Chapter 44

Morning came with a different taste for everyone in the team as it was their first time sleeping in the wild. It had been comfortable and they were fully refreshed when they woke up.

They were greeted by the delicious smell of food being cooked over the fire. Naruto had caught rabbits and other small animals for their meal.

The digital world was a real world in a different manner. Sometimes humans could feed on things in the digital world and some time they couldn't.

The digivice helped in that case and made sure that the food remained solid for consumption since human beings didn't eat data.

Everyone ate silently but there was a sense of achievement in all of them and excitement could be seen on their faces.

They had done it.

They had fought an army and even stayed the night in such a dangerous place. Not many tamers would consider such a thing at this stage, especially not within a month.

The team was making records with their rocket like pace.

After eating and getting refreshed using the portable showers, the team spent time with their digimon to check everything carefully.

Naruto summoned both of his digimon.

Asura appeared feeling fresh and happy. He had good dreams and the battle had brought him a lot of benefits.

He could feel his body trying to recreate the feeling of the power up using the data he had digested. His power had increased by a long shot after eating a champion digimon.

Looking to the side he was surprised to see the other digimon. He didn't become hostile since it was acting submissive.

Commandramon was silent. He had only slept a little bit like normal. His routine was small rest, training, eating and fighting.

That was all his life.

He had gone through the training but it felt awkward without the superiors commanding him. He felt empty without the rules and regulations.

"Asura, he is our new friend." Naruto answered his question and Asura nodded, understanding that this was Naruto's new partner.

He looked him up and knew that the other guy was weak. He was happy with that, as he didn't want anyone taking his place as first.

"Let's get along, and you can depend on me." Asura said as he looked at the other digimon that was studying him intently.

He had been cut off from the system and couldn't get communication from the Brigade anymore. It was cut from both sides, as no one wanted spies in their system.

Commandramon shook his hand and could feel the power. He was experienced so it wasn't hard to tell. Asura was in the middle of the rookie and champion rank.

"How do you feel now?" Naruto asked and the digimon turned to him.


The guy reminded him of Sai, which wasn't far from the truth since the digimon was also trained just for combat.

"I will give you a name since I don't like calling you with that number." Naruto said as he mentioned the number written on the right shoulder.


He was agent 998.

That means he was old and had seen many of his colleagues go the next level. The current numbers had already reached 10000.

998 was surprised that he felt something from that. A name was something given to a Sealsdramon while everyone else was just a number.

"Rambo, how does that sound?" Naruto had watched the old movies of this world and remembered the name.

"Master, where is the name from?" Asura asked as he hadn't any name like that.

"It is from a very old movie about a soldier fighting alone against a large force and winning. It suits you, doesn't it?" Naruto answered as he patted Asura's shoulder for playing the wingman.

Commandramon hadn't heard about the movie either and the digimon that might have formed because of it might not have lasted long enough to make a name.

Regardless, the name was good enough and the power behind it was good. It wasn't a weak name or one without power behind it.

"It is satisfactory." Rambo replied

"Did I also talk like that?" Asura asked as he felt that it was familiar.

"Not exactly, but it is similar. He will change with time, so just talk with him." Naruto confirmed it and tapped the ground with his foot, causing chairs to appear for them.

"Sit down, now we will talk about how things are going to be." Naruto sat down and the other two followed.

"Leader, what is my role?" Rambo asked as he asked the question on his mind. He needed to know or he felt weird and empty.

He needed a role.

It was all he had.

Just a glance at him and his feelings, Naruto could tell his problem. It was the same for many retired ninja and ninja in general in peace time. They didn't what to do anymore and became depressed.

"You will provide support to Asura in the fights. He is close range and you will cover the long and mid range.

I will upgrade all your equipment and you will have a new training routine so that you can grow stronger."

"Leader, the training routine of the Brigade is perfect and it has gone through many tests." Rambo spoke up in a respectful tone as he was talking to superior.

"It is good but mine is better. Look at Asura and then look at yourself."

Rambo looked at Asura and nodded, "Apologies, I spoke out of turn."

"No need to apologize, I like it when you speak up for yourself. You don't have to so uptight. We will train and we will have fun. From now on, you are one of us. You are family and we care for you, and we will put our life on the line for you when needed. Understood?" Naruto spoke in a gentle and fatherly tone as he spoke to the new partner. He had always been good at making people emotional and breaking through their barriers so they connected.

Was it a dick move? Maybe, it depended on how people looked at it.

He was definitely suited to being a politician or a psychiatrist or a motivational speaker.

Rambo didn't understand as he had been part of a group that didn't deal in emotions or friendship. It was straightforward and nothing vague or complex.

He had no idea what a family felt like.

