reach Yggdrasil and none had ever seen him.

Going back to the borders, there were always battles with certain parties and some were mutual agreement.

The Human side had battles with the Metal Empire, Bagra Empire, sometimes the Beasts and the bugs, and the Dark Area.

They were mostly on good terms with Plant Kingdom, the Fairies, Skypiea and Beat Empire because of the Celestials and Ancients doing a good job.

The place that the team had chosen was Native Forest. It was a place close to Dawn City and it was neutral region where the Metal Empire had small skirmishes with the Human side.

It wasn't a full on battle and both sides used it as a practice ground for their young soldiers.


"Big brother, what do you think of the city?" Ken asked as they walked together throughout the city and even taking rides on digimon that were civilians of the city or even a ride on the Locomon.

These civilian digimon were friendly and intelligent that could end up attracting a tamer. Tamers would more than likely choose these intelligent and experienced digimon over wild digimon that required time.

These digimon could become like friends and it was easier with them by your side. Though, it wasn't easy to convince them.

It was like a relationship. They had tamers they liked and tamers they didn't like.

It was a hilarious scene many times and you couldn't tell it apart from Tamers trying to woo the other side into a marriage.

"I think it is very impressive, looks much better than the videos. I really like the atmosphere and seeing so many digimon is the best." Naruto answered as he walked along with a large group.

"It's not just these things. It's the fighting arena that is the best part of the city. The battles in there are crazy." Davis spoke up and gave his view about the place.

"Really, is it different from the one at home?" Takato's interest was caught and he asked while Arthur also put his ear to their side.

"Different, dude the one at home is like a children's play ground compared to this one. Here they go hardcore murder mode, no need to hold back and go full power without any worries as the arena is programmed to hold such big battles.

They literally have battles with Mega digimon, freaking Mega's. How is that for different?" Davis had calmed over the week and completely back to normal except that there was still pain about his loss and he was still hoping that Hikari would choose him.

They had also planned and prepared for the battle against Naruto. They had a month, so maybe one of them could achieve perfect champion evolution within the time and then the battle was heavy in their favor.

Takato's mouth went wide and Rika hit him on the chin to close it.

"Ow, let's go, let's go. Oh my God, I what to see the battle." Takato didn't even complain about Rika, she was just like that and he already knew her excuse.

I helped you avoid getting flies in your mouth.

His excitement was over the roof as he had never seen a live battle with such powerful digimon, which was true for everyone that lived in the human world and had not seen the tragic fall of cities with their own eyes.

It was very dangerous for Mega level to fight in the human world so they had defense systems, the reality marble where they had a time limit to finish the battle before the system couldn't take the load anymore.

The Human World Coliseum only had Champion level digimon fight and rarely any Ultimate.

"I am also in seeing it. Ken, is there any metal type Mega in a fight today?" Henry also showed interest while Tesla was sitting on his head.

It looked like he was riding his servant and that's what it felt from his cute expression. The guy was always adorable.

Looking at him Micah and Aaliyah were also doing the same.

Takeru and Hikari had to control their reactions because they found it so adorable and funny.

"There is a battle between Machinedramon and SaberLeomon in a few hours. I would recommend watching it, it is quite thrilling." Mio advised and Yurine also agreed to her words. It helped their digimon get a boost in spirit.

"I concur with Mio's comment, big brother. It will help you a lot." Yolei said with a smile and it wasn't hard to see that she was playing with him.

Big brother who was behind on things and she was older than him according to her knowledge. She was taking amusement from it.

It was good for Ken as he had someone to light up and spice his life. Without people like Davis around, he would be really boring.

"Big brother, why is your reaction to everything so calm and collected? Even I felt a lot of excitement when I arrived and Rika also shows signs of excitement. On the other hand, your reaction is quite weak. You are not really that impressed, it's just like another place to you with some new things." Iori had been quiet for some time. He had a tendency to do that and he would get lost in thought.

He liked studying people and was very good at it by now.

He had been watching everyone's reaction and could tell many things.

Everyone showed some signs of how a person would feel when arriving in a completely different world but Naruto didn't. This wasn't like visiting another country or city.

"I am excited but my reaction looks the same as always, so you must have confused it. I am sorry but you need learn a little bit more, Iori. I am just the type to make it difficult to discern my feelings from my expressions." Naruto gave a small chuckle at his words and patted the little guy. He was very mature and serious for his age.

