Chapter 39

"Digimon detected, they are watching you." Young sat in a room inside the Digimon Association for where she could watch, communicate and help the team.

She was alone in the room and it was part of Naruto team's gift from the Association. This was the first time she was in this role, so she was absolutely focused and slightly nervous.

They all trusted her but she still felt nervous and hoped that nothing went wrong.

"Noted" Naruto replied as he walked with his team. He could sense the creatures watching them.

There were creatures in the trees, near and far from their location.

Even for him, there was some excitement. It had been a long time since he fought a real battle. This was the region they were going to explore for three weeks and some days.

Everyone got the message and was cautious.

There was flutter of wings and they saw Biyomon fly away from the area.

It was a peaceful type creature so it didn't attack them but left, because it sensed trouble.

Just then, seed bullets came at the group and Asura blocked them with his shield.

It was a group of Pomumon, three of them.

Pomumon was a Plant Digimon. Although it looked like a Bird-type, it was a Plant Digimon whose body was packed with juice of a high sugar content like that of a fruit. For that reason, it had many natural predators such as Bird-type and Insect-type Digimon.

It was a surprising attack since these guys were timid and would run away normally.

The only conclusion was that they were being controlled by someone.

Luna followed up on Asura, as she appeared behind them and stabbed their heads. The attack stopped and the digimon fell off the tree branch.

The killing caused a buzzing in the area, like all the beings were enraged by their actions.

Tamers and outside digimon were common in the area, meaning they were not well received by the wild ones.

Tamers killed digimon in this area but most of them avoided killing the timid and weak ones. Tamers usually only killed the aggressive ones or ones that would become monsters on their next evolution.

"Take cover!" Naruto warned as he smelled something unusual and just then the poisonous smoke covered the area.

The team had activated the defense mechanism and breathed from the reserves while cutting off from the outside air.

"It's a group of Mushroomon and Aruraumon." Young notified them and the group started running, it seems they had walked in to a trap set by some mastermind.

There were few digimon that utilized others and planned things out. It wouldn't be out of place for that to happen.

Those digimon were the most troublesome and led to many deaths as they didn't realize they were being slowly studied and broken.

The enemy was testing them.

The team could take them on but it would sap their energy as the enemy was unknown and these digimon had champion digimon on their side.

While they ran, Arthur released a huge fireball that was further supported by Tesla's heated air blast. Asura also released a rain of flame arrows while Henry threw bombs at the back.

There were huge explosions that dispersed the peace of the forest and notified everyone that Tamers were in the region.

Takato and Arthur wanted to fight but Naruto hadn't given them the command so they had held in their desire.

Naruto wanted to get out of the area where traps had been set so they could avoid getting boxed and taken out.

They all ran fast and used the boosters on the armors for it. They took many turns while Henry mapped the area so they wouldn't get lost.

It went on for five minutes before they stopped as they stopped in an open area. It was a flower field.

There they could see a group of Terriermon with a group of Floramon while Gargomon was watching over them.

With their appearance Gargomon stood up while the little ones ran behind him with haste. It looked very cute and heartbreaking, as a terrified expression came on their faces.

"Stop, we are not here to fight you." Naruto called out to him before he started blasting them, it would be dangerous for the group if he started attacking.

Gargomon sniffed the wind and looked around, before focusing on Naruto and then to Tesla.

"I will let you stay for half an hour. Show any suspicious act, and you won't live through it." Gargomon spoke their language, showing that he was one of the civilized Digimon. It was normal for Gargomon to go and protect the wild Terriermon, who were like his little siblings.

Most digimon didn't do such acts but some did and they fought to the death for them.

"Thanks, we will be gone soon." Naruto nodded and showed a friendly expression. He had pulled back his helmet when he had arrived in the opening.

With that exchange, Gargomon sat back on the large boulder behind him and the little ones looked at them from behind the rock.

Tesla was curious and Henry allowed it so he ran towards his kind. Seeing him, they all came out and started looking at his armor and weapons.

