Where Did You Go

Li Wei didn't speak, he glared at his friend trying to get him to stop.

"Stop glaring at me with those murderous eyes of yours. Sooner or later she will still find out"Zhang Lei said.

"Find out what?"Wang Xiu Ying asked again,this time she was getting more curious.

"Not now sweetie, later, the kids are here"Zhang Lei said.

"What did you just call her?"Li Wei asked,he looked as if he was ready to pounce on Zhang Lei.

Great,now you've gotten yourself in trouble. Zhang Lei thought to himself.

"Sw....swee..sweetie."Zhang Lei said.

"I..I think.. I should get going great demon king"Zhang Lei said as he got up.

"What did you call him?" Wang Xiu Ying asked as her beautiful eyes turned red.

God.. what did I say now. Zhang Lei asked himself.

"De..De..I..Ishould really get going" Zhang Lei quickly walked towards the door. After Zhang Lei left, Wang Xiu Ying turned to Li Wei and gave him a suspicious look.

"What?" Li Wei asked as he looked at Wang Xiu Ying.

"Kara"Wang Xiu Ying replied. Li Wei didn't answer her, he got up and went upstairs.

"Seriously? you're ignoring me. Now I'm getting more curious." Wang Xiu Ying said as she watched her husband as he went upstairs. Wang Xiu Ying became more determined to find out who Kara really was.

Later in the afternoon, Wang Xiu Ying walked through the garden and sat on the swing thinking about this girl Kara. Wang Xiu Ying spotted Mr Cheng coming down for the car.

"Mr Cheng" Wang Xiu Ying called. Mr Cheng walked towards hr holding a stack of documents.

"What happened?,why are you here?"Wang Xiu Ying said as she smiled.

"Madam..I came to give master these documents to sign." Mr Cheng answered happily.

"OK that's fine...after he finish signing them come see me" Wang Xiu Ying said.

"Huh?...see you?..why?"Mr Cheng asked,he wondered why she would ask to see him.

"Don't worry I'll tell you later and don't tell your master. You can leave"Wang Xiu Ying said as she returned back to her swing. Mr Cheng walked walked upstairs to Li Wei's room, he saw his master sitting beside his bed,even though he was looking pale he was still strong enough to kill a lion with his bare hands". All these thoughts ran through Mr Cheng's mind,the sweat on his forehead ran down his face. He approached Li Wei slowly and started explaining trying to hide his fear bit his legs started shaking.

"Are you OK?" Li Wei asked with his cold emotionless voice.

"Yes...yes..sir...I'm fine"Mr Cheng answered. After Li Wei finished signing the documents, Mr Cheng left the room and walked down stairs and saw Wang Xiu Ying waiting for him holding car keys.

"Let's go"Wang Xiu Ying said as she walked towards the door while Mr Cheng followed her.

After a long drive, Wang Xiu Ying arrived at Bright Star hotel and they both sat at the reception.

"Madam..why did you call me?..is everything OK"Mr Cheng asked.

"Yes everything is fine..I wanted to ask you a question" she answered.

This question must be very important maybe that's why she asked to meet here. But why is it so important that I cannot tell my master about it? Mr Cheng thought to himself.

"Yes Madam..What is it?"Mr Cheng asked.

"I'll just go straight to the point. Who is Kara?"Wang Xiu Ying asked. Mr Cheng was dumbstruck, he didn't expect this kind of question, his heart started beating very fast.

But why did she ask me that kind of question?, what am I supposed to tell her?. If I saw anything to her,master will kill me. I'm not ready to die yet. Mr Cheng said to himself.

"Madam...I..well..you see..this..this question..is one that..I cannot answer"Mr Cheng answered.

"Why?"Wang Xiu Ying asked.

"Well..you see that's something you have to ask master"Mr Cheng answered. Wang Xiu Ying tried her best to persuade Mr Cheng but to no avail.

"OK fine. Since you won't tell me anything, let's leave"Wang Xiu Ying left the hotel. After she dropped Mr Cheng off, she went to meet one of her friend.

"Xiu Ying, what a pleasant surprise" Mu Feng her high school friend said happily.

"Hello Mu Feng" Wang Xiu Ying said as she hugged him.

"Where is Liu Fang?"Wang Xiu Ying asked.

"Well if it isn't the famous Li Xiu Ying" Liu Fang said as she walked close to her friend and gave her a hug. After exchanging greetings, the trio sat down together.

"How's your husband and the twins?" Mu Feng asked.

"They're fine"she answered.

"We heard what happened about Yu Yan"Liu Fang said.

"Forget that. I want to ask you guys for a favour" Wang Xiu Ying said.

"What is it?"Mu Feng asked.

"I want you to find some information about someone named Kara"Wang Xiu Ying replied.

"Kara who?"Liu Fang asked.

"I don't know.. But I really need to find her as quickly as possible, I think she was a friend of my husband's"Wang Xiu Ying said.

"That going to be very tricky since we don't even know her last name and its impossible for us to find any information about your husband or anyone he's associated with but we'll try our best"Liu Fang said.

"Thank you so much"Wang Xiu Ying said happily.

"OK since you're here, let's have a few drinks"Mu Feng suggested.

"That's true we rarely get to see you"Liu Fang agreed.

"Fine"Wang Xiu Ying said.

Later in the evening around 6:45pm, Wang Xiu Ying went back to Royal mansion.

"Mommy"Li Xiu ran to meet her mother.

"Hello baby, where's your brother?"Wang Xiu Ying asked.

"Upstairs"Li Xiu answered sweetly.

"And your dad?"Wang Xiu Ying asked again.

"In his room"Li Xiu answered.

"What are you doing downstairs alone?"Wang Xiu Ying asked curiously.

"Waiting for you"Li Xiu answered.

"Oh..my baby is so sweet. Come let's go upstairs"Wang Xiu Ying said as she carried her daughter upstairs.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"Wang Xiu Yin asked as she went closer to him. Li Wei didn't answer his face showed that he was upset.

"What did I do?"Wang Xiu Ying asked.

"Where did you go?"Li Wei asked.