Chapter 63

Morning arrived without a hitch and Asura along with Rambo finally awoke from their slumber after the stressful battle with Bancho Leomon. The powerful presence had almost scattered their data if not for Bancho's kindness and Naruto's support. However, all of it was not negative since the risk had also brought an opportunity. Both digimon had grown stronger mentally and spiritually, which was clear from their expression and presence.

The lion was the strongest being both digimon had come across their short lives and instead of being pushed into his shadow they had taken the courageous step to challenge the creature in the future. The duo's fighting spirit hadn't lessened on bit, as it had increased by a factor.

Looking at his team, Naruto was lost in thought about ways to improve them. Arslan was new to his team and Naruto didn't have much info on him, so he decided not to mess with him at this point. Asura had already achieved a unique evolution that had barely just stabilized. Only, Rambo was mostly normal at the moment.

Meramon was Asura's normal evolution name and the next evolution would be Death Meramon (Skull Meramon). It was a form that became mostly human looking and the heat level reached extreme degrees that ice would evaporate from his mere presence in its vicinity. It could produce flames that were around 60, 000 Degree Celsius and it could create familiars out of flames.

It was a strong digimon that stood out in the Ultimate realm but, it was not enough for Naruto or Asura. It had been easy to modify the early evolutions but this was a challenge. Should he give up the flame like form for something solid or keep the form?

Should he opt for the humanoid form or take it to the other side?

'Asura already has great energy potential. He lacks a move set that is not reliant on power level.' Naruto had learned from his past mistakes and stopped focusing on pure firepower. He took great care to learn special moves that were game changers.

With that in mind, Naruto decided to avoid getting a form with flesh and opted for a skeletal form. The skeletal structure would be made from the chrome digizoid alloy while the flames would be enhanced even further to cause spiritual damage and mental damage.

Naruto decided to overwhelm Asura's existence with Yin-Yang so that he would become immune to existence erasure and become powerful enough to erase with his mere presence. Yin-Yang was Naruto's specialty and it was also Asura's strong point beside flames.

Discussing the plan with Asura about killing flame and dark digimon, the partner's came to an agreement as they both trusted each other unconditionally.

Moving from Asura to Rambo, Naruto had a lot of work cut out for him since the digimon had not been enhanced in a unique manner even once.

Rambo was stronger than normal champion digimon, but he still just above average and not an anomaly like Asura.

Rambo's next evolution was called Tankdramon and just like Metal Greymon, it had nuclear war heads. It was a powerful creature, but it was just an average ultimate digimon. It was incompatible with Naruto.

Rambo needed to retain his flexibility and speed as none of his evolutions were durable like the Legend arms.

"Master, remember that I am willing to take any risk to keep up with you. Please, do not abandon me." Rambo had watched Asura discuss with Naruto and saw the expectations of his master. It felt like they were rushing ahead of him, so he felt the need to remind Naruto about his words. No matter what happened, Rambo didn't want to be left behind.

Remembering the scene where Rambo first combined with Asura, Naruto understood what he could do for his young partner. It was a step that would bring Rambo and Asura to a similar level of power.

"I didn't forget, and this will be very painful for you." Naruto already knew that Rambo would take the chance so he didn't ask. He just needed to collect more chrome digizoid and dragon data before the next evolution so that Rambo would achieve Darkdramon form at the Ultimate level.

Hearing Naruto's idea, Rambo was flabbergasted. It was straight out of a fairy tale.

"Is that even possible?"

"You already took the form with Asura's help, now you will just do it alone. It is just that simple."

Arslan watched the exchange from the side and was deeply impressed by his master. The man didn't think normal, and directly broke the boundaries. Not many people thought about creating champion's strong as Ultimate's and vice versa. There were even less people that actually succeeded in such madness.

Such an occurrence gave him further assurance that Naruto would definitely lead him to another level of power.

Once the discussion was over, Naruto sparred with his team and poured his chakra into their bodies to strengthen them.


Rory had asked Naruto to meet her in the afternoon, so he had been using the time to prepare what he needed for the journey. Seeing the pattern of his destiny, Naruto decided to visit the Legend Arms and asked for a temporary partner.

He was still not strong enough to get the Ultimate shield and sword on his side. Nonetheless, he was patient and didn't act hastily.

Getting out of the shop, Naruto was greeted by Hikari and Takeru.

"Did you two decide to follow me?" Naruto asked as he had requested the duo to join him before even receiving their partners. They were childhood friends and the duo was very much similar to him.

"It is a nice idea, but I prefer staying with my brother." Takeru (TK) replied with an awkward smile. The young man was very attached to his brother and only wished to lighten his burden.

"Takeru hasn't, but I will be joining you temporarily until your teammates return." Hikari decided to use the chance provided by the world and get the alone time with Naruto. During the adventure she would be the only person close to him, which should allow them to get closer comfortably.

It was really embarrassing when pother people were around. She wasn't shameless like Rika.

Giving both of them a hug, Naruto was curious about Takeru's reason to follow him since he hadn't mentioned his target to anyone yet.

"Do you know where I am going?"

"Yes, you are going to the Dragon Empire… I saw it in a dream." Takeru replied without running circles around the topic as he knew that Naruto trusted him.

Takeru was someone that could see events in his dreams. They came to him randomly, but all of them were of some importance to him and were directly connected to him.

Looking at the smiling young man, Naruto was truly impressed. Takeru was humble that no one could guess that he was the strongest person in Japan according to his potential. If everything went normally, Takeru should surpass everyone within few years.

"What did you see?"

"The Four Great Dragons protecting us from the darkness. Naruto, something is coming and we need to hurry before it catches us unprepared." Takeru dropped the smile and showed the seriousness hidden behind it. The young man had truly been stressed out after seeing the dream and had already informed his brother about it.

The Higher ups would have other ways to get such an information, but he still conveyed his dream just in case they missed it.