Chapter 11: Assassin!

Nic now started thinking that he is causing harm to Angela's life and decided to talk with Angela's father to break the marriage so, he asked George to talk with father for the issue. When George and Nic said to Angela's father to break the marriage then her father replied if you don't marry her then she will die off because a devil power can fight against the another devil power. Both of them shocked listening it and Nic asked another devil power which one? Her father replied, enemy of Angela who wants her power to become more powerful. Nic asked, who is he? Her father replied, I never see him but he is very dangerous and the most important thing is he send a assassin to take Angela from here this is informed by our "past angel ". But she couldn't saw the face of assassin because she done a magic outside her own body but it is know that the assassin is a woman!