Chapter 10:"Nic's uncle Jordan"

Next day, Nic and his parents came to Angela's home for lunch and finalising their marriage dates.Nic's and Angela's parents were happy and the date become finalised also. Now, Angela's father told Nic after their marriage they have a royal ritual to taking blessings of their forefathers and elder in the graveyard which is situated in royal graveyard. Nic said Ok, but uncle I'm not a royal member? Angela's father replied, my son after your marriage you are my son-in-law and become a royal member also so, don't worry only enjoy you food and try to call me dad ok? Nic blushed and replied ,ok dad!

In the table, Angela unconscious and everyone become frightened, Nic take her into her room. After few min her family physician came and check up her then he told that due to any devil power she is becoming weak. Nic think he is the reason but he is not the reason some devil power try to reach Angela's power and the devil power is" Nic's uncle Jordan".