Birthday Surprise

I woke up to the brightest morning which has me smiling as I take a very good look on my surroundings, instantly ..I find my hand covering my  mouth in astonishment, he did it!

I never thought he would do it, I know I asked him to but I never really thought that he would actually do it. I feel my heart wanting to bust out of so much joy but I controlled it and decided to take a look around as the decoration seems to be in every corner of my chamber.

Now standing, I begin to look around happily and in disbelieve. My hand still on my mouth, I ran up to the other room.

"You're awake" I heard Wuji call from behind me which made me turn with my bestowed smile still on my face, I ran and throw myself at him while saying happily and repeatedly "Thank You."

He pulled me to him steadily then kiss my forehead and whisper to my ears. "Happy Birthday."