Alexandria Interview

During the time when I was in a sleep coma, what do I mean by sleep coma? I didn't wake up to jack shit during the time that we were traveling. I was being lugged around by Abraham due to him being the strongest one here to be able to carry me. Apparently he commented about me being light as a toothpick for eating what I eat, thankfully not mentioning anything about eating humans. It seems like he at least sees me as a comrade, which is good to know since it's so hard to read him behind all that hard-ass macho self of his. Rick trusted me with the words I spoke before falling asleep.

We arrived at Andrea yesterday, I was asleep for 2 days apparently. When I woke up, I was in Alexandria's infirmary and thankfully I didn't have an IV drip hooked up into me. Looking around, I saw Enid asleep in a chair? 'Why the hell is she watching over me?' I wondered to myself. I decided to check my status before anything else.

[Name: Jin

Race: Ghoul, Infected(0.1%)

RC-Cells: 10,213 //Warning to host - Trauma can cause the development of kakuja sacs.

Z-Points: 49,300

Strength: 11

Agility: 9

Constitution: 8

Intelligence: 11

Vitality: 19

Abilities: Customization Manipulation, Weapon Manipulation, Absolute Combat, Perfect Eidetic Memory, Rinkaku Kagune, Fast Learning, Quick Thinking, High Speed Regeneration, Enhanced Strength

Skills: I'm Never Never Gonna Give Ya' Up

//New abilities from the increase in Strength, Intelligence, and Vitality.]

I was a bit intrigued from the new abilities and the fact that my Infected race is staying at 0.1%, but it wasn't much of an issue. I decided to wake up the terrible overseer, "Wake up! I need help!" Hearing my shout, Edin immediately shout up and looked at me while I had a neutral, deadpan face; quickly realizing that I was just screwing with her. I chuckled a bit and said, "How long have I been out?" Edin told me in an annoyed tone, that I was out for 2 days and that I am going to be talking to Deanna now that I'm up. I nodded and got before saying, "Lead the way, guard." Edin sighed and said, "My name is Edin. Now follow me."

Ever since I left the hospital, I didn't have shoes so I immediately began to follow Edin to Deanna's home. It was early in the morning and the sun was just rising so there weren't that many people awake and out of their homes. But for the ones who were, they were staring at me with curiosity since I was asleep for two days. They probably thought I was dying, which is honestly believable for these people since they have been within these walls since the start practically. I would have to say they were pure and untainted of the apocalypse, where the strong preys on the weak.

While I was being a circus freak for the people who were awake and sitting on their porch, I chatted with Edin and asked how the others in my group were doing. The good news is they didn't blow a huge fuse over me being in the infirmary, away from them.

Arriving at Deanna's house, Edin knocked on the door before leaving me alone. That's exactly like her, always off to be secluded or basking in the presence of others. I'm the same way, so I want to get my own house and seclude myself so I can enjoy the benefits of being left alone the majority of the time. I waited a bit and soon enough, the door opened and it was Deanna who opened the door. 'Thank god it wasn't one of her sons. I guess they have their own place?'

I decided to introduce myself to her, "Hello, my name is Jin. I believe that you wanted to speak with me when I woke up?" Regarding my introduction, it would of been perfect if I was clean. My hair was clumped together, dirt was stuck to my skin, and my robe was pretty much in tatters. I rarely used it, I mostly used the worn out knife that I found so everyone forgot that I had guns. They were currently inside my inventory.

Deanna was a middle-aged woman with blue eyes, brown hair, and an optimistic personality. She introduced herself and invited me in, leading me towards the room where the others had their interviews. Deanna asked as formality, "Do you mind if I record this?" I shook my head and she began to record before saying, "Take a seat, get comfortable." I wasn't reserved or wary, I'll give an inch before asking for a mile. Deanna began the interview with, "Your name is Jin, right? I assume it wasn't always Jin though." I gave a neutral smile and answered honestly, "Yes, I go by Jin now. I've given up my old name; the reason? I don't remember it." Deanna was a bit taken aback since everyone was either very cautious, told a bit of lies, or something else; she wasn't expecting an honest answer, but she could tell I had a motive behind my honesty.

"What do you think of Alexandria after waking up?" I answer immediately, "I didn't see much but it's nice and peaceful. That's good but also bad since the people who stay here are naive and almost clueless." She nodded and explained the reason why she brought the group here, "Yes, that is the reason why I want you all here. The people here are naive of what's out there; we need a group with experience." I nodded and asked bluntly, "What benefits do I get? I'm sure you already know that I want something very specific." Deanna smirked and said, "Yes, I see that you allowed me to know as well. But before that, what is your specialty?" I had to think for a moment before I answered, "I would say therapy. I'm very reclusive, I don't like interacting with others unless I seek out contact myself. I can offer therapy to the people of Alexandria on the condition that I get a house to myself." Deanna thought for a moment before saying, "You're a pretty greedy young woman, aren't you?" I laughed and said, "Greedy? A bit. But you definitely owe me a house of my own after not noticing that I'm male."

Deanna was a bit surprised but laughed and said, "You have a deal. All I ask for is that you help me out when the people are stirred up." The last one, I understood and I smiled calmly before saying, "I see that you noticed that my specialty is manipulation during chaotic times." She chuckled and said, "You're not the first person I met who often did that. Unlike him, you are quite honest."

I smiled and we both left to go towards my personal home after she turned the camera off.