Chapter 45

Time passed by quickly and the team ended up spending two more days in the forest before leaving. They liked it and explored most of it except the central region.

It was a beautiful place and it had challenges but they got tired of seeing the same enemies after a week. Their digimon also needed to get the feel of other places and different kinds of data, so they decided to check out another region.

In these two days, Rambo improved a lot along with the others and he opened up somewhat.

Rika also got to know about Young and talked to her as well. There was no fight as Rika saw that she was still number one.

She understood that it was going to be that kind of relationship, so she decided to keep the first place as her prize.

She had advantage over all others since she was always with him, so she got friendly with him whenever the opportunity arose.

It had become normal for Naruto to have Rika sitting in his lap or have her stuck to his back. She was slowly conditioning him so that he wouldn't go without her contact.

Naruto noticed it but went along with it. He wanted to see if it actually worked.


Going back to the city, the team went to sleep except Naruto as he wasn't really tired. He could go without rest for three days at this point and that would increase with his power.

At his prime, he could go without rest for a month and he only needed an hour of rest to heal up.

For now, Naruto only needed three hours of sleep.

Naruto and the group had been staying at an average Hotel instead of the Family base to experience new things since not all cities had their base. They needed to get used to staying in places without family help.

Naruto went to the reception area and was about to leave the building for a walk around the city when someone surprising walked in.

Na So Ri

She was glamorous like always and looked extremely stylish, and attractive. She was prime eye candy that caused people to always give her another look.

She was just blessed with the looks.

She looked good in official clothing but with casual clothing there was a different taste.

She wore white top with a black and gold jacket while wearing black shorts that were followed knee high boots.

Naruto had been in contact with her so she knew he was staying this place.

When she caught his sight, her face lit up and she walked towards him.

Naruto walked closer and she hugged him, "I missed you, love."

She was really good at playing the lover. That sweet voice and that expression really would fool anyone. Obviously, she also had the normal look for the people that liked it.

Some people just wanted to be treated like animals.

Naruto smiled as held her in his arms. Honestly, it was nice getting attention from a beautiful woman.

"You don't have to act like that, I prefer honesty." Naruto whispered into her ears.

So Ri smiled as she heard his words, "I was seeing what you prefer."

Not all of it was an act. She did prefer him over every other person in the world.

She had started the relationship with selfish intention and had expected it to be like always, a lot of sex, a lot of showing off and a lot of shopping.

That was her expectation since Naruto was one of the higher ups, and not on one of the lower end simps that acted as her wallets.

She had stringed along many guys around her to pay for her things. She just liked using people. It made her feel powerful.

She thought they deserved it for being so weak. Those people put them under her foot by their actions. She didn't force them to become her slaves.

That was the past.

She had broken off from everyone and they had gotten angry, saying they paid so much and got nothing. Obviously, just pointless drivel since they didn't have balls to do anything.

She didn't feel anything about the pain and suffering actions had caused people. She had fallen into the pit long ago so it wasn't easy to become a normal person after such a life.

Naruto had people watching over the girls. He knew about her actions and sent people to help the ones she cheated.

He didn't blame it completely on Na So Ri, those people were also too dumb to get fooled by her for so long and not get anything in return.

That was a huge giant flag.

Her actions caused depression, suicide thoughts and hatred. All the negative things especially since she ended up in a better place.

If he hadn't fixed it, there would have been dead people or a killer on the loose.

With that her dirt was covered up but Na So Ri needed to change as well.


"I didn't know you had a sweet side." Naruto said as he looked her in the eyes.

"I didn't know either. Maybe, you are just too good."

"I know I am good, but I haven't finished yet." Naruto let her go and took her hand as he started walking. He intended to take a walk so he wasn't stopping inside.

Na So Ri liked confident people, so that went well with her.

"What haven't you finished?" She asked as she hugged his arm. Naruto was a unique person. He never told her that he loved her, not even as a lie.

He told her directly that he liked her looks and style. He directly said that he didn't like her actions.

"Your personality is terrible and you are horrible person. Continue walking this way and you will never get what you want in life, just the crumbs."

She had heard curses from people that she broke up with, but it was a first to hear it from the new guy.

She could only take that with a smile and he told her that he could read emotions, so there was no point in hiding it.

Things felt like they were going completely wrong, she thought he would crush her like a bug after taking her body for a fun ride.

But, he didn't. He treated her like a lover and took her on a date. They had a talk, normal talk about life and he sent her home.

There was no sex.

There was no blackmail.

There was no social destruction.

They talked over the week and it brought her closer. She started feeling an attraction that was more than usual.

She felt the desire to make him look her way.


"I haven't finished taking your heart and soul. You are still a naughty little girl." Naruto replied as they walked in the beautiful night that was not filled with the sound of vehicles since there were devices to control noise.