He was obviously wrong since Naruto did do what he said, but he was also half right. Naruto had already visited a new world, the current world so he didn't have that wow feeling that the others had.

"Ignoring that random comment by our resident Einstein, this is a battle you guys can't miss. You wanna know why....It's the Millennium Group fighting today." Davis was showing a lot of excitement about it and showed, and it spread to others.

"Are you telling me that Lord Atem is here in the Asia region of this Sector? Wasn't he in the Ancient sector to help out Lord Takuya?" Takato asked as he almost shook the other boy to get the sweet information.

Atem was the leader of his group and one of the strongest Tamers alive. He was the first Tamer to become a support to the Ancients and was always busy with that task.

It was the same case for Hulk, Thor, Sentry, Wanda, Magick and Doctor Strange. Tai and Yamato along with the rest of their team were also about to join this level of support in a few years according to their comments.

The app divers were also getting there and Marcus was already very close to that level.

"Don't be delusional, dude. Why would he entertain such a thing? He doesn't participate in such public events since a decade ago. It's his team members, Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler. They were in the region and participated in a battle royal that ended with them being the only ones left. It's a golden opportunity for all of us, these guys are even stronger than Tai."

"Davis, I will inform the leader about your betrayal. Don't worry, as I will save your things from getting burned." Yolei put her hand on his shoulder and made him almost miss a step.

"Chill Davis, Yolei is just joking. Tai isn't so sensitive to take offence over that." Takeru stopped him from making excuses since there was no need. Yolei was just messing with him.

"Davis, it is your fault for falling for such obvious words. So please don't start a fight, okay." Hikari followed up so that he wouldn't say anything more.

It wouldn't have gotten heated but she liked it when everyone was talking in a civil and positive manner, the very opposite of Rika.

Naruto was also interested in this battle. Seeing a battle of this level was like a reminder of his battles at the peak of his power.

The Ruler of Egypt, Atem, was also an interesting person that he would like to meet. But for now seeing his team mates fight would be good enough for now.

There were many different digimon in the Witchelny sector and it was the place that this team occupied most of the time. They were rarely on this sector.

Kaiba's main partner was a Deep Eyes White Dragon that had been formed from the information from the Yugioh game that had been very famous in the past before the digital world opened up to the human world.

Atem's main partner was Exodia, a very powerful digimon that was touching the level of the Royal Knights.


There was an hour left before the battle so the group decided to look around more. There was also the race track where digimon race take place.

There was large aura of excitement and the current race could be seen using the VR option so that people could see everything in the race, missing nothing.

They could divide the screens and focus on people they wanted as well or just follow a single person.

For the time being the decided to visit some vital shops, medicine and equipment.

There was also the Private Hunters but Naruto didn't need them to find his target materials, as that was a journey he would go on personally.

Some people relied on other people to find them things for their digimon to evolve.

Going to the market area of the city, Naruto could see its massive size. He had never seen such a market before. He finally saw the real form of the brands in the human world, as in here they could display their full might and power.

He also saw the brand shop of Ecstasy, the Uzumaki clan, The Gentleman club and many more.

It wasn't just human brands as there were also shops run by digimon.

Mio and Yurine didn't let them stop as they took them to the biggest shop in the region. It was big as a mall and anyone could feel the aura of power from this place.

Legend Arms

Just the name was enough for any tamer to understand that they were standing in front of the best equipment shop in the world.

Legend Arms were type of digimon that came into existence after taking data from the legendary weapons throughout history.

If there was a legend on earth, you could find a digimon that represented it in the Digital world. The Legend Arms lived on an Island that was isolated and protected by Merlinmon. They were neutral type digimon that sold weapons and created them while also on the lookout for their chosen masters.

All Legend Arm digimon were weapons in their real form, so they were looking for a Master that could wield them to their best.

Many digimon that were evil wanted to make them submit but they were protected by humanity and the other good forces, putting everything in limbo.

Naruto already knew one Legend arm personally as Kushina's other partner digimon was Duramon, digimon based on Durandal.

"This is the best shop for weapons and shields. For armor and human equipment you will need to check the other brand since this one only caters for digimon and rarely takes custom orders for human beings." Mio told them before they entered and on entrance they could feel like they had entered a mystical land.

Naruto had never seen so many weapons of such power.

He was a powerful being and with just few glances he could judge most of the weapons. There were literally weapons and defense equipment that were better than his full power.

He had already known that Duramon's final form Durandamon was strong enough to cut him in half with ease but now he could see the truth with his eyes.

