Trust Nobody

Li Wei came downstairs to meet his family.

"how is she?"Old Master Li asked.

"she's fine, she resting"he replied

"we should contact the police, we can't can't let the kidnappers go"Old Madam Li said. At this time Yu Yan became very scared,she wished there was a hole she could hide in.

"Ok, son we'll leave now"Old Master Li said as he left with his family, Yu Yan quickly followed them.

Yu Yan drove her car to an empty plot. She was breathing heavily and later calmed down after taking deep breaths. Then she took her phone from her purse

"How did she escape?"Yu Yan asked angrily.

"Miss I don't know how they managed to escape. I'm really sorry Miss"the voice apologized

"Keep your sorry to yourself. Do have any idea what you've done?,now all my plans are ruined. Now listen carefully, the Li family won't let this go,by hook or by crook they will find you. So if I were you I will leave this country and never return."Yu Yan said as she hung up. She drove out of the plot and went home.

Back at Royal mansion, it was time for Wang Xiu Ying to take her medicine and she refused to have it.

"No I won't take that, it smells awful and it is very bitter"Wang Xiu Ying cried.

"Mommy whenever we are sick you always tell us to take our medicine, why won't you take yours"Li Xiu said. Wang Xiu Ying didn't answer. She'll rather die than take medicines.

"If you don't take your medicine my sister and I will never talk to you again"Li Jie said.

"Yes"Li Xiu nodded and agreed with her brother.

"I'm already in a lot of pain and the two of you are blackmailing me"Wang Xiu Ying said as she forcefully took the medicine.

"This is the footage from the Golden Berry cafe"Mr Cheng said as he handed the footage to Li Wei. The footage revealed what truly happened the previous day. As Wang Xiu Ying was heading towards the car,the driver stepped out to open the car for her then suddenly a man came from behind Wang Xiu Ying and injected her while another man gave the driver a blow,causing him to faint.

"Looks like it was planned"Li Wei said to Mr Cheng.

"Get me the chief of police"Li Wei said to Mr Cheng.

"Yes sir"Mr Cheng said as he made a call to the police.

In the next thirty minutes, the chief of police. After explaining the whole situation to the chief of police

"Looks like it was planned by someone close to you"the chief of police said.Mr Cheng wanted to flare up but his master didn't react at all so either he knew or he wasn't interested but after everything that happened yesterday, it has got to be the former,so he remained calm and didn't say a word.

"They knew where she was so they relied on patience. In my perspective, I suppose they had one person in the cafe watching her and informed the others when she was leaving. The person that hired them must have seen her in the cafe or knew where she was going." The chief of police explained.

"I remember that Yu Yan said she saw Madam with a friend"Mr Cheng said. A few minutes later,the chief of police sat down and held a paper.

"OK so we have a few suspect so let's narrow it down. The Madam told Nanny Zhou that she was going out but not where,so she's off the list,so is the driver and her friend called Sam"

"Wait..?, why is he off the list?"Mr Cheng asked

"Because my sources confirmed that as soon as he left the cafe, he immediately got on his plane that took him to Paris." The chief of police answered.

"So we have only one suspect. Miss Yu Yan"The chief of police said.

"I'm sure that it's all a misunderstanding, Miss Yu Yan and her family has been friends with the Li family for a couple of years now and the Li family trust her"Mr Cheng said in shock and disbelief.

"Listen, in this world and in my line if work I have come to accept a very important fact. Trust Nobody" The chief of police said.