They talked in excited tones and Tesla also talked back in the beast language.


On the other hand, Naruto looked back at the place they came from to see their enemies. It seems they had lost them but they needed to wait just in case.

"Wow, I didn't think we would come across surprise attack so soon." Takato was shocked but not brought down, he was excited about it.

It was the adventure he had been dreaming of.

"We were too lucky the rest of the day, so it seems bad luck is striking now to balance the books." Henry spoke as he took in the area with his visor.

"How long do we wait?" Rika asked as she was itching to kill the thing that dared to target them. It was the first it happened and it was not nice.

"Let's watch and see. Henry, release the drones." Naruto replied before commanding Henry to act. The boy genius gave a nod as he released small flying drones that were like silver balls with wings.

There were ten of them and with a command all of them flew in to different direction.

These were part of the basic Tamer set for exploration.

Henry created screens around them and they could watch the view of the ten drones.

It turned out to be a good decision to escape, there were too many of them.

Fortunately, the digimon weren't fast enough and they had lost them. But the leader didn't come out, as it was a very smart digimon that had taken in to account the details and knew about the drones.

There were other digimon like Gabumon, Gaomon, Elecmon, Palmon, Floramon and Kunemon.

The Champion digimon wasn't seen.

"This is some gang stuff going on here. What do we do now?" Takato asked as he looked at the crowd of digimon.

But before Naruto could answer, the drone was destroyed by something and some other drones were also destroyed.

The others were destroyed by the D-Brigade while the one from the pursuers was unknown.

"We will take it as our first mission. Young, is there mission about this situation?" Naruto asked as he felt there should be one since the group couldn't have been new.

"There isn't one from the Digimon Association since they consider this group as a test for new Tamers. But, there is one from a private source.

Vengeance quest

Find and destroy every digimon from this group.

The person lost their child to this group and wants them dead. The reward isn't very high and doesn't match the difficulty.

It is a good mission, but there is too much risk." Young replied and she understood that Naruto would take it. It was just natural and expected for a tamer to die but some people couldn't move on just like that.

Naruto had talked to her many times and she knew he was too kind to let it go.

"We will take it. Don't worry, we will be careful and you are there for us." Naruto replied as he felt bad for the parent's that lost their child.

It was one of his nightmares that his children died and it was one even now. You can't just overcome something like that.

"Trust us we are good enough for these evil creatures." Even Takato was on target now, as he was also very nice and would have taken in regardless of Naruto's opinion.

"I was just saying that you could handle it later. You just stepped in to the forest now, it seems too much too fast."

She wasn't wrong.

"We aren't going to attack now. We will take it slow and we will break them piece by piece."

"Understood, it just felt like you intended to go for it now." Young smiled with relief as she got the mission on the other screen and accepted it for the team.

"I suppose, It is my mistake for looking too in to it." Naruto chuckled and talked for a few minutes before they started moving to the direction that was away from the area that lost contact.

The journey became peaceful once they were out of the danger and they came across similar digimon but they weren't in a group.

They even came across other Champion Digimon like Woodmon, Vegiemon, Weedmon, Leomon and Honeybeemon.

The group avoided all the champion digimon and defeated the rookie digimon that attacked them.

The digimon partners leveled up very fast from the kills they got but the tamers compressed the data for better affects and caused levels to decrease before increasing slowly.

There were conditions for evolution, type of data required, location and other items. In this forest, digimon like Tesla and Luna could evolve but Arthur and Asura needed data that was not available in the area.

Even Tesla and Luna needed to visit another region for the most optimum evolution.

That was case unless they killed D-Brigade digimon who would help them satisfy the conditions. It was one of the reasons this place was chosen.

They couldn't just feed their partners wrong type of data and cause complications in the Digivolution process.

Regardless, they flew back to the city before night time instead of staying since it was their first day. They needed to get adjusted to the Digital world and danger before taking such risk. It was needed since there would be times when such luxury would be unavailable.