Can Mrs Li Be Our Model?

"I..I went to see my friends" Wang Xiu Ying answered.

"Is that all?" Li Wei asked. It was as if he could see through her. Wang Xiu Ying bit her lips before she finally spoke

" I'm sorry my curiosity overtook me. But you know you could have just saved me the trouble if you told me who Kara was in the first place" Wang Xiu Ying shifted the blame him.

"Why is finding out who that woman is so important to you?"Li Wei asked.

"I mean you even asked people to look into her details for you" Li Wei continued.

"How did you find out about that?"Wang Xiu Ying asked. Who was she kidding, this man had resources everywhere.

"I already said I'm sorry" Wang Xiu Ying said as her eyes sparkled. Li Wei didn't say anything he just moved closed to her and hugged her.

Later, Li Wei picked up his phone and went to the balcony.

"Hey..why did you call me,what's wrong?"Zhang Lei asked.

"Nothing,I just wanted to ask what month you would like to die. You know its April now and I think July 4 will be a perfect day"Li Wei answered.

"You...How you ask me such a question.. Jeez... who are you?, are you sure that you're my friend?"Zhang Lei asked.

"I should be the one asking you that.. you got my wife so curious that she even asked people to find some information about Kara. Do you know how messed up that is?"Li Wei asked in a serious tone.

"What?!!..God..that's bad..really bad..look man I'm sorry I didn't know that she would go to that extent.. did she find anything?"Zhang Lei asked.

"No she didn't and I don't think it's necessary for her to know about Kara"Li Wei said.

"OK you got it"Zhang Lei said as Li Wei hung up.

The next day doctor Mo came in very easy to check on Li Wei.

"He's getting better and better,he should be back on his feet by tomorrow"doctor Mo said.

"Thank you" Wang Xiu Ying said. Doctor Mo left the couple alone in the living room.

"Finally we can go on that vacation"Wang Xiu Ying said excitedly. Mr Cheng walked in along with Zhang Lei.

"Sir, the director of Moon Light entertainment company will like to see you....actually sir he's begging to see you"Mr Cheng said.

"Finally, I'll get to laugh a little"Zhang Lei said as he sat down.

"Where is he?"Li Wei asked.

"He's outside waiting"Mr Cheng answered

"Call him"Li Wei said. Mr Cheng went outside and called the director who was closely followed by his assistant. As soon as the director and his assistant stepped into the mansion, they gasped in amazement,the mansion was rumored to be the most beautiful mansion in the country. Seeing and stepping inside the mansion was like a dream come true. It was so huge that one could easily easily get lost.

"This way" Mr Cheng said as he led them into the living room. Fear overwhelmed the director and his assistant, seeing Li Wei was one thing but seeing Wang Xiu Ying and Zhang Lei together with him was enough for the director and his assistant to enter into a coma. They walked closer to them.

"Go..good morning "the director greeted followed by his assistant.

"Please sit"Wang Xiu Ying said with her calm and lovely voice which made the director and his assistant feel at ease. Her warm smile made them feel very relaxed. This woman the most beautiful woman the director had ever set his eyes on. Though he had seen her on TV a few times, she was even more beautiful just seeing her face to face and she just asked him to sit on a chair that could buy one quarter of his company. The director and his assistant sat on the chair.

"Will you like some tea?"Wang Xiu Ying asked as she was about to call a servant.

" thank you"the director and his assistant painfully rejected her offer. They were scared and they would break the tea cup.

"I'm Mo Chen" the director said. He quickly got his act together, he needed to make this work otherwise,he would go from being a director to a beggar. But Zhang Lei wasn't gong to make it easy for him.

"Sir,I'm here with a proposal"Mo Chen said politely.

"Proposal?what proposal?"Li Wei asked as his cold voice sent chills down to Mo Chen's spine.

"Sir...sir we want you to in..invest in Moon Light"Mo Chen said. The living room was dead silent which made the director regret why he even opened his mouth.

"Tell me this, why should Li Wei invest in your company?, I heard that a few of your investors and artists,even some of your staff members have left."Zhang Lei asked trying to amuse himself.

"Si..Sir I know that but I can assure you that it's just temporary, we have a big project that we're working on and we are confident that it will bring millions. To be frank sir, I've already lost a lot and I'm trying to get everything back together but I assure you sir that you will not regret it" Mo Chen said. His heart started beating very fast as he waited for Li Wei to answer.

"OK "Li Wei answered. The director and his assistant were shocked, they never expected him to agree so quickly. They thought they'd have to wait for months.

"Ah.. thank you very much.. thank you sir I'm grateful" Mo Chen said with gratitude. Zhang Lei laughed silently as he watched Mo Chen expressed his gratitude to Live Wei without the poor director knowing that he was slightly putting Li Wei in a bad mood. After the director finished thanking Li Wei, he composed him self and cleared his throat.

"Sir.. I.. I have one more thing to ask you" Mo Chen said shaking slightly.

"What? "Li Wei asked in his cold tone. The director gulped and took a deep breath.

"Can Mrs Li be our model? "