Chapter 61

Finished with another great event of his life, Naruto returned to the town victorious and great expectations for the future.

With the addition of Royal Leomon to his team, Naruto could feel his body go through a qualitative change. His spirit and body were being transformed and he was getting infinitely closer to his previous self. With the current pace, it wouldn't take him more than a year to reach his 4th war power level.

Bidding his team mates farewell, Naruto relaxed in the hot spring where he was joined by Mai and Na So Ri. These two were not alone as Morrigan and Lady Devimon were also there to join him. It was a situation that was extremely hard for most men with Naruto's constitution to endure, but willpower was something he had in excess and it helped counteract what his body lacked.

"Have you adapted to your new power?" Naruto asked as he looked at Mai with a pure gaze. He had not seen the woman since the battle and was feeling her with his extra senses.

Seeing his gaze, Mai didn't know whether she should be questioning her looks or be happy that her lord was someone with exceptional control.

Regardless, she was happy to report her success.

"It was a monumental success. Mai Shiranui has more than doubled in power, my lord." Mai replied with an enthusiastic tone while striking a pose.

Looking at the powerful and beautiful woman getting too close to Naruto, Na So Ri didn't feel happy. Having more than one was fine, but she didn't like the feeling of being second in something she held confidence in. In the hot spring, she felt that the other women were around her level or even above.

"Why don't you go and hunt a mega digimon, if you are so confident?" Na So Ri couldn't help but mutter because of her inferiority complex.

Hearing her words, Naruto's eyes moved towards the supporter's location and read her like an open book. Truly, Naruto wasn't really fully aware of the people around him at the moment since these women weren't that close to his heart. It was the reason why he missed Na So Ri's feelings.

"Not a bad idea, I can start hunting the enemies of humanity. So, what target do you propose?" Mai took it in stride and asked with her fingers on her lips making a mischievous smile.

Before she could respond, Naruto held up his hand and green light gathered around it before it exploded. It enveloped the whole hot spring before vanishing and with it; it took away the negative feelings hidden within.

Naruto had released a tsunami of positive emotions to drown the dark emotions within the people around him.

"Little ninja girl, I have a target in mind. Do you wish to try? It would help you get closer to your lord." Morrigan watched with amusement while Eve massaged her body. However, she decided to take part since Naruto stopped things from heating up.

Mai could only look respectfully towards Morrigan as the difference in power was huge. Morrigan didn't have a Mega digimon but she was a top class tamer and LadyDevimon was an exceptionally powerful digimon.

Even her new mega didn't give her the confidence to fight the succubus. The tone didn't anger Mai but her words definitely caught her curiosity.

"Morrigan, don't you get tired of sending fools to their death." Before Morrigan could continue, Rory dropped from the sky and sent the other girls crashing into the depths with her presence.

With the giant axe on her neck, Morrigan only tapped it lightly and pushed Rory away from her face.

"Oh my, what venomous words you have uttered my little sister. When have I done such a thing?" Morrigan spoke with a smile as she turned to dark smoke and enveloped Rory.

"Disperse!" Rory expertly spun her giant axe like an unstoppable tornado and violated the dark clouds. Morrigan laughed at her actions and broke through her offence with ease, and flicked her head.

Rory's neck snapped back from the force and her eyes started to turn deep pools of red as her berserker trait started to awaken.

"Lil sis, isn't your control weakening?" Even Morrigan felt confused by the situation as Rory would never enter berserk state so easily.

"No, it has become better." Rory replied while being in full control. Usually she would never enter such a state casually since it would damage her mind, but now she felt completely comfortable at the entrance of the berserk state. It felt like she had awakened a new stage of her genetic ability.

Clap clap

"Congratulations Rory, you are one step closer to reaching the legends. It is an honor, no; it is a pleasure to accompany you on this journey." Naruto decided to stop the battle before it began or all of them would be sitting inside a prison cell for breaking the city rules.

"Those words mean a lot to me, Naruto. And, it is my honor to accompany you in this life. I believe it is just a matter of time before you reach the top." Rory snapped out of her battle trance and focused on her one true love. She couldn't read emotions like Morrigan, but Rory believed that Naruto's words were the truth.

It brought her untold happiness to see him bloom. However, it also brought out the dark whispers that he would leave her behind. To avoid such a future, Rory couldn't allow herself to slack off.

"So, are you giving me a target or not?" Mai surfaced and asked once again. She really wanted to make Naruto owe her a favor.

"What do you think Master, should I?" Morrigan asked for Naruto's opinion.

"Mai, find information about a special Matadormon inside GrandDracmon's territory. It might have reached Mega level by now, so you just need to find its general location." Naruto decided to share one of the Uzumaki family's mortal targets. It had been years, but none had found the specific target.

It was made worse by the fact that the target might be living inside GrandDracmon's territory. That being was too powerful for anyone to consider such a task and the region was also filled with powerful mega digimon.

Just like others, Mai was also taken aback by the task. It brought her out of the excitement zone. She had to think about such a task seriously since her life would be on the line.

"I will not fail you, my lord." Stopping for a moment, Mai's thought at lightning speed before deciding to accept. Her Lord didn't give a time frame, so she could take her time to find the solution. Just because she didn't see an answer now, didn't mean that there was no answer.

Mai didn't believe in giving up before trying something. She liked to give it her all and learn from her mistakes. And, it was this attitude that improved Naruto's impression.

"I will advise you not to act reckless." Rory gave a final warning even though she felt that Mai wasn't about to give up.

"Thank you for your warning, I will keep it in mind….With that in mind, I shall take my leave."

With a nod from Naruto, Mai vanished from the scene.

"I will follow her for a while, Master. Maybe we might finally reach an answer." Morrigan cared for her sisters in a way and hated that they had to suffer from nightmares and such.

Watching her leave, Naruto hoped that Mai would really find the enemy. Once the location was confirmed, Naruto would assassinate the creature even if it was the private butler of the Ancient Demon King.

"Finally, we are alone." Rory muttered with joy and tried to hug Naruto while Na So Ri stared from the side with a dull look.

'I am being treated like the wind damn it.'