All the weapons in this shop were strong but known of them were on the level of Mega Level Legend Arms, but even then they were good enough for other Mega level digimon to utilize.

Duramon was sharp enough to cut Mega level digimon.

Inside the shop the group split to explore what they liked since everyone had different style and digimon.

Naruto never really used a weapon since that was just asking for mistakes to happen. But now he didn't have such arrogance and BS running inside his head.

He understood that weapons and all the other equipment gave him a boost in power, and this boost could decide victory and defeat. He just had to avoid becoming dependent on the equipment.

In this world he had learned all kinds of weapons and practiced his taijutsu to a new level. His clone style of fighting had always been a deal breaker in fights and it had given him the power to fight foes stronger than him, now he had made it reach higher levels by practicing inside his mind and using illusions since he couldn't do it in reality.

He could replicate the chakra cloak even without Kurama by his side and just needed a little more time to get it to activate.

"Why don't you get a sword?" Yurine advised as she stuck to him along with Mio. Rika didn't make any noise since they deserved time together after being away and she needed to check some other area.

Luna needed to see some war fans and spears.

"No, maybe a spear would suit you better. What do you think, Asura?" Mio asked as she bumped Asura who was walking behind Naruto.

"I am unsure. I have never used a weapon. I will leave it up to master." Asura had no info to use for this choice. He had never used a weapon in his short life.

"What did you expect? He is just like his master." Yurine said with a smile as she held his hand. She was very happy at how things were going.

Unlike Rika and Hikari, she had always thought of having him with Mio so it didn't matter to her how many Naruto had.

She was happy to be with him. He was her hero from a young age. She had a crush on him when she was just 8 years old.


It was the day a crisis took place and she had been playing outside in the park. On that day, her mother Yoruichi had died in the attack trying to save them.

When her mother had died and they were about to die from the remaining small digimon, Naruto had stood in front of them.

He had covered their eyes. He had held them and made them stand up when their bodies were paralyzed.

Using his tiny body, he had run away from the area carrying both of them using the opening that their mother had made.

It was a tragic day for everyone, not just the Uzumaki family that had lost many of their people in the battle.

Their father had always been cold but the incident had increased his hatred towards the digimon. He had lost his mother and father to them, and now he had lost his wife.

It was also one of the biggest reasons that he wanted Naruto for his daughters. Naruto proved that he was the one at a young age.

Yurine and Mio had been stuck to him from that day. To them he would always be their hero and they had seen him grow stronger and stronger.

Being the daughters of one of the strongest couple in Japan, both girls had high potential and their digimon were exceptional.


Regardless, Asura was happy at Yurine's words since he was trying to be like his master. His master was different than everyone else and told him to go higher than him.

Other masters would never compete with their partners at all.

"Asura, your opinion matters. I will give my opinion on the choice but see what attracts your attention." Naruto said while he was feeling his attention being led by something.

It was vague feeling but he could feel a call.

"Hello, would you allow me to be your guide?"

Standing in front of Naruto was one of the digimon that was managing the shop.


RaijiLudomon was based on a mechanical knight that's been colored yellow. While in its shield mode he looked like a head of a robotic hero, with the letter "D" on the left side of its face and the number 1 on its right side of its face.

RaijiLudomon was an Armor Digimon. The digivolved form of TiaLudomon, it had been further mechanized and attained the ability to fly. By sacrificing its agility, it gained durability that allowed it to withstand even an attack from a Mega level head-on. The shields attached to its shoulders and arms automatically put up an electric barrier which couldn't be seen, causing enemies to be confused as to why their attacks were not working. Not only that, it was also able to increase the area covered by its barrier in exchange for being unable to move, allowing it to protect entire regions to a certain extent.

Yurine and Mio were surprised at his presence. He was literally the boss of this store and he never guided anyone except the big tamers.

Even Naruto could feel his power, and it was a lot. Judging, he could feel that this guy would give a lot of trouble to Ryu and Jack.

"I would be honored. How may I call you? My name is Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto introduced himself since the other side wasn't some shop assistant but a powerful warrior.

"I am happy to guide you. You can call me Raijin. Can I ask, what is your preference in battle?" Raijin asked in a gentle and courteous tone.

He was like a gentleman. It was the same for his partner Durandamon but the other one was cold natured and sharp, signifying his nature as a sword that would cut down everything.

