Chapter 40

While Naruto's group left, the enemy party was planning ways to kill them and improve. In the dark parts of the Forest, under the trees, the master mind was sitting on a pile meat from the digimon they had killed.

It was a tiny digimon of the rookie stage called Tyutyumon.

Tyutyumon was a bipedal mouse-like creature with yellow fur, large ears, and black eyes. It had five fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot. Its skin was covered in stitches, similarly to depictions of Frankenstein's monster, and its mouth was also sewed. It wore red gloves.

Tyutyumon was a Beast Digimon. It was a tactician Digimon that had a tiny body, but also a shrewd mind. As its plans were absolutely precise, they were enough to admirably guide even the slow-footed dullard Damemon and earn great military gains through combat. Only victory was important to Tyutyumon, and it considered the advancement of everything according to its plans to be more important than anything else. Its battles were settled before they even begin. It must be so, and it would even become partners with someone to do so, but would still betray them at any time. Lukewarm words like "friendship" and "trust" couldn't even be found in Tyutyumon's vocabulary. As for those who disturb its plans, it manipulates them at will with its voice.

The trap had failed but that was also part of its calculations. The tamers surviving had increased its hunger.

They had passed the test and showed that they weren't some weaklings. Tyutyu had been alive for five years and in that time he had done everything for survival.

But the thing was, it had no further evolution. It was at a natural dead end until the system updated and got new evolutions.

To further destroy the hopes, Tamers never took them in and considered them a waste of space. Most Tyutyumon were directly evil because of their nature but some of them took from the unfairness of the world and hated the world.

Tyutyu of this forest hated the world and he hated tamers. They had denied him because he looked weak.

So, he had killed them. He could brainwash other digimon. Rookie digimon were weak, but what if he had an army.

He had absorbed energy from the digivice and killed tamers but it had not helped him grow to another rank.

But, his powers had increased and he had also made sure to kill all his kind in the region. He wasn't going to share his territory with anyone.

Getting back to the current situation, Tyu was worried about the ways to track them down. He knew all their tricks but these guys were very fast.

They had always been one step too slow.

The team was cautious and strong, it was good and bad for him. He needed to hide or kill them quickly.

But, how could he keep a lock on them. Where to spring the trap?

"Tyu, the bad guys have not been found. What are we going to do?" Broken from his thoughts, Tyu looked towards his mindless servant.


Damemon was a Mutant Digimon. It was a Digimon that was accidentally born when the waste data drifting through the Digital World randomly combined. Although it is the sort of person that is definitely the #1 "No good, no good!", somehow it has gotten by with the help of its partner, Tyutyumon. Together with Tyutyumon, Damemon could finally be said to be a full Digimon. Tyutyumon stayed on the "Tyutyu Tray" on the back of Damemon's head.

It was metal type digimon that was shape like waste. The waste like body was silver in color while the limbs were golden.

It carried Tonfa as weapons while the feet were guns.

It was the champion form of Hanzomon that Mai used.

Without Tyu, Dame was extremely dumb and would get killed by other Champion digimon. It also had an annoying personality.

Tyu made him whole, covering up for his mental weakness. But it was also this dependence that disqualified it from gaining Mega.

Regardless, Tyu had been feeding him data so that he would digivolve to the Ultimate Stage and he could become the Overlord by killing Cherrymon.

"Just eat quietly Dame, I am thinking." Tyu replied with a friendly smile. Dame was his strongest pawn, he couldn't just snap at him.

Using Dame, he had made some Woodmon submit to him but they were weaker and making them stronger was not a choice.

"But, there is a guest." Dame said and Tyu's head snapped to the side to look at the guest.

It was a humanoid dragon cyborg digimon from the D-Brigade, Sealsdramon.

It was bad news.

It was bad news.

It was a Hitman and Dame couldn't fight him.

"Seize your sniveling. I am not here to kill you. The Tamers today are very important, we want them dead. I can't interfere directly but my team will attack them and I will provide you with a way to get them.

Use this to locate them, and make sure they are dead. You have one week to finish the task." Seal didn't show him any respect and released a small metal beetle for them to use.

It was Searchmon.

It was a digimon that performed information gathering and reconnaissance with the radome (radar) attached to its back. It detected the presence of enemies no matter how small their sounds or vibrations were if they were picked up by Searchmon, and also gathered information on them.

It was one of the digimon that Metal Empire utilized for tracking along with Monitamon.

Tyu didn't show his pride in this place. He could only watch as the superior digimon treated him like slave and left with the ultimatum.

It just increased his hatred for the world.

No matter what he did, he could never go against them. That digimon had entered his home even before this occasion for similar purpose.

D-Brigade utilized these exercises to eliminate powerful tamers in their infancy.

With the Seal gone, Tyu raged as he decided to make the tamers suffer before killing them. He wouldn't have been humiliated if not for them.

