Chapter 41

There were two enemy teams and both were coming different sides.

The drones weren't working as they were using Monitamon to disable them and keeping watch of the whole battlefield with them and Searchmon.

Monitamon were short ninjas with CRT monitors for heads. They displayed their emotions as images on the screen.

The D-Brigade was always fully prepared and didn't rush in to the field. The Commandramon hid at the back to give cover fire and snipe the targets.

Commandramon was an infantry Digimon belonging to the mechanized "D-Brigade". The surface of Commandramon's skin had been modified with a special texture that detected its surrounding colors in real-time, and was capable of displaying a variety of camouflage patterns. As a result, it was said that most of Commandramon's 'targets' did not even notice Commandramon's presence before being silenced.

It was equipped with Night vision, heat vision, Assault rifle, snipers, anti-tank rifles and bombs.

It was one of the most powerful Rookie digimon because of its military style and it was this reason that D-Brigade was feared as they excelled in combat at all stages.

They were trained and fed information to make them the best. The strongest of their members became Darkdramon, the most deadly hunter of the D-Brigade and one of the top Mega Digimon.

Its main task was to hunt down BanchoLeomon and they have been in continuous battle since its creation.

That was for the Original Darkdramon, while the others took on other tasks and there were only few of them.

Mega were scarce and not easy to form unless the whole world was falling apart and data became a free for all.

Rika had the high ground as she lay flat against the steel surface with her gun. Suddenly the light came into the dark night with a command from Henry and it blinded the enemy digimon.

It caused a wild reaction from them and they fell into the traps.

Rika aimed true and shot down her targets from safety. She was training to be professional but even then she had a little itch to jump on to the battlefield and fight.

That would be unwise for many reasons at this point so she didn't entertain the thought. She continued to shoot down her targets with cold precision.

There was no hesitation or anything. In her eyes these were just walking experience as they had lost their rights when they dared to attack them.

Tesla and Henry were also mowing down the enemies with a shower of bullets and activating the explosions.

Takato, Asura, Luna and Arthur were on standby until the enemy came close to them.

Naruto was on the wall for the enemies to see and to bait them to continue.

The enemy was smart but they had been the ones to set the trap this time, attacking a defending enemy was a difficult task.

It was a first for Tyu to enter such a situation. He wanted to retreat after the initial loss but the D-Brigade was behind them and he focused again, realizing he had almost taken a step back because of his natural cowardice. He hated that and it made him want to make his enemies suffer more making him feel it.

Using Searchmon, they were able to find the traps and avoid most of them while the D-Brigade also disabled most of them before they were used.

The problem was the direct attack.

Tyu lost many weak digimon in the initial burst before he put the two Woodmon at the front, making them use their huge form to cover for the rest of them.

It helped but Rika's attacks could curve and they continued to take out her targets.

Tyu didn't mind as he had Damemon continue to harvest the data of the digimon they lost. The enemies made him lose numbers but his pawn continued to grow in power.

He wasn't in a hurry as the Tamers were the one who had boxed themselves into this situation. He had thought they were smarter than this but it seems they had become too arrogant.

He literally had three champion digimon on the field while they had none. He was waiting to see if they had any trump cards before giving the go for an attack. He was very cautious and it looked like a trap.

Naruto stood at the top while the auto shield protected him, the product was very solid and with his chakra it became even stronger.

The enemies were getting closer and they were also firing back, causing massive destruction on their side.

All their defense was falling apart and they would arrive very close in a short time.

The D-Brigade had shot at him multiple times but he had dodged all their attacks. He was giving them a false sense, making them think that he couldn't take their attacks.

The attacks would one shot most rookie digimon but they weren't going to do anything to him especially with his shields.

Naruto looked around and felt the wind.

"Let's start the battle." Naruto smiled as his eyes hardened and he entered battle mode. His aura exploded outward causing everything to become silent for a moment.

Using the moment, Naruto unleashed a wind jutsu.

Blade Twister

Dragon Fire

With the clap of his hands, Naruto breathed out wind that mixed with the natural wind to form multiple twisters on the field before he put them all on fire.

Naruto's attack was a surprise for the enemy, they had not expected such and with that Tyu was unable to react before the Woodmon got hit directly by the flames.

Flames were their weakness, and just like that they were on fire while the rookie digimon were toasted.

Damemon smashed its Tonfa down with full force, causing the land to shake and breaking Naruto's attack.

Woodmon used their energy to push off the flames from their body while also launching some of the flame wood towards Naruto.

These attacks were not what Naruto wanted to stop at all and he dodged them as they took down the last line.

Most enemies were done for and only the strongest were left to take care off.

Naruto and Asura went for Damemon while Takato and Arthur went for the Woodmon to support Goku, who had been summoned.

Rika and Luna along with Henry and Tesla went for the D-Brigade.


Woodmon was a Vegetation Digimon. Woodmon was shaped like a giant, withered tree. It's made of wood, and lived by grabbing passing Digimon and draining their energy. It could also move around on its root-like feet. Violent by nature, it will attack relentlessly when angered. Its strong tree trunk gave it high defense but weakness against fire.

The digimon was similar to the other trees, being more than 100 meter tall and its strength was immense.