"Hehe, I thought you liked my naughty personality."

"I like naughty to a level, yours is over the boundary."

"And, do you think I can change?" Na So Ri was actually curious about this. Was he actually serious about it?

Did he really believe she would change?

She would act but changing at this age wasn't easy and she had no reason to be a good girl.

"Love changes everyone, and I can change everyone. There has been no person that has resisted my charm. Can you deny it my little canary?" Naruto asked as he stopped and put her against the wall of a building.

His large frame covered her up, and looked her in the eyes playfully.

He wasn't kidding since he had never actually failed at connecting with people, though it just took time depending on the person.

He had always been selfless so he never used the ability for such nefarious purposes. But now here he was, seducing people by utilizing his connection skill.

Talk no jutsu: Seduction

This kind of Naruto was really different from his usual image and she found his gaze attractive.

The confidence was like a magnet and his presence was always just too good.

She didn't know why it was like that.

Maybe it was his ability, but his voice and everything was better.

She couldn't deny his words. His charm was very high especially after that kiss, as it had haunted her dreams and made her come to him.

She would never act so easy. She was the type to bait people in to coming to her.

"Are you saying that you will make me fall in love? Do you really want that? I thought you just liked my body and style." Na So Ri asked as she placed her hand on his cheek and rubbed his lips with her finger.

"I just desire for you to walk a better path. I wish for this world to eradicate all evil from its system and for that purpose, I don't sideline even the small evils. You don't see how your actions cause harm, but I see it clearly. It is better for you to change before the dark path consumes you completely. You treat weak people like bug. Do you also want to be treated like a bug by people above you? Isn't it hypocritical that it's only wrong when it concerns you?" Naruto replied and he leaned forward as he whispered into her ear.

It was not the first time she heard it from him. However, there was a stronger impact. She felt his words ring inside her head and connect with her soul. Na So Ri could see visions of depression and destruction her path caused. Normally she wouldn't even consider it, but with the connection it made her feel the pain and despair others felt.

She had destroyed families with her actions. Though the other side also did their part, she was the one that initiated it for selfish reasons.

"Are you going to leave me with these thoughts? These things will only make me want you to take responsibility."

Naruto caught her head and gave her a kiss, and what a kiss it was.

Na So Ri hugged him tight as she kissed him like her life depended on it. Her whole body was on fire, fire of desire.

She was completely lost to the world.

The whole thing went on for 10 minutes before Naruto stopped.

Na So Ri whined and looked completely out of it, like a drunk.

Her whole mind was taken over by lust and pleasure.

It was even better than last time.


She hugged him and wanted more but Naruto didn't comply.


"I am tired and not in the mood."

"You are lying, impossible."

Naruto chuckled, as she was mixing up her words now. He patted her cheek and gave her a hug.

"Try to win my heart and we will see."

Na So Ri wanted to assault him. He was playing with her now.

That smug bastard, he knew she wanted it but made her go through this game with those words. She couldn't even do anything but comply.

He was just too good. She had never seen him act out of control and with her becoming a toy in his hand that looked impossible.

She did think about stepping back but then realized she had no need to.

She would achieve everything by his side.

"So unfair!"

"I will give you a gift for surprising me." Naruto gave her another kiss and put her to sleep, and he gave her a dream. She had a dream where she slept with him and lived a perfect life.

Her usual dream sequences were not fun, if she even remembered them.

Naruto had a clone send her to his room at the hotel while continuing his walk. He thought about the future.

He planned to get a metal type of digimon.

He planned to get demon type of digimon.

He planned to get a plant type of digimon.

He planned to get an aquatic digimon.

He planned to get a celestial.

He wanted to have one of the Armament types of digimon. He liked RaijiLudomon, as that guy was exceptional and his higher evolution was just too powerful.

All in all, he wanted to have the perfect team so that he could move around solo. There was no guaranty that the whole team would be together all the time and he needed the greater power, and he could do it unlike other people.

Even now his team was surprised at Rambo's presence. They never thought Naruto would get a new digimon so soon. It hadn't even been a month.

Most Tamers wouldn't get a new digimon until their first digimon had become champion and they had spent time with him for four or six months.

Bonds took time, and getting another meant dividing the attention. The digimon could end up feeling jealous and weaken the bond.

Not everyone was even suited for getting more than one since it required great communication and bond making skills.

Naruto was confident about it and planned to get his next digimon after a month or so. His digimon should be Champion before that, so his next would most likely be a Champion.

He just needed to know where to go next time and what digimon to pursue. For now they would visit the Desert of the Upside down pyramid.

It was a dangerous place so they weren't going to go deep inside, just the outside region. Naruto was also giving it a thought and checking any news to finalize that decision.