Stay Here

After they left, Wang Xiu Ying was in a daze. She didn't know how to react to what she jut heard. Was it really her fault?, if she hadn't come into Li Wei's life would be different?. All these questions roamed her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Wei asked, he walked towards her and saw her beautiful calm face. Wang Xiu Ying lowered her long lashes.

"Nothing"she answered.

"Come on"Li Wei said as he held her hand and led her upstairs.

The next day,news about Yu Yan's arrest flooded the everywhere. This was the main topic at every newspaper, TV programmes,radios and the internet.

"Ha...I knew it...Yu Yan is nothing but a crazy b**ch"

"Who would have thought that she was a real devil?"

"This girl is not human...she's not human"

"I don't blame her at all..I blame her parents for not raising her properly". Yu Yan was ridiculed by everyone who knew her and her parents were not left out. Wang Xiu Ying looked wanted to forget everything that happened but she couldn't because it was everywhere. She quickly got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast, the twins were downstairs with Nanny Zhou eating quietly.

"Nanny has Li Wei left?"Wang Xiu Ying asked as she sat down.

"Yes madam" Nanny Zhou answered. After breakfast, the twins didn't go out to play as usual, they stayed in their room and laid on their bed. Wang Xiu Ying was a bit worried about this.

"Li Jie, Li Xiu don't you want to play?" Wang Xiu Ying asked as she sat on their bed.

"No" Li Jie answered while Li Xiu lowered her head.

"Why?"Wang Xiu Ying asked. Li Jie didn't answer, after what they witnessed yesterday,they suddenly lost interest in playing.

"Is it because of what happened yesterday?"Wang Xiu Ying asked. The twins didn't answer instead,they lowered their heads.

"Should we go on vacation?" Wang Xiu Ying asked?, she wanted to leave yo have a change of scenery and she didn't want what happened the previous day to affect her children in any way.

"Where?" They asked as their sad eyes lit up with a spark of excitement.

"I don't know...anywhere apart from here" Wang Xiu Ying answered.

"Let's go to Australia" Li Xiu said happily.

"No way...let's go to England" Li Jie said. The twins started arguing about places they wanted to visit which made. Wang Xiu Ying happy because normally if they didn't play or turn the house upside down, the least they would do is argue about anything.

"If the both of you finally agree on were to go, let me know"Wang Xiu Ying said as she left.

"Madam, letters for you" Nanny Zhou said as she handed them to Wang Xiu Ying. They were letters from Li Wei's business partners,their wives and others who wanted to console her about the incident. After reading them, she took the phone ad began calling them one by one because of she didn't, it would have been an issue.

Later in the evening,Li Wei came home,he took large strides and went into his room,he laid on his bed and closed his eyes but quickly opened them and called Mr Cheng to bring the files. Mr Cheng went up to his room and delivered the files,when he came out his face was overwhelmed with worry.

"What's wrong?" Wang Xiu Ying asked as she came out of her room.

"Madam, I think something is wrong with master" Mr Cheng said.

"OK" she said and headed towards Li Wei's room. She pushed the door opened and saw Li Wei lying on the bed holding the file. He looked pale,and walk and his hands were shaking slightly. Wang Xiu Ying went closer to him and felt his forehead, it was burning. Wang Xiu Ying was alarmed.

"I'll call doctor Mo" Wang Xiu Ying said as she picked up her phone.

"No need,I'm fine its just a small fever" Li Wei said weakly.

"Small fever? can't even talk properly" Wang Xiu Ying said as she gave doctor Mo a call. A few minutes later, doctor Mo rushed in and quickly examined Li Wei.

"Don't worry too much he's going to be fine"doctor Mo said as he gave Wang Xiu Ying some medicines.

"Please make sure he takes them, I'll come from time to time to check on him" doctor Mo said as he left.

"I'll tell the servants to prepare something so that you can take your medicine" Wang Xiu Ying said,as she was about to leave, Li Wei held her hand and used the little strength he had left to pull her into the bed.

"Stay here" Li Wei said softly as he closed his eyes and slept.