"I prefer submission and protecting my comrades while still having the power to end my enemy. I was thinking of a spear, a shield and spiked chains.

Do you have something that can satisfy my desire?" Naruto answered as he knew Raijin wasn't asking for Asura.

He had only glanced at the others.

Naruto intended to just teach close combat for now and add chains along with a battle axe later. He liked Ruri's fighting style and decided that would suit Asura.

He would have chains to subdue and floating shields to block attack while a powerful axe to cut down everything.

Raijin smiled at his answer.

"Of course, please follow me and see if my recommendation is to your liking." Raijin said as he started walking.

"I always knew you were the hero. Now you can finally get your Excalibur." Yurine spoke as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

She was extremely happy for him.

There was no way this was normal. Raijin and Durand wouldn't act for a nobody. Mio and Yurine stood there but he never addressed them.

It showed that he wasn't interested in their choices.

They didn't mind since Raijin was a Legend Arm and those guys had very high pride, the higher rank they became.

"She isn't wrong. How are you feeling, hero?" Mio took his other side and hugged his arm while the digimon followed behind them.

Highlander towered above Asura and Mereum. The bulky giant was a lot like his master and very friendly towards Asura while Mereum was the smart and calculating type.

He didn't talk much but gave advice to his new friend since Asura was the digimon of his partner's lover.

Naruto was also thinking the same thing as the girls and he had already been feeling a connection but it was vague.

"Maybe your wishes finally became true, thanks for that." Naruto followed behind and they walked deeper into the store where it seems powerful equipment were displayed.

"What do you think of these chains? What about this Shield and Spear?" Raijin stopped and pointed at the equipment that was displayed above everything else, showing that these were the best.

"Can I touch them?"

"Of course, but please be careful. They can act naughty." Raijin warned as he opened up the seals and allowed Naruto to walk closer.

'Move along your pussy ass, I ain't got time for some weakling. Your scent makes me sick. Fuck off!' That was what he got when he tried to touch the Blood red spear called Gae Bolg.

He could see that it didn't approve him because he didn't have much blood or desire for it. It was killer weapon that never missed its target and tore the foes heart out.

He moved to the shield and it didn't respond to him. It was a powerful shield called Aegis and it could block really powerful attacks without a scratch.

It was a good shield but he wasn't getting it since there was the requirement of the equipment spirit accepting you.

Moving along to the chains called Enkidu.

He felt resistance.

'You are not ready yet. Too weak!'

With that he felt a force push him back but Raijin didn't seem to be disappointed.

"Sorry about that, but it seems you can come back later and test again. For now, I will guide you to weapons suitable for your stage." Raijin said as he put the seals back on and guided them to the weaker weapons.

Naruto bought what he needed for Asura and for his personal use. He did have good weapons in his storage but now they weren't on his level anymore.

His parents were giving him gifts and told him to earn them since he was a tamer and he agreed.

Once that was over, he bid farewell to his new friend and left the place with the group. It had taken them a lot of time and they just arrived on time.


The battle that had taken the attention of all tamers in the city was about to finally start. The battle arena was huge and utilized the same concept as the reality marble.

The battle took place inside city worth of area and there was a literal city to show trainers how to fight when in such conditions.

The two tamers walked in to view with a lot of fanfare.

Kaiba was calm and didn't say anything while just giving a glance to the people who might be watching and it was enough to cause screams of joy.

He was a tall guy with handsome looks and was rocking the world with his style. He was not just some second rate tamer under Atem but also the person that took care of all the finance.

He was a prideful and ambitious person that took Atem as his rival. He had never won but he had never given up.

He was obsessed with Atem that people shipped them a lot.

He only had disdain for such people.

His relationship was pure rivalry and no, he was not a stalker.

He did everything to support the team and his leader. He didn't make him weaker, as he wanted his leader to be always strong.

On the other hand was Joey. He was also good looking guy with blond hair and blue eyes. He was the opposite and waved for the people, and gave them flying kisses.

He was Atem's left hand and the third rank in the group. He took Kaiba as his rival and the relationship was very aggressive.

Even then, they still cared deeply for each other and helped each other out. They didn't let anyone else look down on them even if they looked down on each other from time to time.

"Since I seem to have fully recovered from my life-threatening coma, I'm gonna challenge Kaiba (Brooklyn accent makes it sound like "Koiba") to a game."

"Wasn't fighting what put you in a coma in the first place?" Tristan the other friend from the group talked to him through communicator.

