Chapter 10: Poisoned Dinner.

Malia got successfully enrolled and entered into all of my classes, where I can help her if need be.

Malia and I arrived early to maths, we sat at the back of the class together. The next few people came into the class and sat down, I saw Scott and Alison enter when Scott saw me he nodded. I nodded back. Just before the bell rang I saw Stiles run into the classroom with a bright smile,

"I guess she said yes?" I asked not particularly loud, "Yessss!!!" Replied Stiles in a Mood. Looking towards Scott he said "Alison said yes, however she invited all 5 of us to join her at her house. Her family is interested in her new friends."

"Okay" I just agreed, I was more focused on helping Malia with the hard bits of math. The lesson flew by very quickly, signaling the end of the lesson, We walked Alison to the front of the School to where her dad was waiting. "See you in half an hour, I will be driving all of us over," I said to Alison.

After sorting out who was sitting where in the car, We were sitting in the car waiting for Lydia to stop talking to her mom (The School Counselor.) I turned towards the other three "Do not freak out whoever remembers the Hunter family that is stationed in Beacon Hills is called the Argent Family?" I spoke slowly so they could hear me however after saying this Stiles quickly replied "Don't tell me you mean Argent as in Alison's last name? How the fuck did I not think of this before."

"Even if they know we are the new Werewolf pack, they hopefully will not say anything. Alison does not know of her family history so do not say anything." I said warning them, after saying this we went back to waiting for Lydia.

Ten minutes later we saw Lydia walking towards us, as she got in the car I heard Stiles asking if she was okay. She just muttered yes while looking upset. I did not waste any time and drove towards Alison's.

As I pulled up in front of Alison's house I asked Lydia to go ask Alison where to park, as she was walking up the drive I commanded the other three "Keep calm no matter what, I am here to protect you if anything happens."

Alison shouted to us from the doorway, "Just park on the drive!" I did as request and we all got out and walked into the house. "Hi my name is Josh, this is Stiles, Scott, Malia, and Lydia we are glad to have a friend like Alison," I said introducing ourselves.

"Ah sorry I am late, My name is Kate, my brother's name is Chris," Kate said rushing through the front door. Chris then lead us into the dining hall where they already had dinner waiting for us.

As I sat down my pack looked towards me to know if they can eat or not, I took the first bite of food and my eyes bulged I shouted "WOLFSBANE!" I started to fell a little bit weaker.

Stiles, Scott, and Malia stood up immediately and rushed towards my side staring at Chris and Kate accusingly. Chris and Kate also shot up with a surprised look. Alison and Lydia just kept sitting down confused at what was going on.

I guess I still had the strength of a normal Alpha, I slowly stood up and asked: "Why would you try and poison us?" "We should capture them!" Kate said, "We have a code, Kate." Chris muttered.

"Yeah, the great code you had when murdering the Hale family," I said. Kate looked taken back but Chris just stood there confused "What do you mean?" he asked.

"That is a conversation you have to have with kate, but for now can we sit down and eat food that does not have wolfsbane in it? Also, I know you wanted longer but you have to tell your daughter what your family does since she is dating one of the enemies." I asked.

After eating dinner with the Argent family, we were shown to the door where Chris asked me to wait for a minute. I decide to trust the dude because he was alright in the Tv series. "Currently there are 2 more Hunter families on their way here to Beacon Hills. And another one arrived yesterday so keep your heads on a swivel because they tend to not stick go the code." He whispered to me.

"Thank you for the warning, for this piece of information I will give you a little bit of information to help with the capture of the Alpha." I was speaking but Chris interrupted me saying "We already know there are two Alphas and I guess that you are on them, am I correct?"

"I am one of them, but I am a natural born true alpha, so you can guess how powerful I am. Now back to the information, I will only give you a name but your sister will know what a grave mistake she has made. Peter Hale." I said while turning around and walking toward everybody waiting for lifts back to their home.

"What was that?" Lydia asked barely being able to hold in her curiosity. "Stiles, Will explain it to you in time," I stated as I was currently not in the mood. Scott had been silent most of the evening and Malia also had been quite also. I dropped everybody off at home and then went home. I went upstairs as soon as I got in, crashed on the bed and fell asleep forgetting that Malia was with me.