Chapter 46

The next morning, Na So Ri had breakfast with the team and left for work. She had felt better than ever after the sleep.

She had good dreams unlike the usual. She felt relaxed and happy. There was no stress or anything. Living like a venomous snake also made her think that people were like her and would bite when she wasn't looking.

It was the reason she didn't trust anyone much.

Everything was fine except the blonde stud playing with her heart and body. She was sent off with a kiss and she wanted to scream.

He was making her starve for his affection.

If anyone had dared do it before, she would have done it with another person already. She wasn't the type to get played.

But, now she had no choice. No one else was even a tenth of him and he would know, he always knows.

She didn't want him to throw her away, so all she could do was endure.

On the other hand, the team followed their normal routine and trained before spending some time in the city to relax and chill.

They went to the movies, played some games at the arcade, participated in a race for rookies and relaxed at the Water Park.

Asura protested but he could only watch while everyone else enjoyed the water. Even his new brother got to enjoy it while he was stuck inside digivice.

He felt sad and lonely.

That was before, Naruto threw him in the water and everyone remembered that he could just get covered in chakra. So, there was no risk of burning anyone or boiling the water.

With that, the sadness flew away and Asura took revenge for them messing with him.

During the week, Naruto had also gotten closer to the Digimon at the Legend Arms shop and made friends in the places the group liked to visit.

It was an interesting and unique experience for the whole team.

They didn't go out to fight for the day as it was decided that they would be going to the Desert. Before that they needed some relaxation since it had been a continuous battle for them since they arrived in the Digital World.


In this relaxation filled day, Naruto had another encounter with someone special.

Naruto was sitting in the park when someone walked over to him. It was a group of four digimon and anyone would know them without looking at the digivice.

Journey to the West Digimon


There was Cho Hakkaimon, who was a Puppet Digimon. It was a feminine Digimon clothed in a pig costume. It was originally a Celestial-species Digimon, but it committed a crime that incurred the wrath of Ophanimon and was banished, and that's when it took on its current appearance. As it was normally optimistic, it didn't mind that it was changed into the appearance, and it had a very cheerful personality, but if it got hungry it would be voracious enough to start getting all worked up, and it would take on a ferocious personality. If it became starved, it will go completely out of control. Cho Hakkaimon's Rocket Rake weapon was equipped with boosters, and combined with its superhuman strength, its power was tremendous. Because it wanted to change its ferocious personality, it seeks to reform itself by going on a journey.


There was Sagomon, who was a Demon Man Digimon. It was banished from the Digital World's Celestial Gates, and fell to the backwoods of North Bridge Island. Although it usually had a cheerful, joke-cracking personality, if it touched the skulls wrapped around its waist it went into a fury like a raging fire. That was because if even one of the nine skulls wrapped around its waist was lost it will be transformed into a terrifying Digimon. It possessed the Monster Subduing Treasure Staff which demonstrated terrifying destructive power in the super-heavyweight class. It was troubled by worrying, "What am I?", so it went on a journey to discover the answer.


There was Gokuwmon, who was a Beast Man Digimon. It was born from within the boiling magma of Boot Volcano, and pursued strength and extracted modeling data from numerous databases, becoming a Combat Digimon that awakened to the combat instinct it was born with. Although it was journeying across the Digital World to challenge formidable opponents and satiate the craving engraved inside of its heart, if it encountered an opponent that it judges to be strong it will insolently request a battle, regardless of the situation. However, due to the "Kinkoji" ("Tight-bound Child") which was placed on Gokuwmon's head by Sanzomon when it was born, its head will be constricted and it will pass out if it swore to excess, so it reluctantly observes decorum. Gokuwmon was proficient in a large number of martial and magical arts, and since the "Nyoikinkobou" (. "Ideal Golden-bound Cudgel") in its hand was extensible, it could inflict strikes on enemies that were far away, and was also an all-purpose weapon that could fire a lightning cannon while connected, and fire lightning bullets as pistols when split in two.

It was a digimon that represented Sun Wukong.


Finally, there was the leader.

