Chapter 38

Once the battle ended, everyone was lost in thought about what they had seen. They were trying to see if they could have done the same or better in that position.

The cards that Kaiba used were higher quality but even they had lower versions of them. Kaiba didn't use any rare cards, he utilized the common cards that other tamers could buy or make.

Rare cards had very powerful abilities and cost a lot of data or rare materials. The currency of the digital world was data, paper money was worthless.

Seeing the battle, Naruto was reminded of his battle against Delta. He had been forced to fight in a defensive manner and couldn't use most of his powerful attacks because he was just outside of Konoha and his children were on the field.

Battles like these were really difficult and one mistake could make you the killer instead of the enemies.

It was this reason that Naruto developed several techniques to avoid such a problem. He really must have hit his head on all the branches of the stupid tree, because he didn't have a single technique for these cases in the previous world.

There were days when he continued to hit his head against the wall.

Why was I so stupid?

How can I be so stupid?

"We are still too far from such battles. Just be on the lookout and have this on the back of your mind so when it does come, you are ready. For now, don't worry about it. Just focus on what you could learn from the battle and how fun it looked." Naruto spoke up as it wasn't the time for these kids to get lost in these thoughts.

They wouldn't find the answers now, just more problems. The answers required time, experience and power that all of them lacked.

"Will practicing such battles help when we reach the next stage?" Iori asked as he understood that Rookie digimon wouldn't have a place on the battlefield.

Any single attack would wipe them out without a chance of survival.

"It is recommended to start having this practice once a month at least once you get to the champion level. The digimon becomes strong enough to destroy city blocks and more, so you will need to start learning control and responsibility.

The Association would have informed you and Tai would have taught you personally." Mio answered his question and Naruto agreed with her answer.

It was the best method and it didn't matter that anyone below 18 wasn't allowed in battle unless specifically ordered, because that situation could arise without your control.

"Let's worry about it when we get there, since none us is doing any damage with our current level. You are also scaring poor Meiko with these talks." Rika said as she played with Naruto's hand.

Meiko was suddenly put on the spot light and shook her head. The poor girl didn't like being in such a position but Rika pushed her in to it.

"No, no, I am okay."

"It's okay Meiko. We are here for you." Davis said as he held her hand and a smile to ease her worries.

Anyone could be reminded of traumatic memories or videos thinking about these things. It was the worst part of their job and the most dangerous.

They had to out their lines on the line to save the people and the world while having to hold back and take the attacks.

Most people wouldn't be able to survive such encounters. They could get traumatized by these battles because they might have to dodge or die, but their dodge ended up getting civilians killed.

There were many cases of situation like these and it was the reason that Celestials had Therapy session with the Tamers to help them out.

The fairies also helped out in these cases.

It was a good thing for humanity but the other side also found out how thirsty humanity could get. They thirsted over Angemon, Angewomon and others, especially Seraphimon and Ophanimon.

Humanity was so thirsty that they might need to call flood management and fix the water supply.

The other side didn't feel any of the desired emotions, so it was a waste of time. Most digimon didn't have the concept of love and lust.

Most digimon didn't even have reproductive organs. They didn't breed. They were just born from data.

Most digimon looked same in both genders so only through talking to them or the digivice would one realize the gender.

There was a small percentage where the appearance directly specified the gender.

Some digimon never had a female version but after coming in contact with humanity, those digimon evolved in to female versions.

Leomon had a female version.

WereGarurumon had a female version.

Ogremon had a female version.

Wargreymon had a female version. Kai wasn't the only master of a Wargreymon, his was just the strongest.

Many changes took place to the digital world because of humanity, just like many changes happened to the human world because of digimon.

More humanoid digimon appeared because of human kind. Usually humanoid digimon were extremely rare.

Jack's MetalGarurumon form was never a beast form, it was humanoid because he liked being humanoid.

After years he learned to side evolve in to his beast form when he felt like playing around. The humanoid form was stronger and kept him close to Wargreymon's level.

Getting back to the scene, Meiko liked that Davis was holding her hand and directing his attention at her. But she didn't know what to do and how to go forward from there.

Looking at Hikari from the corner of her eye and holding her partner Misa, she got some confidence to speak to him.

"Thank you, Davis. I will call on you when I need your presence." She controlled her voice so that it didn't break. She was nervous and very shy, talking so directly to him. She had just said something very bold in her eyes.

"Of course, I will always have time for a friend." Davis didn't see Hikari shake her head or Rika roll her eyes.

This guy was too dense and single minded that he needed people to slap the hints on his face.

With that the group talked about the battle and how awesome it looked in slow motion. They studied every move and the impact on the surroundings.

They discussed different tactics to handle both threats.

Young also participated in the talk appearing as a hologram. She had been following them as a black ball floating around Naruto.

She could see everything thought it and provide assistance. They didn't have to visit the Digimon Association and could directly get in contact through Young.

Her partner Apemon called Goku was also stored in the blackball and could be summoned to help them out.

