Chapter 6: Two New Beta's

"Lycanthropy" I simply muttered but Scott and Stiles were shocked that I had known Scott's biggest secret. After saying my piece I did not see the point in the class so I stood up and left quietly without the teacher noticing and decided I was going to go for a walk to think about things clearly.

As I was walking around the school I could smell a distinct oder in the air, I was curious at what the smell was so I tracked the smell. Without realizing it I ended up a couple of miles into the woods, while looking around I heard a growl coming from behind me. I slowly turned around and I was shocked by who I saw 'She was not meant to be in Beacon Hills its to early.' was what I was thinking as I stared at a blue eyed werecoyote. Without taking the werecoyote seriously I tried my hardest to think what happened in the series and then suddenly I remembered.

Talia Hale [Derek's Mother] used the Alpha memory-manipulation ritual to take Peter's memories of Malia's conception and birth before stealing Malia and putting her in the adoption system to get her away from her mother. Malia was then subsequently adopted by Evelyn and Henry Tate, who raised her as their own alongside their younger biological daughter Kylie on a ranch in Beacon Hills. However, when she was nine years old, an assassination attempt by the Desert Wolf while she was driving with her adoptive mother and sister led their car to wreck in the Beacon Hills Preserve, and the stress of the event paired with the full moon overhead caused Malia to shift into her coyote form for the first time. Since she had no idea of her supernatural heritage nor any control over her abilities, Malia ended up inadvertently attacking and killing Evelyn and Kylie before running away. The guilt of this act led Malia to live as a true coyote in the woods for the next eight years until she was finally discovered by True Alpha werewolf Scott McCall and his human best friend Stiles Stilinski.

While I was thinking of how Malia explained this in the TV series, my attention was not on the werecoyote so I did not notice her running off. I looked towards the sky and i was starting to get darker, deciding I had spent enough time thinking about things I started to walk back to School to collect my car and drive towards mine. However while driving towards my house, I was thinking of how to adjust my plan to help Malia turn back into a human and introduce her into my pack. As I pulled onto my drive I noticed to figures waiting outside my door.

"Hello, I am glad you two listened to my advice and came here." I said as I closed my car door and locked it. "It was not easy finding your house since you did not even leave us an address." Stiles started moaning. "Well that was the first test." I replied as I opened the door welcoming them in. After we all settled into the front room, we begun to speak. Well I wouldn't call it that, it was more like I was being assaulted with questions.

After answering all their questions Scott only had one more, "Okay, then who is my Alpha?" he asked. "Ah I was waiting for this question, I have some good new and some bad news." I replied waiting for Scott to take the bait. "The good news first!!" Stiles yelled. I looked towards Scott and all he did was just nod consenting to give the good news first.

"I had a little conversation with your previous Alpha, I made him let go of you. So you can come under my wing and be in my pack or be a lone wolf, However one thing I did not tell you Lone wolfs have to be strong. Sometimes stronger than a normal Alpha." I just sat there waiting for Scott's decision however Stiles did not let up and asked "Whats the Bad news then." I just simply stated "That depends on Scott's decision and yours, are you both willing to join my pack?"

"I accept your proposal to join your pack, however I will not join unless Stiles agrees to it as well." Scott muttered while looking me in my eye, after hearing Scott's reply we both stared at Stiles for a second before he replied "I want to know more and If i can help in anyway, I will." After hearing the reply from both of them I simply whispered "The bad news is that you will be dead for about an hour." I then walked into the kitchen and cut my hand and poured my blood into a set of whiskey glasses and took them back into the front room while Scott and Stiles were still in shock.

--Flash Forward 5 Minutes--

"Are you sure this is save and we will come back alive stronger?" Scott asked questioningly, I looked into his eyes and replied: "Yes, It is safe I promise." Hearing my promise they both began drinking the blood in their glasses. After they finished drinking I immediately snap the necks of both of them and then sat down on my couch and turned the TV on while I sat there and watched while waiting for my two new betas.