Chapter 19: What do you want?

Angela, George cried a lot because Sophia was their friend from childhood when Angela knew that she was no more she can't control herself. Later, three of them, promised Sophia's father that they will finish the war which was started by the devils. Nic said Angela, don't cry we have to be strong for her father and for her sacrifice of life she gave due to save the whole world. Sophia's father said, she was not my only child you all are also my children so, I have a requested for you Angela. Angela said, what you request daddy? He replied, as you called me daddy so, you have to fulfil it. Angela said, yes daddy, say what you want from me? He said, please become our queen, accept the responsibility of the kingdom today.Then Sophia's died will be written in the pages of history. Angela cried and hug Sophia's dad and said, for you and my friend Sophia I will do that!