"Yeah, but like my dad said right before he died of alcohol poisoning: "What doesn't kill ya only makes ya stronger."

"Hey, Kaiba ("Koiba").

"My name is not "Koiba".

"Look, all I wanna to know is whether I got what it takes to beat you after all this time."

"Pfft, I'd be surprised if you have what it takes to beat Mokuba."

"I would kick your ass, white boy!" Mokuba answered to his call.

'Shut up Mokuba, is what I had like to say but Kaiba would murder me.'

"Play nice, Mokuba."

(Mokuba growls angrily)

"Quit disrespecting me, Kaiba! ("Koiba")

"My name is not "Koiba".

" Duel me! Or are you just a chicken?"

"You tell me. You're the furry."

"Hey, I already told you that I was just cosplaying. I am not a furry, damn it."

"That's what a furry would say."

"Guys, guys, Kaiba touched me. He hugged me to."

"Wheeler, we talked about this. I did not touch you."

"Sorry but it happened, and you can't do anything about it."

"Let's duel and you take that back once I am done with you." Kaiba pointed his digivice and his partner appeared in front of him.

It was Machinedramon called Tyrant.

Machinedramon was made from synthesized body parts of many Cyborg Digimon—Megadramon's helmet and right claw, MetalTyrannomon's jaw and chest circuits, two of MetalMamemon's Psycho Blasters, MetalGreymon (Vaccine)'s left claw and chest plates, and Andromon's shoulder pads.

In return, Joey's partner also appeared.

SaberLeomon called Simba.

It was a Leomon who was changed into the shape of a beast. With its speed, it could easily dodge attacks, no matter how fast they were. Its two over-developed fangs and sharp claws possessed tremendous destructive power, and it was called the ultimate Digimon

"Don't go easy on me, Kaiba. Just 'cause I was in a coma and probably suffered extensive brain damage, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna give it my all."

"Trust me, Wheeler. Even if you did have brain damage, I'm sure none of us would treat you any differently."

"Good. Wait, what?"

"Joey and Kaiba's mutual hatred of each other is making this Duel hard to watch." Takato muttered as he sat in the VIP lounge with the group.

"Don't worry, they are just playing. This is their way of having fun." Rika replied to his worries and she really enjoyed watching it.

"No, I don't think I am doing that." Naruto replied to her unasked question and she pouted.

"I summon Simba in Attack mode, ya sonofabitch!"

"I activate Giga Destroyer, you assclown!" With Tyrant shot rockets from his chest but Simba easily dodged them with his expert speed before roaring at Tyrant.

The rockets hit the buildings nearby and exploded, destroying miles of lands and erasing everything as the missiles packed some power.

Simba's sound attack wasn't child's play either since it did hit Tyrant but caused most damage to the surrounding destroying miles of land, turning miles of land in to a mess and they weren't even serious.

"Rich boy!"



"Idiot with blond hair!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you a slightly larger amount!"

"Feel better now or are you guys gonna fuck next." Tristan asked as they looked much better. They had been stressed out by the missions and on those days they ended up doing this to help them chill.

"Yeah, I feel better." Joey cleared away the sweat and smiled as he looked up the sky filled with smoke from the destruction around them.

"Joey, you are the enemy and I am the defender." Kaiba also much better after that play and who would have thought he would use it as stress relief. These episodes used to be real at the start of their journey.

They really hated each other.

Joey looked at Tyrant and Kaiba before looking at his partner, Simba. This wasn't his first partner but he was still close to him.

It went the same for Kaiba as their strongest partners were taking a rest.

"Fine, I am ready." Joey said and he didn't take his pride get in the way. He really wasn't suited for the defender role against Kaiba as the guy was stronger than him.

Defender meant holding back and stopping the enemy from damaging the world around them. This was for the tamers, they needed to know how to handle such things or they would only make the mess worse.

In the initial battles, the tamers had made same level of mess as the enemy. They had innocent blood on their hands.

"Fix the place for us, we are starting." Kaiba commanded and the world around them returned to normal.

People enjoyed the starting of the battle with these guys as their trash talk was one of the reasons people remembered them.

It didn't look false at all and people thought they would murder each other.

Joey couldn't use cards anymore since he was the enemy and decided to Bio-Merge.

With that he fused with his partner and increased his powers by being directly connected to him.

The form shifted and Simba became humanoid while a huge blade appeared in his hands. It was bigger than Simba's body and looked menacing as it vibrated.

