[3] Inspector Kim Nana and Ying Jandi In Trouble

I place my ear back at the door keyhole and begin to pray that the Hwa girl should say something ..anything that will leak my brother's whereabouts.

"I'm going to Shilli next tomorrow." The male voice ..Sangyun said.

"Mother told you not to go yet." The female voice ..Hwa replied warningly.

"And so..? Sangyun sounding sarcastic.

" You do realize that I will tell mother right.."

"No you won't ..not when one of the reasons I'm going there is to kill the brother of the girl you hate ..kim Min-jun."

"Oh goodness, you would do that for me ..thank you Sangyun."

"You will be the zero reason why i will do anything ..talk more of kill for. It's like you smoked something this morni…"

Oh my god.. Oh my god! They want to kill my Min-jun!!

"Leave me, leave my hand! I yell at Jandi as I push her off me with all my strength which I didn't know I had ..i watch her fall face down but I'm not even sure I saw that correctly as my vision is now blurry ..I'm not even sure i know what I'm doing or where I'm going now.

I feel my body shaking desperately and my mind numb.. What am i even doing?

I watch Jan-di turning on the floor in pain then I turn my head to the door which seems like someone is opening it ..then it clicked ..my brother!

I rush to the door and slam it open forcefully, making the owner of the hand that was opening the door to fall but I don't care ..immediately I entered inside the room, I run to Sangyun and started hitting him while I beg also while crying..

"Please, let my brother go ..please don't kill him. He hasn't done anything wrong to you ..why are you people wicked ..please Sangyun." I plead crying while also praying that he should really change his mind.

I feel pain short through my waist .. I look up just to realize that Sangyun had pushed me which made me hit my waist on a coach. This hurt ..a lot but I need to plead with him to set my brother free and that's all that matters now.

I look at his face but the look he's giving me is so scary and evil plus wicked..

"How could he let his soul be possessed by the devil?" I asked myself when it dwell in my mind that he won't let my brother live because he despised him which made me ask myself in confusion ..What did Min-jun do to him to warrant such pure hatred.

"Go now." Sangyun said to his sister who nods her head and leave the room in a hurry which made me ask myself in confusion  and fear ..what are they up to now?

Sangyun begin to come towards me which made me shiver in fear as my body is still recovering from the pain he gave it.

"Don't you dare touch her. i ..I swear, if you touch her I will report you to the Emperor." Jan-di yell also taking Sangyun coming towards me as more pain for me.

Instead of Sangyun coming to where I am like me and Jandi had thought he wanted to do, he walked passed me and started heading towards the door..  I feel my heart start beating so fast to the extent that I thought it was going to bust. Immediately I got up and ran to the door but he had already locked it.

What will he do?

What does he want?

"Oh god why's this happening ..why am I useless" I said in my mind crying as I fall to the floor ..I feel two hands hug me and I look up just to find Jan-di own eyes filled with tears too.

"Your maid said she will report me to the Almighty Emperor ..well guess what fair maid..;  he called but I know the last uttered maid was for me ..he is mocking me for wearing a maid outfit.

"You too older maid, I saved you all the strength of going to the Emperor and telling him yourselves. Hwa is on her way to get him to see his cheating wife ..who happens to love me dearly to the extent that just to see me, she disguised herself as a common maid."

"That's not true, you cruel man ..That's not true." I yell crying as I'm not so sure if me and the Emperor have reach that level where one trust each other no matter what ..heck, I don't even trust him.

"That's not true and he won't believe you!."  I yell in distress wanting so badly to slap that smirk on his mouth off.

"Cat got your tongue ..uh Jandi.. Right?

You can't speck again ..uh? Anyways..  Nana, I know you're not stupid so you won't tell him what you heard me and my foolish sister discussing about your brother and if you really want your brother to live then when the Emperor comes in ..act like you're in love with me or else your brother dies."