Caught Bloody Handed.

-------------------------------------Present day------------------------------------------

Haruka once told me that prestigious women who relied on no-one but themselves where the most deluded of all. All of that bullsh*t about independence and the ability to be equal to men is the biggest lie society will ever implement…

Which is why this poor girl is stuck to our kitchen floor. Our last friend was very reluctant to join the club, so we had no choice but to make her a hot meal and send her on her way. It's not our fault she didn't enjoy her meal, Haruka and I spent a lot of time making that you ungrateful b*tch.

"Arata, I thought I told you to put her to bed?", Haruka.

"But she's heavy, can't you help me Haruka? ", Arata. I've been trying to drag this girl out of here for an hour now, why is she so damn heavy. Haruka will get mad if I don't move her quickly, ugh she's starting to smell. When she wakes up, she'll need a shower.

"It's your f*cking mess why should I clean her up, who was the one who said rat poison would be a good seasoning you little rat?" I'm sorry, I thought it would make it taste better. I learned something fascinating that day, poison dissolves the insides quick until it foams up in red bubbles. I'm positive that a bit of her lung over there but I'm not a doctor so who knows.

"I got flush A's today, looks like I'll be getting into the same university as you. Aren't you happy?" I wanted to be close to Haruka so I studied really hard on my mid term exams so my chances would be higher. I just want to be near Haruka that's all.

"Good Job. What do you want to do?" Oh, we're just having a normal conversation for once, I like it when he praises me like this. Haruka may be a psychopath but he's also very smart, he's the top of his class and he dedicates his free time to assignments. Such a desirable member of society.

"I'm good at math so maybe forensic science, it would make our lives much easier too. They teach you the chemicals used in autopsies, so we won't have to bury them anymore. I hate the smell of earth on my clothes after." His face is lighting up how cute, see I am useful after all.

"That's good, your learning quickly Arata. This is a world that doesn't accept what we are so it's best just to blend in like nothings amiss. STARTING OFF WITH THAT F*CKING CORPSE NOW GET RID OF IT." Oops, he snapped again. Alright, alright I'm going keep your hair on.

It took a long time to drag her down to the basement, or the play area as we like to call it. Considerately, Haruka wanted to make our friends last moments something fun so it looks like a school nursery down here. There's balloons and toys, everything anyone could ask for. We enjoy colour Haruka and I, it makes our job that much more rewarding. Jesus Christ the smell is overpowering, we need some more air fresheners, I wonder of they still do the cherry ones.

"Hup, there you go. Your lucky, there's someone to keep you company this time. Goodnight." I bet it gets cold in here at night, maybe I should get them some blankets.

"ARATA, HURRY UP.", Haruka. Dammit, he's always f*cking shouting.

"I'm coming.", Arata.


"What are you yelling for? She was heavy ya know." Looks like he's typing up his report again, no wonder he's in a bad mood. I feel bad for him college is so stressful, I should give him some relief it's the least I can do.

"Not today." What? Why is he refusing me? Haruka pulled my hands away from his belt and frowned. So, he's not pent up, what else could be bothering you?

"Haruka, is there something on your mind? You can talk to me ya know.", Arata.

"It's wearing off, my urges. I don't feel like killing anymore, there's something wrong with me.", Haruka. No, you can't mean you don't want to do this anymore. Elaborate would you…

"I'm getting tired Arata, I just don't see the excitement in it anymore. Plus, we almost got caught last week, we have to be careful. I don't want to ruin your future." NO, NO, NO YOU F*CKING IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, IT WAS JUST A LITTLE HICCUP THAT'S ALL.

"D-Don't f*ck with me!" You can't abandon me now not when we've come so far together. Your worried about me, your lying.

"Arata, why are you crying?", Haruka.

"Why?", Arata. I slammed both hands on the table and tilted my head to the side. Haruka looked a little shaken up.

"Because, we're a team. You told me that if I ever left the club you would flay my skin off piece by piece. Now your going to do the same exact thing, am I not good enough anymore Haruka? YOU BASTARD GIVE YOUR HEAD A F*CKING WOBBLE AND LISTEN TO ME! NO-ONE…LEAVES…ME!" Haruka would test me like this often so I'd just go along with it, I'm not the only one who likes praise after all.