But, Naruto's tone and expression made him feel tingly inside. It was weird but he liked it.

"Isn't it better to leave the weak one as bait? Why give up your life for a replaceable pawn?"

"We don't work like that and family never leaves anyone behind, there is no such thing as replaceable in family. Everyone is unique and has their part, so just grow up strong and happy with us."

Asura had also learned these things and now they made sense to him. He had not understood in the start. Now, he could never let down a friend. He had emotions in his flame like body.

"Understood, when do we start?" Rambo didn't really understand the emotional side but he understood that they were not going to sacrifice anyone and would fight for their team mates.

It didn't work with the things he had been taught but it did make him feel better. It also resonated with his dragon side.

Naruto looked at him and thought for a moment before making his decision.

"Okay, we will start now." Naruto nodded and stood up as he cancelled the seats. He could see that Rambo wanted to see this more than anything.

Talking about life could be done later, now he needed to make a strong impression on his new child.

Without further ado, Naruto changed Rambo's current equipment to the things he had prepared for him. Unlike Asura, Rambo was trained in the usage of weapons so he gave it to him and needed to just improve the level of skill.

The dark blue and black body armor now fully covered Rambo. It was made from stronger material and it was heavier. It had the weight seals on it.

There was booster on the back.

There were the automatic shields that he had bought.

There were the large knives.

The assault rifle was changed to a stronger model.

The bombs were also replaced and given variety.

The sniper and Anti-Tank rifle was changed to a stronger model.

Naruto also gave him small drones for scouting.

Finally, Naruto used his chakra to fully cover Rambo. He healed the damage to the body completely and left energy inside every pore of his body to help it grow.

Before letting go, Naruto also boosted his powers with chakra to the limits that Rambo could take.

With that finished, Rambo looked like he was ready to take on an army and he was completely blown away with what Naruto had done to him.

Not even the super serum given on special missions gave him such a boost.

After that the training started as they used the part of the forest where the fight had taken place. Asura could now lift 10 tonnes after the battle so Naruto had to add another layer.

Naruto's body was under pressure of 1000 tonnes without using the full enhancement, one he went full power his body could lift 5000 tonnes.

Most Champion digimon were in the range of 1000 tonnes and 20,000 tonnes. Some Ultimate Digimon could easily pick up mountains and Mega digimon that could pick up the moon or even the earth.

Then there were the Ultra digimon that could make everything look like it was just a feather in their hand.

Naruto prepared the area for the training for the whole team with his elemental control. He created powerful flames for Asura to feed on along with Rambo and Arthur before starting the training.

It was fortunate for them that Naruto could create these flames to feed the digimon. His flames could reach 6000 degrees and contained huge amount of energy so that the digimon were always full with it.

It helped the dragon digimon increase their flame power while make Asura's existence stronger.

Normal Meramon was formed in areas with 2000 to 6000 degree regions, but Asura was going higher and higher as Naruto's flames were also getting stronger with the free usage of them.

His control was high but he never got the chance to freely experiment in the human world, now he could use everything he had planned and improve.

With the meal taken, they went through the obstacle course with the weight on their body.

They did many rounds before taking a short rest.

With the short break over, they continued with the exercises.

After those, they went through close combat moves. Asura had gotten to high level but he still need more experience. Rambo was also good at close combat and he easily adjusted to the new style.

Once that was finished, Naruto taught Rambo how to use the equipment while he trained Asura to use his powers and chains.

He could so such a thing without utilizing shadow clones by utilizing illusions, the academy clone jutsu.

Naruto could work on multiple thoughts at the same time. He could split his mind in to 10, so he could be in multiple places at the same time or work on multiple things.

With that, his partners trained while he also practiced with his chakra abilities. He needed to push himself so that his body would quickly adapt and his chakra to grow faster.

Once that practice was done and they took a break, Naruto sparred with everyone.

The other three had started to step back and let their digimon partners take the lead now that experience had been built.

They gave support to their partners and used the cards.

The best outcome would be when they got the Bio-Merge and they could use their abilities to a new level.

In this training, Goku also got his part and he learned a lot.

Since Young had become part of his life, Naruto had enhanced Goku and the power had reached a very high level.

Goku had felt something click but he was still far away from the end of the path he was walking, but now he knew how it felt.

Goku also had elemental powers but only used wind, and Naruto helped him with them. He helped Luna with her abilities as well and she was trying to combine the Yin and Yang.

Yin-Yang Disc/Balls

Naruto could use them since he already had high control but he didn't utilize them much because of the cost of the real ones. The weak ones were just durable black and white malleable elements.

The natural elements in the area were enough for him and he could utilize the Yin and Yang when he was in that kind of region.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and thank you for commenting.