Takato and Arthur were allowed to only support Goku or they would get killed. They needed to hold them down until Naruto could free himself.

Even then he was going to support them, so they had nothing to worry about.

Goku was an Apemon, an Animal Digimon. Apemon was covered in golden-colored body fur and it was one of the rare digimon that was a naughty and playful digimon.

It was also a good type of digimon that helped others and was an expert fighter.

Goku's next form was Gokuwamon but that required Goku to go on a journey of enlightenment and fight through dangerous situations that Young couldn't handle.

It was the reason he was stuck for so long.

Goku didn't hold that against his master, as he understood that not everyone had the courage and it was a very risky step.

Fortunately, Naruto's group took them in so Goku felt that he could definitely grow. He had even learnt more about energy from Naruto and improved within just a few days.

Watching him fight had built respect for the young man and he approved of his Master's affection.

Woodmon were aiming for Naruto so Goku decided to rustle up their jimmies.

Taking hold of his metal staff given to him by Young to replace the large bone he used to carry, Goku used his power to increase its size to smash into one of them.


Goku was smaller than these monsters as he only stood 30 Meters tall at his full size. He wasn't the type of digimon that relied on size but had his powers compressed in a small size.

The staff grew to the size of his foes and caused one of the Woodmon to fall down on the back. The other Woodmon acted quickly and used leaf Storm to attack him.

The leaves on its body rushed towards him and they were filled with energy, and they could through steel like nothing.

Diamond Body

Goku used the technique to harden his body while making the staff smaller before unleashing another strike on the other foe.

The Woodmon fell to the side.

Arthur took to the chance given and unleashed the fireball he had been charging.

It was big as his body and it hit the Woodmon.

Takato took out a card and slashed it.

Dragon fire

It increased the power of Arthur's flames and made them stick to the foe, who screamed from the pain.

Woodmon used his roots to attack them and Takato used his barrier to keep them one step ahead, dodging them all while throwing bombs at his target.

Keeping one of them busy, Goku fought against the other one.

The Woodmon used its branches to attack and catch Goku, but the digimon easily avoided the attacks by using the wind as a stepping stone.

These Woodmon were not the strongest and quiet weak, they were naturally even slower because they had been brainwashed by Tyu.

Goku was stronger than both of them even without his partner but here he had to just provide support. Though, it could easily turn into a difficult situation if Damemon came at him.

Three Champions were out of his range without a Tamer.

Just as expected, he was forced to juggle both the champion digimon as Arthur was also attacked by the Commandramon.

It actually became a dangerous battle as those Rookies were faster foes than the Woodmon.


Rika and Luna fought like shadows in the forest while their enemies were like ghosts. The whole battle was strategic and fast paced.

The continued to move around and never stayed in one place as they could get caught in explosions.

It was the first time that Luna fought such powerful opponents in the wild. They reacted fast and blocked her attacks with their arms or knives.

They caught her many times with their rifles.

There were four of them verses two of them while 3 had gone for Henry and Tesla, the final 4 had gone for Arthur while one was hidden and shooting at all of them with the anti-tank rifle.

Complete asshole move and it made the battle even more dangerous.

"Luna, let's take them down. I will support you." Rika said after they had fought for five minutes continuously and she had understood what they were facing.

"Understood" Luna replied as she looked at her enemies surrounding them. Her armor had marks from their attacks and she almost lost her tail and leg from the shots from the hidden sniper.

She couldn't aim for the hidden enemy with these surrounding her, even with her speed advantage. They would shoot her down before she got to him.

Rika shot continuously and all the bullets flew towards their targets, leaving one for Luna.

Extreme speed

Luna dashed forward like lightning and the enemy pointed his gun, and shot.

Luna slid, dodging the bullet storm and using the booster to increase her speed.

Fire kick

Her leg was incased in flames as she hit the leg and Rika's bullet caught up, causing the grenade to bounce to the side instead of falling over Luna.

Luna followed it up with the other kick to the chest, sending the heavy digimon in to the air. She quickly rolled away and threw kunai at the injured target instead of the others.

She couldn't attack all of them at the same time.

She needed to take them out one by one.

The enemy covered up his vital and blocked the diamond storm, though damage could be seen on his body.

Rika also dodged the attacks as the digimon tried to kill her and distract her from her partner.

Wings of Light

Rika decided that Luna needed flight advantage and a speed boost or they might get killed. Her energy reserves would lower if they continued to shoot her barrier.

Luna gained wings and with new ferocity she flew in to the sky before coming down like a guided missile.

Fox bomber

Her whole body was covered in blue flames especially her leg as she crashed into her target. Commandramon was getting live details from Searchmon and Monitamon, so he managed to put his arms to block the attack while remotely using the guns on his back.

Luna crashed into him like a meteor and with the force they crashed into a tree to the side with enough force to crack it.

The other digimon tried to help him but Rika utilized her metal chains to block their attacks and disturb them.

She managed to snag one of them and threw him at the others but got thrown back as an explosion rocked her world before a bullet almost took her head off.

She was lucky that there was a barrier stopping the attacks or she would have died multiple times.

The digivice was a valuable item and at these times, people remember why.