Chapter 7: Malia Becomes Human?

"Are you sure this is saved and we will come back alive stronger?" Scott asked questioningly, I looked into his eyes and replied: "Yes, It is safe I promise." Hearing my promise they both began drinking the blood in their glasses. After they finished drinking I immediately snap the necks of both of them and then sat down on my couch and turned the TV on while I sat there and watched while waiting for my two new betas.

What I did not know was that the Alpha [Peter had felt the connection he had with Scott break]

"Argh" The sounds came from two idiots who had just interrupted my TV programme that was engrossed with. "Without waiting for them to fully regain their senses, I walked out the door shouting "We are going out, I will meet you outside." While I waited outside my house, I decided that this whole thing was starting to put a little stress on my mind, so I was going to start smoking to calm myself down.

While looking towards my door I saw the saw betas stumbling their way out like they were drunk. "So your first task is to keep up with me, Your new speed should be good enough." After telling them this I decided I was not going to go easy on them and use 80% of my speed.

Waiting a couple of minutes for Scott and Stiles to full gain they're conscious, the three of us decided that we were going to race to the forest. "After we get to the forest I will teach you your new abilities and help you control your Inner Wolf."

We lined up in a row waiting for the traffic light to turn green before we took off. I could see that Scott and Stiles were anxious, I could not help but feel sorry for them but then I remembered I have to get these two new hybrids to the average power of an Alpha to help me during the wars.

Looking at the lights I saw that it was currently Red and then suddenly turned to Red with flashing Amber. When it suddenly turned Green I saw Stiles sprinting using his vampire speed and God he was fast. Scott kept up with my 80% while Stiles was well in front of us.

Arriving at the forest I saw Stiles leaning against a tree with Stiles grinning from ear to ear. I was pressed by his speed and I knew immediately that he was an Agility-based hybrid. "Okay gather around I am about to explain your abilities" I explained.

However, I took in a breath and suddenly I was too dumbstruck to even mutter a word. I looked towards my betas and stated: "Wait here for me." After saying this I immediately disappeared from my spot which shocked Stiles and Scott making them think back to the running and they noticed I was not using my full speed.

Sprinting through the forest I dodged a load of trees and I suddenly skidded to a spot when I was faced with the werecoyote known as Maila Tate, formally known as Maila Hale. I started into her bright blood eyes as I did my eyes turned purple as I started to shift without realizing.

When I regained my thought I had realized that I had turned into my wolf form, I and Malia were circling each other smelling one another. I suddenly thought of what Scott did in the show when Malia turned into a Human and shocked everybody.

I decided to give it a try as It could not hurt. "Roaaaaarrrr" As I roared the loudest I could I felt something release and turned my attention towards Malia who had successfully turned back into a human.

Seeing that It was successful I thanked my luck, I shifted back into my human form and threw my coat onto Malia who was shriving, confused and shocked.

Stiles and Scott had just appeared looking ready for a fight. "Stand down, thank you for reacting to my roar though. We just need to get her back to mine." I thanked them.

"Sorry boys looks like I will have to explain everything tomorrow, however, it will be a full moon so no lacrosse and straight to my house as I have a basement that could help." After stating this I princess carried Malia and ran straight back home dodging big crowds.

After arriving home I laid Malia down on my bed and I told her to rest up and I will explain everything when it is time to. Not even 2 minutes had passed before she had fallen asleep and started snoring.

Walking down the stairs I was shocked and surprised to see the old man who made this happen to me sitting on my coach smiling at me. "Nice to see you again Josh, you have completed the first task that I had given you. Your reward this time is a potion that can make a hybrid immune to stakes and they will be in full control of themselves."

I was not really shocked by the reward and asked: "What is the next task old man?" "I love the enthusiasm I will not give you another task until you complete the other two wishes." Was the reply that I had got before the man started to fade.

After the man had disappeared I heard a scream coming from my room upstairs, I suddenly disappeared from the front room too. I suddenly turned up in my room, looking towards Malia a sense of relief suddenly came over me as I saw she was only having a nightmare. I laid down on the floor beside the bed and suddenly fell asleep from exhaustion.