Chapter 9: Girlfriend

The day went by very quickly and it soon turned into the night without realizing.

I started to feel my wolf trying to get out and quickly told the other three "Keep calm, no matter what keep saying the chant."

"Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth" Was all I could her because 3 people were saying it at the same time making it sound like a cult. I now know why it is hard to suppress the inner wolf, it is because the stronger will power you have the stronger your wolf would be.

Malia looked like she was not having trouble controlling her inner wolf and I came to this conclusion because she has spent years being with her wolf. I was more worried about Scott and Stiles, looking towards them I was shocked because both of them were sweating badly.

SNAP!!! Was all I heard before I noticed that Scott and Stiles were beginning the transformation. "Stay calm keep saying the chant with me," I shouted to get their attention. "Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth" I started to mutter this to help control my wolf as well as help the other gain confidence in themselves.

This process lasted for about 2 hours before we all got control over our wolf's, now knowing it won't be as hard we all had relief. I told Scott and Stiles "Go home for the night and rest up we will meet at School tomorrow."

I was left there standing with Malia and asked: "How are you feeling?" "I feel relaxed, You?" Malia replied. "I feel better, You can sleep in my room for now until we sort a room out for you. That is if you are willing to stay here." I answered her question.

Malia suddenly broke down crying, I did not know what to do so I went and hugged her expecting her to push me away. After crying for about 10 minutes she said: "I am sorry to bring this on you." My heart honestly broke when I just stared at her tear stricken face.

"Malia, I know you might not trust me but I am here for you whenever you want to talk about anything personal. I am not giving up on you because you think I might hate you because of your past." I said to her.

That is when she started to break down and tell me all about her past and what she did. I looked at her with a gentle smile and said: "That was not your fault, I am always here for you no matter what."

She looked at me with a shocked expression and asked "Really?" I just nodded and that's when I received a right hug from her and I nearly missed her whispering "Thank you so much."

I gently spoke whispering into her ear, "Let's get you to bed, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. I plan to enroll you in Beacon Hills High in my class so we can be close." As I said this I picked her up and carried her out of the basement and up all the stairs to my room and laid her down on the bed.

As I laid her down she pulled me onto the bed and laid on my chest asking "Please don't go, sleep here with me tonight?" "I will stay, go sleep do not worry I am here," I replied.

Yet again I was awoken by Malia poking my face, I was thinking 'WTF does this girl have an internal clock to get up?' RINGGGG!!!! Well, that was the sound of my alarm waking me up from my thoughts.

Forgetting that Malia was in the room I got changed and when I realized I saw her standing there blushing."Oh shit sorry." I said. "It is fine, Can I borrow some clothes?" Malia asked. "Of course you can after School we can shop for you," I replied.

Quickly passing her some clothes and going downstairs grabbing fruit and walked back up, I was thinking she would be finished changing so I just walked in and she was half naked. 'I could embarrass myself anymore this morning can I?'

Malia just kept on changing like I wasn't even there, I was thinking of asking Malia on a date. However, my guts told me it might be too much for her to take at the moment. So I asked, "Would you like to come on a triple date?"

"Date you mean as boyfriend and girlfriend?" Malia asked. "We do not have to be that we can be friends, just enjoying each others company," I replied thinking I took it a bit far. "Can we try the boyfriend-Girlfriend thing?" Malia asked. I genuinely smiled at her and replied: "Yes we can."

I suddenly remembered I said a triple date and thought oh shit who are the other couples? Scott -Alison and Stiles have to ask Lydia. Thinking that I have solved my problem I text them telling them to get dates for a triple date tonight.

Scott's reply was almost immediate saying 'I will ask Alison if she wants to come.' Stiles also replied quicker saying 'WTF You gave me no time, who would want to go with me.' I sent a text back to Scott saying 'Thanks' and I replied to Stiles with 'GROW SOME BALL, REMEMBER WHAT YOU ARE NOW ASK LYDIA ON A DATE MAN.'

Getting in the car I drove to the sheriff's office. I asked Malia to come along and decided to enter the small building, I asked to see the sheriff. He allowed me to come into his office and closed the door. "Hello, young man, What the problem and how can I help?" I started into his eyes hoping that compelling worked in this world.

"I wish that you enter details into your database and create a profile for Malia Hale." I compelled. "Will do just give me 5 minutes, I can also create an I.D for her too." "That would be good Sheriff I replied.

--Flash forward 10 minutes--

"Here's the I.D. sorry it took longer than I thought, I wish you a good day." The sheriff said while walking us to the door of the building.

I just wanted to get out of the building it was making me paranoid. I got into the car with Malia and she asked "Why Malia Hale, the desert wolf will come.' I looked at Malia and said, " Hale is a birthright for werewolves you deserve it and she cannot do anything as long as I am here, Now let's get you enrolled."

Malia got successfully enrolled and entered into all of my classes, where I can help her if need be.

What Josh's pack did not notice was that the Argents called for backup since they had sightings of 2 Alphas.