You're The One Who Needs Rest

Though he knew what he said was right,Mr Cheng was still in disbelief. Yu Yan and her family were friends and are still friends of the Li family. How could she be so heartless.

"Master, what should we do?"Mr Cheng asked. Li Wei was silent for a while.

"We should wait and gather more evidence, all we have are our suspicions,we should monitor her every movements,we can't let her know that we're monitoring her though"he replied calmly.

"OK but for now I'll advice you to tighten your security and I'll send people to start watching Miss Yu Yan" The chief of police said as he got up to leave.

"Thank you"Li Wei said

"I'll show you out"Mr Cheng said as he followed the chief of police. Li Wei went upstairs to check on Wang Xiu Ying, she was fast asleep. The twins were sleeping beside her. The marks on her body were very visible but it was fading slowly. At this point, anger overwhelmed him, there was this murderous aura that surrounded him. Mr Cheng who was watching him from afar became scared ,his legs stated shaking slight, this man looked as if he could murder anyone at anytime but who would blame him. His wife was kidnapped, what if they had killed her,then his two children who had not even gone far in life would have been left motherless and what must hurt the most is that the person suspected of being the master mind was a close friend of the family,all these are enough to make a man blind with rage. Mr Cheng quietly approached Li Wei.

"Master we still have to close the deal with Silver Bridge" Mr Cheng said quietly. Li Wei took a glance at his wife and children and quickly got dressed and went back to the office with Mr Cheng to close the deal.

It was 6pm in the evening, Li Wei returned home with a stack of documents. After closing a major deal with Silver Bridge he still had a lot of deals to close both home and abroad. He was very tired,even though he doesn't show it,this man hasn't eaten or slept. He went into the study room and started reading through the documents. Mr Cheng stood beside him.

"Master your dinner" a servant said as she got closer to him shaking slightly. Li Wei looked at her direction and saw the tray she was holding.

"You can take it back I'm not hungry" Li Wei said as he continued reading the documents. Mr Cheng was already used to his behavior, sometimes, he would not eat or sleep for a whole day which made him question his humanity. The servant was also used to his behavior, she left the study room and went towards the kitchen. On her way to the kitchen, she met Wang Xiu Ying.

"Good evening Madam"The servant greeted.

"Good evening. Where are you taking it to?"Wang Xiu Ying asked.

"Master didn't want it so I'm taking it back to the kitchen" The servant answered.

"OK give it to me"Wang Xiu Ying said as she carried the tray and headed towards the study room.

"Madam"Mr Cheng said. Li Wei who had been reading the documents diverted his attention and looked at the woman holding a tray of food. Wang Xiu Ying went closer to him and dropped the food on the table and turned to Mr Cheng.

"Has he eaten?"Wang Xiu Ying asked. Mr Cheng didn't know whether to answer or not. He looked at both of them briefly, if Li Wei decides to fire him because of his answer,he would down in his knees to beg him and there might be a probability that he would take him back.

"No Madam"He said sharply and looked at his master who did not react.

"Has he slept?"She asked again.

"No Madam"Mr Cheng replied. Wang Xiu Ying turned to Li Wei. He was a bit shocked even though he did not show it.

"Eat" Wang Xiu Ying said.

"What are you doing?,you're supposed to be resting"Li Wei reminded.

"You're the one who needs rest"She said calmly.