Sanzomon was a Monk Digimon that was an extremely attractive female. It was journeying around the Digital World in order to achieve enlightenment. It overcame many difficult ordeals, and as training it imposed asceticism on its own body, day and night. Although Sanzomon didn't carry any weapons at all, it unleashed various techniques by reciting sutras. The purified energy necessary to achieve enlightenment was accumulated in its Digicore, and it's rumored that if you stole this then you would be released from every injury or terminal disease and acquire immortality, which drew in Digimon that were impelled by greed, and those chasing after it were numerous. However, enemies were not the only ones who are drawn to Sanzomon, as there were also troubled Digimon with their own various issues. It was said that among those, there are also Digimon searching for answers and truth that adore Sanzomon and journey along with it.

All of them were Ultimate Digimon but they were above every other Ultimate Digimon. Gokuwmon could fight Mega digimon and had stats on that level, it was one of the reasons why it was hard to get this form and a higher form was harder. No one had seen the Mega form yet but some thought it might be Gokumon, as in DBZ Goku.

It would make sense but Goku hadn't been found yet. Only Yggdrasil would know about and maybe has him imprisoned until he got brainwashed.

On the other hand, Sanzomon was even stronger than all her followers. She was a Super Ultimate Digimon and could easily handle all Mega, only Super Mega digimon (Ultra) could defeat her.

She was the follower of Shakamon, and his lower evolution.

Shakamon had existed as Shakamon from the start and no Sanzomon had even digivolved to Shakamon, since that was a momentous ordeal.

Sanzomon also lacked such desires.


Having this group walk towards him was a surprise and he stood up to meet them with respect. The others were strong but Sanzomon was stronger than his Prime.

She could literally seal away all his powers with her abilities. It was not wise to act evil and selfish in front of the woman.

She was a selfless being that endured trials and helped the world. If you were unfortunate, you could end up getting trials placed up on you.

Naruto wasn't worried, as he had some hope in his heart when he saw her.

It could mean that Shakamon was the one that brought him here. He didn't mind taking trials if he got the power to go back home.

No matter what happened, his old home was still his home. He had a family and friends in that world. If there was no way and he was just a normal person in this world, he would have moved on.

But, that wasn't so. He was given all his powers and placed in a world with all kinds of abilities.

To make it worse, his family was a constant reminder of his old world. He couldn't forget a thing especially since he was born with a perfect memory.

Whoever was responsible for it, they didn't want him to forget.

"Greetings honorable one, how may I be of assistance?" Naruto asked in a respectful tone, as he truly felt that from this digimon.

He would love to have her as his partner. She was a lot like him, they were ideal for each other. Angewomon was good, Ophanimon was better but both of those were Celestials and they despised dark types while Sanzomon didn't discriminate.

She would help out no matter what the species. She was forgiving and led others to a better path.

Rika would be very much jealous if she heard his thoughts.

Sagomon was silent and calm as he stood at the back.

Cho was looking happy as she peered at him, trying to see why they were her for this time. Sanzo was always taking them towards fun.

Son Goku rolled his eyes at Naruto's manners. He wasn't someone that spoke formal tones and liked rough treatment.

Nonetheless, he could sense what he liked. Naruto was a warrior with a long history and it called out to him. He wanted to fight him and see who was better.

Sanzo smiled at his words, "Greetings Lord Seventh, you can speak normally. I do not mind."

With those words, it was clear that she knew him.

"Miss, do you know?"

"Apologies, but I do not know more than that. I have come here for you as I have been shown that your presence in important to the world." Sanzo shook her head and denied it.

She didn't lie. But, it meant that her superior knew.

Naruto used Mokuton to make chairs for them to sit while summoning some tea and sweets from his storage.

"Can I meet Lord Shakamon?"

"Only my lord knows when the time is right, he will contact you."

It was disappointing to hear that and he couldn't push Sanzo either.

"So, why am I important to the world? I seem to have come to a realization that I am replaceable."

"Hehe, I doubt that. You do not believe such a thing, and you are unique existence. You have made mistakes and you have grown instead of becoming bitter with reality, not everyone can do that."

"Yes, yes, Sanzo is right. We would also become angry and bitter if we failed in our goals." Cho commented as she cleaned up the whole plate and held it for him to refill.

"Master Sanzo is never wrong, seize such pointless thoughts." Sago muttered as he took a sip from the tea.

"Hmph, stop acting like a pussy. You ain't getting any sympathy here with your tale." Goku looked at him with annoyance.

"Hahaha, you guys are something. I was just being humble, a force of habit. Obviously, I don't believe I am replaceable and no one is. Everyone has a role in life, it can be small or big but a role is a role.

And, thanks for the complement.

Seeing you here, I suppose I am in trouble or you have quest for me?" Naruto chuckled as he threw a banana at Goku, who caught it and gave him a wide grin.

He liked it this way.

"Humbleness is a good quality but saying such thing is not it. It shows that you have yet to overcome your problem and life shall test you again.

The past will haunt you again and you have to strengthen your heart for that day. The world is changing and there are dark clouds on the rise.

Not just the world, there is death around you. There is a very strong smell, and it seems you are being targeted.

Naruto Uzumaki, would you like to follow me and grow safely to your potential?" Sanzo spoke in a gentle and soothing tone that he was being a victim of reverse talk no jutsu.

Her voice wanted him to follow her along as she made sense. He would be safest on her side.

Nonetheless, he didn't want a safe life. He was the type to grow through danger and knowing that he had a powerful backer would lower his growth.

Other than that, she was right. He wasn't fully over his failure but it wasn't so bad. The failure wasn't just the goal, but family and friends as well.

To get rid of it, he needed to go back. His mind wouldn't let him forget that all his last memories were bad.

That was that, but she said he would be tested and death.

"Who will test me and why? Are you sure about the death sign?"

"I do not know who will test you, but it will happen. And, there is a powerful sign on you and your friends.

It means that you will die the next day."

Naruto was silent for a moment. Her words narrowed it down it for him.

It was probably the Demon lords or Olympians or Asgardians or Shakamon or King Drasil. It had to be something strong to deny her abilities.

Cutting down even further, it was probably the person that summoned him.

It was the reason why his memories were perfect so they wouldn't have trouble attacking him mentally for all his mistakes and regrets.

Such disgusting creatures, so who could it be?

It was probably the mother flipping King Drasil. That soulless thing had no emotions and would test out things like a robot.

It treated nothing with respect.

"Thank you for your help, I owe you a favor."

"We are friends now so there is no need."

"I am honored. I would love to talk more but I need to make preparations."

"We understand, please take this." Sanzo stood up as Naruto stood up and passed him a bracelet.

It was made by wooden beads but it couldn't be normal.

"It will help you when you need mental and spiritual support."

"Thank you, I will definitely repay this favor. Do not hesitate to ever ask for help, we suit each other. I would love to have you as my partner." Naruto was very grateful for this help as he had just avoided death.

He was literally about to get his whole team killed tomorrow. He didn't think anyone would be acting out at this time, but some crazy scum really didn't know the value of life.

Sagomon's crescent blade appeared in front of him as he was about to touch her hand.

Sanzo gave a signal with her hand and he removed it from the field.

"I am honored, but it does not suit us. Let us help each other like friends, as partnership is for other type of digimon.

Cho, would you like to go with him?"

"Nah, he doesn't have good food and he is too weak. He won't be fun, maybe when he is stronger then we will see. Don't forget to bring good food, or I won't even consider it." Cho answered honestly. She was a glutton and acted very much like a carefree child.

"Well, I said my piece. You can always decide to follow me in the future. I will always a place for you."

"Hey, it definitely stinks in here. Your words are double meaning, and you want to fuck our master. Don't you?"

"That's what he said, I didn't say it. I just think, we might suit each other in all ways." Naruto chuckled as he cancelled the seats.

Sanzomon didn't comment on it and just smiled. She was a monk and pleasure, and such things were just a test in her life.

"I don't really mind, that's her choice. But, I want to have a fight with you." Goku continued as he had no real problem with that. He did like that Naruto didn't step down from it and repeated it.

"Hmm, let's fight after I am finished preparing."

"Good, I will wait for you here."

Naruto nodded and flashed away with full speed towards the Digimon Association. He knew Mai was here. She had been following them around but his abilities had leveled up enough to find her so she wasn't always following them.

Now it seems he needed her help to take out the forces after them. If he called his family or the others, they would notice.

It was a good chance to make some change and get vengeance for them trying to kill his new life.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed