Chapter 60

With the Bancho taking care of the battlefield everything became extremely durable to the point that there was no worry about even moon level attacks cracking a single tree.

Looking at the situation, it was the first time in his life that Naruto had fought an important battle in such a manner. Plus, Bancho Leomon was the strongest being he had ever faced in his life beside the sealed Gokuwmon.

Without even fighting him, Naruto knew that he could never fight the beast King in base form. The foe had too much experience on his hands and fought various powerful beings unlike Naruto.

Naruto had no advantage on Leo in a fist fight and with energy attacks it would only get worse because of the quality of energy would overwhelm him.

Focusing on the world around him, Naruto absorbed nature's energy and mixed it with his chakra to enter Sage mode. It had been decades since he learnt the skill and could use it with ease.

In Sage mode Naruto could control nature around him and use invisible attacks while having the ability to sense life energy and predict attacks, giving him the ability to dodge unexpected attacks.

Naruto's stats increases by twenty times because of his mastered Sage mode and allowed him to reach City level power plus, highest rank Champion Digimon.

It was a massive power up and would have lasted only few minutes in the last but now Naruto could easily use it for the whole day unless he started throwing powerful attacks constantly.

Regardless, Leo adjusted to Naruto's new level and found the power up interesting as there weren't many Digimon that had such abilities. Power up abilities were rare and were treated as game changers. He also had one that gave him a further boost and allowed him to fight even stronger enemies.

It was rare since only people like the Ancients wouldn't be impressed by it. However, it had definitely given humanity a new way of growing in power since the method of the Ancients was specialized to their Digimon bodies. Naruto had brought two methods to further strengthen humanity and allowed them to walk out of the darkness.

Getting back to the battle, Leo Indicated for Naruto to take the first step. Staring at each other, both fighters had a battle of will. Within seconds, they had exchanged multiple blows and countered each other.

Naruto couldn't see any opening. He had done research on his foe and knew about him. Nonetheless, the foe was too skilled.

Forgoing a planned attack, Naruto decided to trust his instincts. Strategic combat was never his strong point, so he went with his core style.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Naruto said as he ran towards Leo, covering the distance instantly with his hands hanging by his side.

Tackle or Kick

Naruto felt danger from both choices and decided to for a tackle.

Going down, Naruto went for the right leg at the last moment.

Leo had multiple ways to handle this approach. He could use his knee, punch or a hammer strike from above.

There was also the option of letting Naruto take him down and fight using grappling skills. However, Leo would never let anyone down him even as a joke.

As such, Leo timed his punch and struck like lightning. There was no flaw in the strike, placement or timing. However, Naruto reacted without a stop in his movement and parties the strike while giving a right of his own with his foot planted like a pillar.

Leo flowed with the uppercut and used a knee strike that was blocked by Naruto's knee.

Naruto used his left hand to catch Leo's left and the foe used headbutt at the same time.

Both opponents ended up catching each other's hands and stared at each other in the eyes.

Not for long as Leo tried to slam Naruto over his head. Naruto didn't struggle against the flow and almost kicked Leo on the head when the foe suddenly pulled back and tried to slam into the ground.

Naruto moved his body and kicked Leo's left arm as the right was the dominant arm. Getting free by hitting the joint, Naruto quickly caught the right arm into a hold.

Regardless, Leo hit the ground with full force to smash Naruto's head.

The Hokage didn't mind the damage and timed his kick at the point of impact.

Naruto got hit in the head while Leo got a kick to his chin.

It was a knock out strike for others but for them it was a glancing blow.

Leo tried to catch Naruto's legs while Naruto tries to stop it while twisting the right arm.

It came to a standstill since both fighters couldn't finish their strikes.

Leo decided to move and tried to slam Naruto into a nearby tree.

Just at the right moment, Naruto let go and pushed against the tree to give Leo a knee strike to the throat.

But, the foe reacted easily and blocked it with a punch that sent Naruto flying few meters.

Leo followed it up with a charge and slammed his shoulder into Naruto who had directly bounced back towards him.

Naruto struck the left side and dodged to the right from the force produced. Landing safely, he followed it up with a sliding tackle while Leo jumped into the air before striking the sky to push himself towards Naruto.

Naruto hit the ground with his hands and pushed his body up while giving it spin to counter Leo's full body slam.

Just then Naruto felt multiple danger signals at the same time, forcing him to use all his skills to survive Leo's strike.

Like flowing water, Leo hit Naruto's kicks and opened a region to give kick of his own that Naruto was forced to block with his hands.

The kick sent Naruto crashing into the ground but he managed to mitigate it and used the momentum to stand on his right arm and kick Leo.