Looking at the metal bug, plans started forming in his mind and he just needed to wait for the night when they decided to stay.

These tamers always stayed after a few days of testing the field.


Just like that, three days passed by and the team went back to the city every night. The team didn't stop their training but lowered it for their partners since they were also moving in the field.

Naruto didn't lower it down since his powers were just increasing without stop, and the constant battle was helping him greatly.

In these few days they would train, explore the forest, explore the city and have some fun. Naruto kept in contact with Young, Na So Ri and Mi Jung so their relationship level also increased.

Morrigan and Eve visited him along with Ruri and Hilda. They could freely come and go, as they were not deployed yet.

There were times that most of them would be gone for weeks or a month. Though, at least one of them would be at the residence.

He also got calls from Rias, who had him talk about his experience.

Menma and his parents also called him to ask about the situation. Mio and Yurine had left to finish up their task so they hadn't been seen.

Nonetheless, the team had grown powerful in these few days and everyone had become battle tested.

There were no knee jerk movements and no nervous anymore. They were acting like well oiled machine.

Now that they had visited the forest 4 times, the team decided to stay in the forest for the night on the fifth.

The team chose a place close to the mountain range so there was a barrier behind their backs. There were trees around them for more cover.

Naruto used his elemental manipulation for more protection as he created metal walls in layers on the sides and the front while leaving the large space.

There was also the roof.

There were invisible wires set around them along with other defense equipment.

None of them were dumb enough to think the night was going to peaceful. They had met the D-Brigade but it had been a short confrontation where they only tested them from afar.

It seems they were waiting for them to stay the night for maximum effectiveness.

Since the enemy would come for them, the team had prepared for them in turn.

There were landmines and explosives all around them.

Rika was standing with her sniper while Henry was ready to mow down people with a machine gun.

There was no pressure. Everyone was ready for this battle and ready to run like their life depended on it once they had fought enough.

This was an experience that Naruto couldn't relate with his past life as he had never been in such a situation where an army would attack him overnight.

"How are you guys feeling? Are you ready to beat the impossible game?" Naruto asked as he sat on the front wall as the bait while Asura was sitting behind the wall.

Asura had close and mid range capabilities, but it was bets to utilize close combat for long battles or energy reserves would run dry.

"I am ready. I have always dreamed of doing this and we are going to hold this fort. We won't need to retreat." Takato had no desire to retreat, as he wanted to stand his ground and fight. He wanted the enemy to retreat.

"I am with Takatomon. I will kill everyone that attacks us and we will win." Arthur had learned to control his killer mode but since they decided to stay, he was fully in killer mode.

It was Takato's strong bond and Naruto's chakra that kept him under control or he would lose his sanity in the battle.

"We have made enough preparation for the battle, so we can last for awhile before retreating since Champion digimon would come to the area after so that mess." Henry commented as he kept his gaze focused while Tesla also sat on the other side with a similar machine gun.

Tesla just nodded as he was focused on the battlefield. He didn't want to disturb his mind with chatter.

Luna also just nodded. She had nothing to say as she was not very social in the first place. In these few days, she had also learned from Naruto about energy application and control.

Yin and Yang were also her elements so his guidance helped a lot.

Naruto also used his chakra to help the other partners as well. It made him use up his reserves fast while giving some benefit to his team, as their partners became physically stronger and their elemental power increased.

Naruto planned to break the limits that had been set by other digimon on the same ranks and Henry agreed that it was going to work out since he read the stats.

"Master, I will follow you anywhere." Asura replied and he meant it. This was an exciting moment for him and could act as condition for his next rank, so he was fully focused on just fighting. There was no retreat on his mind as well.

"Did the great Lord Seventh get cold feet?" Rika teased as she smiled at him with the dangerous weapon in her hands. It was an Anti-tank rifle.

She decided to just one shot them instead of losing time with a sniper.

"Lord Seventh?" Takato and Henry asked

"It's his title, isn't it cute?"

Takato and Henry chuckled as they heard the answer. They liked it and it showed that Naruto also had his childish moments.

Naruto didn't intervene with it as he didn't mind.

"Maybe I did, I was worried that you guys might get hurt and I wish we didn't have to do this."

"It is a necessity, so you were making sure that were feeling good enough for the battle." Rika finished for him.

"Yes, but it is also to focus your mind on a goal. To decimate our enemies is our goal tonight."

"Yes mom. I won't get hurt, so can I go out and play now."

"See, Takato got it. That's the feeling you give. We are ready and we are going to make them regret their actions tonight." Rika liked Naruto a lot but there were times he was annoying with his tone and words.

He really needed to stop babying them.

"Well, I apologize for the tone. I will try working on that, but you need to give me a reason." Naruto spoke in a playful tone and increased their desire to fight with such a challenge.

They didn't get to continue as an explosion lit up the dark forest. The battle was starting and the enemy seemed to be equipped very well.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment