I hate you, Kim Nana

I find myself smiling immediately I stepped out of Sangyun's room which makes me wonder, when was the last time I've smiled a real smile? And the answer I got made me more furious and determined to get this over with.

I can still remember that day that mother told the Emperor that she's going to bring Kim Nana into the palace for him to do whatever he wants with her .. I can remember it very clearly as if it happened just yesterday because that day killed the joy in me. That day stole my man. That day I became a sadist and it's all because of that outcast. An outcast!

"Kim Nana you're going to regret the day you set foot in this palace." I mutter to myself as I walk to my mother's chamber to inform her of our success.

"Did she bought it? Mother asked immediately she found out that it's me who entered her room without knocking.

" Yes." I replied smiling and she too begin rejoicing because that's the response she wants to hear. After a while she pushed me out of her room and whispers to my ear slowly..

"Go alert the Emperor of his missing wife."

"And that's what I intend on doing." I whisper back to my mother before walking toward the Emperor's chamber in a hurried steps.

When I come close to the Emperor's chambers, I frown when my eyes meet Min Yonghwan ..Instantly i know he won't let me in unless the Emperor tells him to but I know the Emperor won't because he's now bewitched by his witch wife ..Kim Nana.

I can't stand here all day and just hoping that the Emperor will come out ..no, that will scatter our whole plan. I plug my stubborn nerve on and start entering the Emperor's chambers with my head held high but like I expected, this fool ..Min Yonghwan won't let me in. He blocked my way and still has the audacity to act like he did not know that he's provoking me by  blocking my way.

"I need to see the Emperor." I said angrily

"The Emperor didn't tell me that you're coming and neither did he say to let you in."  Min Yonghwan said still acting as if he's oblivious to my annoyance ..an annoyance that he's the reason for. Why is he such a fool? ..just because I was desperate that night when the Emperor turned me down and I had came to him for release ..I mean people do it these days when they're no longer a virgin and they know that all they will end up becoming in the future is being someone's mistress or concubine and either still be a maechunbu. He's such a child and a damned one for that matter.

So annoying!

I look up at Min Yonghwan and it suddenly dwell in my mind that he isn't going to let me in which made me start yelling for the Emperor.

"He can punish me himself when he come out." I said to my mind when it warned me of a possible punishment that's sure to come.

I yell and yell for the Emperor but he did not come out and neither did he order his guards to drag me out of his passage and lock me up in my room for a whole week ..this is strange. Wait, why isn't Min Yonghwan even angry and why isn't he even trying to shut me up ..besides isn't Yabo the one who always stand guard for the Emperor whenever he is in…

"Oh my dull brain! The Emperor is not in." I said to myself then start smiling which I'm sure is confusing Min Yonghwan and his follow guards as they look at me as if I've gone mad but I just smirk at them and walk out. I walk straight to My Emperor's training yard and there he is with his top off, his back towards me ..making my body fight in anger and hunger ..I have missed that body and also the owner of it. I walk up to him and hug him from behind.