Leo let the kick carry him and he landed safely on the ground.

Multiple strikes exchanged and only one mutual destruction hit succeeded. It had only been few seconds and it flowed without stop.

It was a shocking scene for anyone watching because Bancho Digimon were masters of combat, so having an equal exchange of skills was almost impossible. It was impossible for anyone within the age range of thirty.

It would have been impossible for Naruto in the past but over the years he had increased his knowledge about fighting styles and gained more experience. His body had soaked itself in the combat and with Sage mode he could take care of any uncertainty or flaw.

Sage mode had been unavailable for all these years but Naruto hadn't forgotten to add it to his combat style and he had worked on tuning it after fighting Gokuwmon. Fighting the Monkey Sage had further reminded him of the vast world of martial arts. He was still not at the peak and he was barely getting by using the Sage mode. Once Leo or others on his level got serious, Naruto would be completely overwhelmed and if they started using powerful moves then he wouldn't survive.

"Bravo my little friend, consider me impressed. I expected something good but, this was excellent. With proof of your worthiness in front of us, I offer you my friendship." Leo relaxed and spoke in a friendly manner.

It was clear from their expressions that the battle had not been as expected and all of them were gearing to see how he would fight against them. Fighting foes that could react and adapt on the go was the ideal dream for these beasts of combat.

Looking at Leo, Naruto was honored by the offer. It was an ideal situation as he could win over a strong force for the human side and maybe even get an agreement with the Beast Empire. The relationships between Empires were complex and the Beast Empire was on neutral good terms with humanity.

Dragon Empire was also the same while the Light and Wind Empire were on good terms with Humanity.

Metal, Bagra and Plant Empire were on hostile terms with Humanity.

Bug and Water Empire were completely neutral and Dark Empire was the enemy of everyone.

Humanity was the weakest group because of their short history. This meant they had less competent fighters to compete on the big scale.

Humanity had only survived because no Empire had the desire to eradicate them in a serious manner along with the help from the Celestials.

With all that in mind and seeing the honesty of Bancho Lemon, "When our fists collided we were already friends. There is no need to treat it like a deal."

Naruto saw his old self in his new friend and didn't want to treat bonds in such a manner. Taking Leo's hand, Naruto got hugged tight.

"That's like it. I also hate people who act like that. Friendship is friendship, business is business so it is best not to mix them up. Now, let me show my full strength. It should help you evolve further." Leo said as he let go of Naruto and he activated his passive skill.

Brave Heart: It was a skill that boosted the reaction of the user and made all movements instantaneous while voiding the danger sense abilities of the opponents. Finally, it also provided the super boost to the stats when needed.

It was a skill that came into being from the concept of nothingness.

With that in mind, Naruto found himself blind to where the danger would come from and had to completely rely on his skills. However, Naruto had taken such measures I to mind when he started training. He understood that there was no such thing as impossible and that his moves could be voided.

Focusing on nature, which was wind, earth, light, space and gravity itself, Naruto took all the information of his opponent's movement through the Sage mode and continued to avoid Leo's assault while counter attacking.

Naruto had come to the point that his body had learnt almost everything on an instinctual level and would move without any thought. It meant that Naruto only needed to adjust his movement slightly according to what data he gathered. He could feel and see every little movement made by Leo, but it wasn't to keep up because it meant that sometimes he was one step slower.

Nonetheless, just like Leo wanted, it was helping him grow.

The battle kept on going because of Naruto's stamina and healing or he would have been knocked out by some of the attacks.

In the end, he proved that he was a force to be reckoned with and that his talent was the real thing.

The fight went on for ten hours without stop and Naruto had definitely lost at multiple points but Leo kept on going to help him.

By the end, Leo resorted to a powerful punch that destroyed the insides. However, Naruto managed to lessen the impact because of his mastery with internal attacks.

"I believe this is enough for now, Naruto. You are certainly the ideal rival and I look forward to your growth."

Everything looked normal and chill except for one person.

"I won't allow you to hurt my master next time." Asura jumped into the ring and roared out his frustrations. He had been unable to do anything and watched powerlessly. He had watched Naruto get hurt for ten hours, ten hours too many. His bond couldn't allow it. His loyalty wouldn't allow it.

There was no way he could allow such a thing to happen.

Standing against the unstoppable juggernaut, Asura looked so small but he stood with courage and grit even though his body was breaking down from handling the pressure of the Beast.

Leo had not even given the others a single glance; to him they were nothing but weak beings that needed protection. Asura hadn't registered on his eyes because of his weak spirit.

But this one declaration made him reconsider.