But Naruto allowed her to summon it to spend time with them since he felt sad for the guy to be stuck alone.

Young was close to him, so Naruto had designed methods for her partner and he had improved from that day.

Goku was an excited monkey that liked to play tricks and fight. The next form would be Gokuwamon but Goku had been stuck in place for five years now.

Young was 23 years old.

Na So Ri was 24 Years old and her partner was also a Champion Digimon called RaptorSparrowmon. Her digimon was of the top Champion types and the thing was, it had no other evolution.

Na So Ri would have to create her own path for her partner to get a new evolution but her personality wasn't the hard working type, meaning her partner was stuck as the natural end.

She had another champion digimon on the side called Starmon.

MI Jung had multiple digimon but her main partners were Arukenimon and Kyukimon. Both her main partners were ultimate but she had been stuck there with no success.

This caused her to feel extremely jealous of Mitsuo who had one of the top ranked Mega Level Digimon.


The group spent some time together before splitting up. Naruto and his team finally left the city towards their target.

They used the flying armored vehicle that was given to Naruto by the clan. Henry and Rika also had their own.

It was fast and it was safe.

It had invisibility and other functions to keep them from danger.

The target was Native Forest. It was a forest as big as the Amazon, which wasn't unique in the digital world since everything was huge.

It was one of the weak and neutral regions close to Dawn City.

It was a place filled with insect type digimon and on a lesser scale it had plant and beast type digimon, and rarely ghost types.

The strongest digimon in the forest were Champion level digimon and it was kept that way by the human forces and other forces since this was a region for training the new guys.

The Native forest was also shared territory by the Human side with the Metal Empire, where they fought each other following certain rules.

No being above champion was allowed to interfere.

They will not take revenge or hunt down each other for whatever took place in the region. It was one of the places where new Tamers got their first taste of real battles against powerful digimon, wild and civilized.

Naruto had chosen the place because of the battles in this place were the best for their growth. Davis had chosen the Dark Forest, it was a place filled with dark type digimon. It was taking into account Patamon and Salamon since both those digimon were very weak against other type of digimon at this low stage.


The forest was 500 miles from Dawn City but it only took them few minutes to arrive. They landed outside the forest, which was huge grassland with mountain ranges and all.

Walking out of the vehicle in their equipment, Naruto stored away the vehicle in his digivice.

All of them stopped to admire the place from outside and to take in the feel. It was their first time in a wild region and they were going to meet digimon that would most likely try to kill them.

"Guys, guys, guys, we are here. We are finally here." Takato couldn't hold himself. His excitement was bursting through him and infecting the others.

"Okay, you know the deal. Don't act irresponsible and act professional. These digimon will be stronger than the ones from the test and we will have to fight many of them at the same time.

There are champion digimon in the region so we also have to be careful of them. We have to be especially careful about the D-Brigade. Keep your guard up or they will shoot us down." After sharing the excitement, Naruto reminded everyone about the situation so that they could keep it mind and not let the happiness get them killed.

The main threats in this region were the Champion digimon and the D-Brigade.


The D-Brigade was a mechanized brigade consisting of Dragon-type Cyborg Digimon, and was a special force that was dispatched on missions that were never made public. Its main infantry was composed of Commandramon, but those who pass the "Selection-D" test, the top 1%, were selected to become the Sealsdramon used for assassinating "Targets". Above that was Tankdramon, who specialized in group "Target" extermination, were used for riot-suppression and assault-extermination that could be city wide or even country level. It was a digimon that could shoot nukes.

There was Assaultmon, who was used as cavalry as it was a cyborg Centaur digimon equipped with powerful weaponry.

Finally there was Cannondramon, who was used for shooting down aerial targets, competing with other Mega and annihilating large areas with its laser cannons.


"I understand, isn't that right Arthur." Takato muttered as he bumped his partner standing on his side fully armed.

"Yes, yes, Takatomon is right. We are ready." Just like his partner, Arthur was ready to start hunting. He had in this state since the Mega battle.

It was the rivalry against others, especially dragon types.

"We are ready." Henry nodded as he put his hand on Tesla standing in front of him. His size had changed once he leveled up and unlike the others Henry didn't keep it compressed in battle since the real size was not ideal.

Now Tesla came to his hips and not his knees.

He had gotten over the trauma with the help of Hikari, Naruto, Suzie, Henry and the natural environment where he could play with the fairies and other cute digimon.

Living in that atmosphere for two days had invigorated his spirit and he was willing to kill so that the sanctuary wouldn't disappear.

He understood what he stood to lose.

Rika and Luna just gave a nod.

With that, Naruto charged forward with Asura by his side while the others followed behind him. Young followed along with their adventure and helped them with the sonar system to know if there were any threats around them.

Native forest covered a large area of land and the trees inside the forest were huge, they reminded him of the Forest of Death and other special places.

They were 100 meter and above. Size wasn't all that came to mind, as these trees were harder than steel and could be utilized for strong equipment.

The natural world around them being strong was very normal or it would disappear after few battles with the digimon living inside the land.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment