Chapter 20: Crown ceremony (part-2)

All get assembled on the town hall waiting for Angela their queen. Sophia's father told Angela's dad that, I will take all the security arrangement for my child. Angela's father replied, I knew you will do it better and as you are my daughter's another father so, you will do it better for the love towards her. Then all arrangements was done in the proper way and Angela came to town hall. Her father placed her in the queen's throne and then the guards announced that" our new queen is ready for taking the duties of the people of our island and maintain the balance of world." Then Angela said, I am so happy that the people of this kingdom accept me, I promise you all to look after the problems and need of you all, thanks you all for accepting me. Then her father placed the crown in Angela's head and said give our queen blessings. Then all gave magic powers to Angela and Sophia's dad hand over the magical spell stick which would guard her from bad powers.