Looking at Asura, Leo could see the potential.

"Is that so? Do you think you have the guts and skills to stand against me, boy?" Leo stood over him like a predator and Asura felt the desire to fall back.

It was instinct. It was survival. It was logical. But, he denied it.

"I can. Three years is more than enough for me to surpass your puny power level and skill." Asura spoke with false bravado that changed to real confidence as he remembered that he was special and his master was special.

"We will defeat you!" Not to be left out, Rambo bit his tongue till it bled and gripped his hands tight that they had holes in them to break out of the trance and declare his defiance.

Both Digimon denied their rational side for the sake of their honor and their Master.

"Actions speak louder than words!" Leo challenged them with a roar that pushed them back and forced them to kneel.

Rambo could only struggle as his dragon side roared in indignation while Asura moved slightly towards Leo before losing consciousness.

Naruto supported him and had him rest inside the digi vice along with Rambo.

"They are still very young."

"I know, and I am impressed with their performance. They were not dragon types for them to actually deny their survival instinct naturally. So, this was all them. That is brave of them. You have good partners.... How about another partner to join this motley crew?"


"Nah, not me. Him!" Leo pointed towards a member that had been watching from afar.

Looking at the creature, Naruto easily recognized him.

Royal Leomon, one of the sons of the Beast Emperor.

He was a ultimate Digimon that was high end Ultimate and specialized in combat.

"Why would he want to join me?" Naruto was confused as this was beyond his wildest dreams. He had never dreamt of a prince joining him, not by choice.

"You are my path to ascending the mortal form. I aspire for greatness, human general. And for that I can put my life at risk, even put myself under a weaker being." Royal Leo spoke in a cold tone while his body language was showed respect.

"I don't understand what you mean by that."

"Let me answer that, we came across one of the other Sanzomon's and she directed him towards you. This little one has great ambitions so he definitely requires unique methods to achieve them." Bancho Leo added while putting his hand around his nephew's shoulder.

"I intend to surpass my father."

Hearing that goal, Naruto saw Boruto in him. He could see the giant shadow of the father looming over the child and the pressure within his heart.

It was clearly there and Royal Leo was running against it, so that he was not swallowed by the shadows.

It was this gap in power and expectations that had drove away his son and made him give up on training for a time. His son saw no hope in ever surpassing the legacy of his father and it was this reason that Boruto took any chance that appeared.

It was the reason that his son played with his life and almost succumbed to the machinations of Momoshiki.

It was one of the greatest regrets of his life even though it had almost been fixed by the end of his life and Boruto should be living a great life now with powers greater than Naruto's because of that Otsutsuki bloodline activating.

"Are you ready to share a bond of friendship with us?" Naruto asked the most important question.

"I will treat them like little siblings and I shall show you the respect you deserve." Royal Leo understood the question. With a Terrie and antagonist team mate, the other team mates would fall apart.

"Will you follow my orders even when they contradict your choices?"

"I will trust my life in your hands."

Naruto looked at the royal lion in front of him filled with scars and a big one of his chest. His eyes showed hunger for recognition and power.

"I don't know what others saw, but I promise that you will surpass your limits by my side. This is a promise of a life time." Naruto places his hand on his shoulder and finally felt the robe on the young lion's shoulder.

"Naruto, my nephew is exceptional even though he is the youngest. That robe was gifted by Gallantmon after a grand battle with him." Bancho Leo acted as the hype man and spoke greatness that even shocked Naruto.

Naruto hadn't expected the lion to already have some hype around him. He definitely had a reason to act arrogant beside his family name and bloodline.

The red robe gifted by Gallantmon gave him immunity to low level Digimon and even boosted his powers greatly. It directly put him on a new level of power.

"It was my utter loss. Lord Gallantmon taught this arrogant prince a lesson and showed me the way when I was walking the wrong path. It is a gift that is greater than my life and a physical manifestation of my promise to him. One day, I shall repay this favor to him."

"Young man, I will help you with everything I have got if you can promise to keep this attitude."

"I promise!"

"Then we are partners from now on. But first, what is your name?" Naruto accepted him and realized he forgot to ask about the name.


"Arslan, please accept the invite." Naruto pointed his digivice at him and Arslan turned to data as he was transferred to the digivice. With that, Naruto gained another powerful Digimon and it was one that even surpassed Asura.

Arslan even allowed him the opportunity to make a direct connection with the Emperor and maybe even influence the policies of the Beast Empire.

After the ceremony finished, Bancho Leo reminded him to take care of his nephew and told him that he was always available for his friends.

All finished, the guests took their leave and left Naruto with his team.