Welcome To Draconic Online

What Silver first saw upon entering the game was him levitating in space surrounded by multiple ginormous spheres. From afar he saw a 12 winged angel come at him at an unimaginable speed.

"Welcome to the world of Draconic, I am Michael the main AI for Draconic Online. First off what should I call you"

"Silver!" Silver had no reason to not use a name that fits so well.

"Silver Successfully Selected."

Do you wish to hear a description of Races?"

"No, I'll choose Human." For Silver who has mastered the human body the choice was simple.

"Human Race Successfully Selected. Do you wish to hear a description of classes?"

"No, I'll choose Assassin." Silver said without a thought.

"Assassin Class Successfully Selected. Do you wish to hear a description on available Empires?"

"No, I choose the Southern Empire" Silver choose the Southern Empire due to the constant conflict between races while competing for power. Silver believed he fit best in such an environment.

Congratulations, your character has been successfully created, would you like to learn of Draconics unique combat?"

"Sure." Although Silver was a combat expert as someone who never played a game before, the more information the better.

"Draconic combat is based on the anatomy of a race, weak points result in greater damage, for example striking a humans neck will result in 160% damage while striking Dragonborns arm will result in only 60% damage. Attributes only affected characters physical capabilities, dodging and landing strong strikes is completely dependent on the player's skill." Michael paused awaiting further inquiries.

For Silver, such a combat system could not be any better, with his combat experience not many players would be able to compare to him with equal attributes.

"If you have no further questions you will now be placed in Novice village 0152 of the Southern Continent. Feel free to call me at any time,"

"Thanks," Silver said while vanishing

Silver then appeared in a crowd of people, all wearing beginner gear. Silver looked around to see a rather large village with 2 main streets leading to 4 separate exits. Respectively labeled North, South, East, and West. The village did not have more than a few dozen buildings.

After taking in his surroundings Silver viewed his status.

"Status" Silver thought

Name: Silver

Race: Human

Title: Empty

Affiliated Empire: Southern Empire

Class: Novice Assassin

Level: 1

HP: 119/119 (Race Base 100 + Endurance 5+ Constitution 4 + Item 10)

Attack: 9.8 (Race Base 5 + Strength .8 + Item 4)

Defense: 9.6 (Race Base 5 + Constitution .6 + Item 4)

Attack Speed (Attacks/Second): .715 (Race Base .6 + Dexterity .015 + Item .1)

Movement Speed: 101 (Race Base 100 + Dexterity 1)

Stamina: 101/101 (Race Base 100 + Endurance 1)

Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Endurance 1, Constitution 1.

Free Attribute Points: 10

Weapon Mastery:

Dagger Mastery, Apprentice Rank I (0%): Increase Attack, and Attack Speed by .2% - .5% for 12 seconds when a target is hit (Based on the degree of success, Stacks up to 5 times)

Parrying Dagger Mastery (0%): Apprentice Rank I: Reduce damage taken by 6% - 12% on successful Parry

Talent Tree (Assassin)



Free Talent Points: 0


Stealth, Cast Time: Instant Cast. Conceals you into the shadows.

- Movement speed Increased by 3% while stealthed.

- First attack out of stealth deals 10% more damage

Duration: 15 Second/damage is taken

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Skill Level: 1 (Proficiency 0%)

Shadow Slash, Cast Time: 1.4s (Attack Speed*1.0), Using a blazingly swift hand technique slash an enemy

- Deal 11.8 Damage to an enemy (Attack*1.2)

- Cooldown reset if used in stealth

- Cooldown 12 Second

Skill Level: 1 (Proficiency 0%)


[Kitchen Knife] (Dagger)

Rarity: Common (White)

Level 1

Equipment Requirement: Dexterity 1

Attack +4

Attack Speed +.1

Durability 20/20

[Pocketknife] (Parry Dagger)

Rarity: Common (White)

Level 1

Equipment Requirement: Dexterity 1

Defense + 1

Bonus: On Successful Parry take an additional 2% reduced damage

Durability 15/15

[Adventurer Tunic] (Cloth Armor)

Rarity: Common (White)

Level 1

Equipment Requirement: Strength 1, Dexterity 1

Health + 10

Defense + 3

10 free Attribute points without much thought Silver decided that he would place all points into dexterity. With Silvers skills, the increase in both attack speed and movement speed seemed best to take advantage of his real skills.

Located in the intersection of the two main roads, the village hall was the largest building in the village. Silver pushed through the other players to talk to the village's mayor.

"A Young Human assassin, although your skills are quite puny I am willing to let you handle some minor matters. Outside the village, there are thousands of Wolves needing to be cleared."

Silver looked over to the thousands of players crowded outside the village.

"Although I would be more than willing to assist the village in its plight, I believe myself more capable than mere wolves."

"You are not the first proud adventurer, but like the others, I will give you an opportunity. Towards the south, there is a bandit camp that has stolen much of our supplies. Although these bandits are not strong they are sneaky, Eliminate their leader to disperse the camp."

"I won't let you down."

Seeing the location on the map Silver started heading South.

Level 2

HP: 45



Attack Speed;?


Silver Entered and skillfully moved towards the lone Blue Wind Bandit, and aimed a at the bandit's throat, then a second utilizing the reset mechanic from stealth.




The follow-up strike only hit the bandits arm. The bandit panicked momentarily causing it to be hit by another strike.

Finally, the bandit randomly flailed its sword, Silver easily parried the strike taking minimal damage


Silver finished off the bandit with a final strike to the head.


After its death, the bandit dropped 4 copper coins, and a piece of bread, While his experience rose by 2%.



Restore 20% health out of combat over 3 minutes

After killing another dozen bandits he gained extra information on the Bandits, and he ran into Rodger.

Level 2

HP 45

Attack 7

Defense 3

Skills: Double Strike

Level 2 Elite

HP 150

Attack ?


Skills: ?

Rodger was surrounded by 4 Blue Wind Bandits after some thought Silver picked up a stone and threw it getting the attention of 2 Blue Wind Bandits. He swiftly took care of the 2 Bandits and repeated the action on the other 2 remaining bandits.

Finally when Rodger was alone Silver initiated in a similar fashion to the first Bandit. He approached Rodger in and used .



Rodger obviously had a much stronger defense than the previous bandits, he also reacted much faster. He took out his two-handed Warhammer and swung it at Silver. Even with a decent parry, the damage was still quite high.


Silver quickly attacked with two quick dagger swings.



The Boss then slammed the ground with his Warhammer causing Silver to lose balance

Helpless all Silver could do was prepare to be hit with the Warhammer.


Without parrying, Silver took massive damage, but Silver did not panic; all he could do was deal as much damage as possible.



With only a few more strikes both Silver and the Boss were on critical HP. The Boss prepared to use the Warhammer to slam the ground again which would undoubtedly end his life. Silver Instinctively jumped!


Silver quickly finished off Rodgers Hp



Rodger has fallen and Silver's exp filled to 67%, all that was left was the loot.