Who's Kara

Wang Xiu Ying looked at Li Wei's handsome face,she counted herself lucky to have such a handsome husband, she smiled when she saw her husband's pale face. This man who looked as if he could conquer the whole world was so pale and weak. It was a rare sight to see, all she could do was look at him,few moments later,she slept off. A few minutes later Li Wei woke up feeling uncomfortable, he slowly walked to the bathroom and ran a cold bath. When he left the bathroom, Wang Xiu Ying was not on the bed,he became annoyed and went back to lie down. Wang Xiu Ying entered the room holding a tray of hot soup and his medicines.

"Here..take this"Wang Xiu Ying said as she held his medicine. Li Wei ignored her and closed his eyes. Wang Xiu Ying was a bit surprised by his behavior.

"What happened? she asked as she sat beside him.

"I told you to stay here,why did you leave?"he asked.

"I went to get soup for you"she answered. Li Wei wasn't convinced.

"OK fine I'm sorry"Wang Xiu Ying said. As she held the bowl of soup and started feeding him. After feeding him and giving him his medicines, Wang Xiu Ying caked a servant who came and carried the tray away. Wang Xiu Ying was about leaving when she saw Li Wei's annoyed face. She sighed and laid on the bed next to him.

"Happy?"she asked. Li Wei didn't answer, he smiled a little before going back to sleep.

Li Wei slept for a very long time,his fever seemed to have disappeared a little but his face was still pale and his body was still weak. When he woke up, it was already 6pm, Wang Xiu Ying was sitting on the chair beside him as she held a book. Li Wei looked at Wang Xiu Ying,seeing her beside him was like the greatest moment of his life,he was completely mesmerized by her beauty. Wang Xiu Ying closed the book and looked at Li Wei.

"What's wrong?, why are you looking at me like that?" Wang Xiu Ying asked as she moved closer to him.

"Nothing I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful wife"Li Wei replied as he gave a charming smile. Wang Xiu Ying blushed as she bowed her head.

"Daddy!!" Li Jie said as he walked close to his parents.

"Daddy are you OK?" Li Jie said as he looked at his fathers pale face.

"Mommy" Li Xiu said as she stood beside her mom.

"Daddy are you OK?" Li Xiu asked.

"I'm fine it's just a little fever" Li Wei answered.

"Will you be all better before we go on vacation?" Li Xiu asked.

"Vacation?"Li Wei asked as he looked at Wang Xiu Ying who nodded.

"So where should we go?" Li Wei asked.

"Australia" the twins answered.

"OK we'll go after your dad gets better" Wang Xiu Ying said.

"OK your daddy needs rest now,bye bye" Wang Xiu Ying said as pushed her twins out of the room. Wang Xiu Ying sat beside him and felt his forehead, he was getting better and better.

"I've asked Mr Cheng to fill in for you tomorrow." Wang Xiu Ying said as she laid beside him.

"Thank You" Li Wei said as he held her hand tightly. Wang Xiu Ying smiled.

The next day, after doctor Mo has finished the check up, Li Wei sat in the living room. Even if he was a bit sick, his aura was strong, the servants felt uneasy, those who were cleaning the living room were so careful that it looked as if ghost were cleaning.

"Damn...you sure do scare people" Zhang Lei said as he walked towards Li Wei who was surprised to see his friend.

"When did you get back?"Li Wei asked.

"Yesterday and I've missed a lot haven't I?"Zhang Lei asked referring to the Yu Yan incident.

"Why are you scaring these servants...and why are you not at the office"Zhang Lei said before he noticed Li Wei's pale face. The servants finished quickly and left the living room.

"Where are those two angels you don't deserve?"Zhang Lei asked her he looked around. Li Wei didn't answer which got him a bit angry.

"Are you listening to me?"Zhang Lei asked

"Go look for them yourself"Li Wei finally spoke.

"Yes sir"Zhang Lei answered as he went upstairs to look for the twins.

"When did you get back?"Wang Xiu Ying asked smiling as she hugged Zhang Lei.

"Yesterday... where are the twins?"Zhang Lei asked.

"In their room. Come"Wang Xiu Ying said as she led him to the twin's room. Li Jie and Li Jun were so excited when they saw Zhang Lei,after greeting him,they started asking him for toys and other stuff. After some time, the four of then went downstairs to Li Wei who was busy reading the newspaper.

"Ah..I miss those days"Zhang Lei said as he looked at his friend.

"What days?" Wang Xiu Ying asked curiously.

"Those days when Li Wei and I would go out and start flirting with beautiful girls"Zhang Lei said as he gave a mischievous smile. Li Wei looked at him coldly.

"Don't look at me like that...I jut miss the old days especially the 4th of July when Li Wei first met Kara." Zhang Lei said.

"Kara?...who's Kara?" Wang Xiu Ying asked