Simba had power over sound and could utilize vibrations.

Kaiba didn't bio-merge since not everyone had that option. He was going to play like a real normal tamer in this game and his task was to take down the enemy while protecting town.

Putting his hand to the side, Kaiba drew out his digital card.


Swiping the card, Tyrant's energy core shone with light as it launched a drone in to the sky that trapped both of them in a barrier.

Simba watching this roared and this time it was real thing.


The air vibrated with intensity and even the land shook. Everything inside the barrier was turned to dust while the barrier held, though it shook.

Simba dragged the blade as he dashed towards Tyrant.

In the speed department, normal Tyrant was very slow compared to his foe but he could react to everything with his eyes and senses.

Wings of Light

Tyrant got wings on his back that were huge and took flight while locking on to Simba, and releasing lasers from his hands.

Simba zigzagged with extreme speed before tearing through the air with his massive blade, releasing a colorless energy blast.

Shield of the Just

Kaiba could have allowed him to dodge but it would break the barrier so he used another card to block the attack.

Using energy from the core, Tyrant formed an energy shield that blocked the attack and sent him crashing in to the barrier.

The canons on his back took aim and shot a concentrated blast before Simba could continue his assault.

Simba kicked the air and pushed to the side before pushing again and spinning with his blade.

Infinity arrow

Simba's fur hardened up and his speed increased as he crashed in to Tyrant.

Sword against metal claws, Simba roared as he bit into Tyrant's neck with his twin fangs that started drilling.

Dragon fire

Tyrant released a bout of flames that were hot as the surface of the sun and used his tail to coil around Simba's leg.

Simba pushed against Tyrant but the machine dragon followed and they crashed into the ground.

Simba was pierced by the metal claws while Tyrant was blasted away by the Supreme Beast King Fist.

It was strong enough to crack his body and leaving him slightly paralyzed before Simba quickly stood up.

All these moves took place within a second as they were moving extremely fast. None of the real digimon battles took too long unless the opponents were equally matched and could continue healing.

Otherwise, most battles ended in few minutes as the whole battle was speed and insanity.

Tyrant and Simba glared at each other while everything inside the barrier was gone. It was completely clear battle field and was tiny for these monsters.

It was destroyed but this was a win for the defender since the barrier covered just 5 miles, so it was just miles instead of a city that was destroyed.

Simba shook his head and looked at Tyrant before he started punching the empty air.

Supreme Beast King Barrage

Kaiba had known it was coming and Tyrant unleashed his Giga Cannons with full force this time as they erased Simba's attack to crash into the foe.

Simba had disappeared from sight and crashed in to the barrier like truck against the future hero.


He crashed though instantly and smiled like villain as he stomped on the ground.

The whole city shook.

Symphony of the Weak

Kaiba quickly acted and slashed with haste.

A tune played and cancelled the attack.

The weak one was the land in this equation.

Tyrant used his Giga cannon's likes boosters and crashed into Simba from above while the affect was still on.

Simba blocked with his arm but it broke under the pressure and he was pushed down while the dragon bit his neck.

The cannons shifted again.

Giga Cannon

Dragon fire

Tyrant used both attacks from point blank while making his attacks controlled.

The whole area around them melted and a huge hole was made in to the ground that went towards the center of the planet.

Half of Simba was gone with that attack and he managed to slip away.

Cyclone kick

Energy rolled around his leg and he kicked Tyrant in the head but couldn't continue from that attack anymore.

Tyrant lost his head but he was a machine and only destroying his core could stop him.

With that the battle ended, many people were happy to see it but many wanted to see a no holds barred battle.

Even then, it was a great battle for most and they enjoyed it. They learned from it and were reminded again why they needed to be quick.

Why they needed to be there to support their partner?

The world was such a delicate place and one mistake could have ended the whole city instantly. Simba had just casual stomped the ground and if it hadn't been stopped, the whole city would have turned to dust.

Both digimon were in the moon level territory.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

How is it going? Any complaint?

Things here connect to things later.

Naruto will meet all the powerful tamers in the X Virus arc.

Digimon are that strong but the anime downplays them. They are like DBZ but none of them ever get that level of battle because it would become tragic since many battles took around people.

There are Mega digimon big as the moon and planet. The royal Knights are stronger than those digimon so it put thems directly in the planet range of power.

There are even stronger digimon who hit Universe level with what they can do. It's just that most digimon don't show up in the show or when they do, they are nerfed.