Chapter 64

Takeru's premonition didn't come as a surprise since Naruto expected a storm once the Akatsuki and Ouroboros gang started moving. There was no way that all these villains didn't have some grand plan that they followed with conviction.

However, the information was unclear and he really couldn't make any preparations from just that single picture. All he could do was to act extra cautious and focus on all minute details, so that not a single clue was missed.

"Is there any other clue?" Naruto asked as he walked towards the city center with the duo.

"I think it might be related to Apocalymon. It gave me the same feeling as the relic that my brother found in a ruin dedicated to it…. The despair I felt in the dream was palpable." Takeru shivered as he shared the full extent of his nightmare and his reaction was natural. No one could deny that Apocalymon was the worst case disaster.

It was a digimon that could end the world with its mere presence.

Hearing his answer, Naruto could see why Hikari was not being talkative like normal. The situation was too much for these kids to handle. It was like if someone had told him about facing Madara and Kaguya when he had just become genin, truly an impossible task.

"You guys should stop worrying so much, as things won't go in that direction. Trust in the people around us and if not them, trust in the Royal Knights. No one would allow that creature to enter this realm, you should know that. And look at your dream, it didn't show us dead. So, stop thinking negative thoughts before you start getting white hair from stress." Naruto put his hands on their heads and messed with their hair to get them to act normal. Worrying about something that was not within their ability was a waste of their time and a pointless endeavor. It was better for them to focus on what they could do and not about the impossibility of their unknown enemy.

Usually Naruto wouldn't have to light up their spirits since the duo was very positive, but it seems this nightmare had done a number on them.

"How are you fine after hearing this name? Are you not worried about what we will lose?" Hikari couldn't help but ask as she was scared of the losses that humanity would have to endure from the disaster.

"What will change from worrying about it? It is better for us to focus on our goal instead of stressing ourselves about the risks. And, everyone has a time when they need to pass on to the next world. So, just remember them fondly and stop panicking about what you can't change." Naruto understood that it was cruel but the children would have to learn the lesson one day, though hopefully it didn't involve anyone close at such a young age.

From the heroic spirit of their brothers, Naruto knew there was always the possibility of the duo dying on the battlefield. Their deaths would devastate the young children.

"I will try, though it doesn't seem possible at the moment… Thanks for lending me an ear, Naruto, and not panicking." Takeru didn't take his comments negatively and was happy that Naruto was there to provide him support. Takeru had yet to grow into a man that could stand alone and relied on others for support. At the moment it was mainly his brother and sometimes it was one of the other senior members, sometimes it was Hikari or Naruto.

On the other hand, Hikari was stronger mentally. However, even she didn't know how Naruto was so calm. Though, she had expected it. It was still hard to understand. It felt like Naruto really didn't possess a heart. Sometimes she felt that he was extremely cold with his words and she was left wondering whether what she saw in him was even real.

"I know my words came off as cold, but it is something that I understood with time. I may look your age, but I am not." Naruto didn't want his young friends to get the wrong idea, so he shared his origin with them. They were close to his heart, so he always planned to share it with them.

With the secret out in the open, the duo connected the dots and understood why Naruto stood out so much.

It all made sense but it also made things very awkward. Naruto was older than their brothers. There was no way they could talk to him in an informal manner after knowing these details.

It was clear from their expression and body language that they had a hard time adjusting. Takeru wasn't the only one as Hikari didn't know how to deal with this situation.

She loved Naruto, but he was older than Kai. It wasn't strange for people to have a large age gap in the current world, but she didn't know how to feel about the situation. She really ended up liking a person older than her as others had expected.

And, it was someone that was married.

Hikari really didn't know what to do after hearing about it. She didn't want to come between true love and it made her feel dirty thinking about coming in between such a bond.

"What's up with them? It feels like they had been caught kissing and now can't show their faces." Rory commented when she the trio arrive.

Hearing her comment, Hikari and Takeru denied it profusely. Their childish reaction made her laugh before she learned the gist of the situation.

Rory refrained from teasing them after seeing Naruto's gaze. She knew it was the normal reaction to the unique situation and it wasn't something easy to adapt to even if they wanted to. It was especially worse for Hikari.

"I know there are countless things on your mind, but our journey isn't a picnic. So, we can't afford such absentmindedness. If you are not ready to focus, it would be better for you to stay and find your rhythm." Naruto had given them time to adjust but it was worse than he had expected. The duo was completely lost in thought and lacked awareness.

Hearing his words, they felt ashamed but they didn't back down.

"I would have done so normally, but the situation doesn't allow it." Takeru responded and decided to put all thoughts at the back of his mind. He really couldn't afford such distractions.

It was the same for Hikari as the dream also showed her presence and she had promised to help Naruto. Just because it was awkward between them, it didn't mean she would break her oath.

"That's much better. I thought we might have travel for weeks in that stifling atmosphere. That would have been a terrible experience. Now let us march, young soldiers!" Contrary to all their expectations, Rory decided to walk to their destination.

Without an explanation, all of them followed the young berserker towards the Dragon Empire that was thousands of miles from their location. It was the distance from one side of earth to the other side since the digital world was enormous.

Regardless, it would only take them few weeks to a month by foot if they walked and it would only take a day if they ran towards their destination.

It was necessary for them to travel by foot because it was unknown whether Examon wouldn't have moved from his current location and walking allowed the team to fight various digimon while also providing them an opportunity to find precious items.