Killing The Gargoyle Chief

Although the HP of the Gargoyle Chief was lower than the Goblin Chief it likely had a higher defense. After ensuring that all cooldowns were up they decided to use the same strategy as with the Goblin Chief.

Sophia Approached the Gargoyle and activated

"SCREEEEEEE!" The Gargoyle made a terrifyingly sound before its stone skin started turning from a light grey to a much darker color.

Silver already arrived behind the Gargoyle and struck with , the damage was quite atrocious, Eric also arrived and started damaging the Gargoyle shortly after.

The Gargoyle attacked by used its giant stone fists and slammed them into Sophia over and over again. Luckily due to Sophia's new Shield, and the help of Ashton they were able to barely keep her health stabilized.

After a little more than a minute the group got the Gargoyle's HP down to 75%, then suddenly the Gargoyle made a strange movement.

"Get back!" Silver unsure of what was occurring quickly called for everyone to retreat. Everyone quickly retreated completely trusting Silver.

Boom!" One of the Gargoyle's arm exploded!

Eric and Sophia took a moderate amount of damage, only Silver due to his insane reaction speed and high movement speed, and Ashton due to already being a small distance away was able to avoid damage completely. After the explosion, two new enemies were formed from the debris.

Elite Level 5

HP: 200


With two new elites, the pressure would greatly increase. With Taunt still on cooldown, Silver made the decision to gain aggro of the two new Elite mobs. Although their HP was high Silver immediately noticed their defenses were rather low.

Thinking of the large amount of time left in the boss fight, Silver did not want to use too many skills to deal with these Elite mobs. He decided to quickly focus down one of the Elite monsters without using any skills, except . Although he took some damage he was able to finish off the two elite mobs in just over half a minute.

Silver Drank a potion, before entering the fight with the boss once again. Although the boss was now missing an arm its damage did not decrease, instead, the power of its one remaining arm seemed to have increased dramatically. Luckily its attack speed decreased leading to the boss having about equal DPS to before it lost its arm. After another minute the boss reached 50% HP.

"Get ready!" The group already retreated slightly preparing for whatever the boss was planning.

"Boooom!" A larger explosion enveloping the whole boss took place.

A shocking scene

Boss Level 5

HP: 300/300

Boss Level 5

HP 300/300

The boss has split into two, although split did not seem like the right word. The two bosses looked like complete Gargoyles with both arms, but the boss shrunk to about half its size.

Silver's mind ran quickly and made a rather shocking decision. "I'll grab aggro of one of the Chiefs, Eric will assist me in killing it as quickly as possible, if its damage is similar to the full boss we will have to kill it in 20 seconds or less, otherwise I will be killed." It took the party over a minute to deal 300 damage to the original boss to complete the same task in twenty seconds would be a challenge.

Silver instantly entered approaching one of the bosses, he then used , into which caused Silver to reenter which he immediately followed up by , then once again. With bonuses from Stealth, Smokescreen, and Shadow Slash the burst damage was extremely high dealing a third of the bosses health instantly.

Then Finally Silver activated , and , for the next twelve seconds Silver was completely untouchable. While avoiding attacks, Silver and Eric both dealt damage as quickly as possible.

Once all of the duration of Silver's skills were over, the boss had slightly less than 100 HP. Silver was now in great risk with every strike, if Silver was directly hit by any strike, he would likely die in one or two hits. Silver's concentration once again reached its limit, each movement of the Gargoyle could not escape Silver's perception.

Silver lightning fast movements looked robotic with no wasted motion. Silver attacked and defended with near perfect rhythm, still after only 4 seconds, Silver was at half HP. Silver activated as soon as he hit 50% HP, and continued his motions.

When Silver had less than 10% HP remaining the Gargoyle fell. Silver predicting an explosion immediately activated and immediately fled. The Gargoyle surprisingly did not explode, but instead slowly crawled towards the other boss.

"Run the boss away from the dead one!" Silver immediately made the call while running towards the other boss.

Silver, Eric, and Sophia with support from Ashton, focused on damaging the remaining boss while moving towards the corner of the large hall. Slowly the bosses boss was moved.

70% The boss reached the corner of the room.

40% the remnants of the dead boss, was only a few feet away from the boss

10% The remnants reached the boss which caused the boss to go glow red.

"Bang" Sophia instantly took nearly half her hp in damage

A second strike brought Sophia's HP to a critical level, Luckily Eric and Silver both used their high damage skills which just came off cooldown, The from Silver was just barely capable of finishing the boss off in the last possible moment, saving Sophia's life.

"Ding" Sophia and Ashton leveled up instantly

"SCREEEEEEE!" The Gargoyle boss finally fell, and started to increase in size!

"RUN!!!" The group said all at once while sprinting towards the entrance of the hall.

"BWOOOM!" A huge explosion came from the room that they barely escaped from.

After catching their breath the party reentered the room and moved over towards the bosses corpse, but no items were there.

"It can't be the explosion destroyed the items?" Silver said with a questioning tone.

"That shouldn't be the case, maybe there's a chest since its an Instance Dungeon" They quickly moved towards the other end of the room and spotted their chest. As soon as they opened the chest,

Every player in Novice village 0152, heard this message by the System!

"I got 2 Free Attribute points!" Eric excitingly spoke, followed by Ashton, and Sophia nodding that they received the same rewards.

"I received the same, but also got a Talent Point!" Silver said calmly with a hint of excitement.

They then turned their attention towards the items in the chest. Silver went up to collect the items. The first item he took out was a recipe!

Requires Novice Alchemy: 40


Recover 100 HP Instantly

Cooldown 60 Seconds

Currently, no one has found any healing potions better than the beginner ones at the novice village, but this one was 5 times better! Due to no one else currently publicly selling Minor Healing Potions this recipe is currently worth a small fortune!

"Brother Silver, if you don't mind we will have one of our players who focuses more on production produce and sells these potions. We can then split the profits between us 60% to us 40% to you?" Eric said now bubbling with excitement.

"I don't mind, but I'll only take 25% since their four of us." Pulling a move learned from his Uncle he immediately pulled out a second item from the chest.

[Shadow Padded Hands] (Cloth Gloves)

Rarity: Rare (Blue)

Level 5

Equipment Requirement: Dexterity 20 Strength 5

Defense + 4

Attack + 4

Attack speed +.2

Bonus: Second Strike: 8% chance for a double hit to occur each time a target is struck.

Durability 42/42

Silver was unanimously given the pair of gloves due to the stats best fitting him.

The final item in the chest was a rare material, Gargoyles Heart; Since everyone in the party knew the value of rare materials, but did not know what this one would be used for. They decided that it would be best for Silver to hold onto it, and when someone found a good use for it they would continue from there.

The party quickly returned to the Novice Village where many eyes fell on them. Although they all wanted to hunt the last boss the it was located in a level 9 area. Until they reached level 9 they likely would not dare attempt the boss due to level suppression. They said goodbye to each other, and Silver decided to take a quick break immediately logging off.