"When your away from me I feel gravity weighing me down so I can't smile at anyone. It gets hard to breath and I just want you to embrace me until there's nothing left. I'll give you anything you want Haruka so please don't throw me away." Haruka chuckled at me, that adoringly look I would kill anyone to see.

"I'm so jealous of you Arata, your so good at expressing how you feel. Oi, what does it feel like to have emotions? Is it warm, or maybe it's cold? Something you cry because your happy and sometime when your sad. Tell me does feeling things hurt?" It would always hurt me when Haruka said things like that, he would always say it so causally. The only time I would see that scary expression fade was when I was kind to him.

Haruka was born with a rare curse not many people had, it's called emptiness. Those who are empty do not have the capacity to feel love or fall in love, and it's very lonely. Imagine watching the whole world go by s couples held hands and parents doted on their children. Imagine that but without feeling a single thing, not even pain. I wanted to cure him of that curse, because there's nothing more painful than feeling nothing.

"You'll find out one day but feeling things hurts a lot. So, do you feel better now. You're not leaving me are you?" Haruka looked at me coldly, there was a reason he couldn't leave me, and I already knew it. I'm smart after all.

"I can't leave you, you f*cking rat or you'll become my rival. Sometimes the student will become the master and I want anyone surpassing me yet so don't get too cocky. I could snap you like a tooth pick." Yep, that's why Haruka fell right into my trap, he didn't know I was a quick learner, so it surprised him when I didn't need him in order to play games. I know deep down he's proud yet hates me at the same time. How pitiful.

"Are you sleeping enough? You have black bags under your eyes?" He switched again, now he's worried about me.

"Come here Arata." Here we go again, sometimes he likes me to sit on his lap while he works. Haruka said my scent relaxes him so I don't object, even though it's uncomfortable I like being this close to him. His breath on the top of my head to his hand that caresses my stomach under my shirt. When he touched me it's like a jolt of electricity, it makes me feel alive for once.

"Why are you squirming like that?" Why? Because it feels good, what did you expect to happen when your touching me like that.

"No reason it just tickles little." Oh no his hand is going lower, what's gotten into him?

"Don't lie to me, it feels good right?" Of course, it does, I always want you to touch me like this. Ah, his breath feels good in my ear, I want more.

"Hey Arata.", Haruka.

"Get the f*ck out." Huh? Why are you so angry with me what the hell did I do? Fine.

"You shouldn't tease people like that, play with yourself tonight. If you won't f*ck me I'll find someone who will.", Arata.

"You're such a f*cking slut, fine go ahead I don't care.", Haruka.

Ugh he's such a liar, it kills him when I find pleasure in others, sometimes I wonder who's more dependent. Two years ago, when Haruka saved me, I was so weak it was incomprehensible. You could flick me, and I would shatter. When Haruka told me to get stronger, he never meant physically. Sure, my bodies still light but my mind is impenetrable. I made a habit of studying different types of people, my best talent is infiltration. I snake my way into your desires until your constricted enough to submit to me. Take my teacher for example, right now I have him in the palm of my hand.

"Arata, what are you doing here!" You look too surprised, I guess that means she's home.

"I'm sorry teacher, I was lonely that's all. I shouldn't disturb your wife; I'll be taking my leave." That sounded so sad, I wonder if he'll fall or it. One step, two step, three steps…

"Wait…um she'll be going in a few minutes so just wait here." Ha-ha, I win. Your so dishonest teacher it excites me. Teachers wife is really pretty, I wonder why he likes me so much?

"Arata, she's gone you can come in now." It's spacious in here, oh I need to take my shoes off. Teacher looks pretty nervous maybe he already knows what's going to happen. My teachers name is Riko Hokkaido, he smart but sometimes he makes silly mistakes like right now. Letting an underage student in his house just because I tucked my tail between my legs. He's even making me some tea, how kind of him. We would sit like this a lot in class but it's kind of erotic watching his face blush red knowing what sort of trouble could result of our encounter.

"Arata, what can I help you with?" Huh? That's odd you're normally ripping my clothes off by now, this is different. Wait a second, don't think you can just walk away from our relationship teacher. I'll destroy your life ya know.

"Like I said I was lonely and your pent up right? Mrs Hokkaido doesn't satisfy you does she, that's why you have me.", Arata.

"Arata, take off your shirt." Finally! Gladly teacher I'll do it nice and slow.

"Do you still think my nipples are cute, wanna bite em?" Wait, he's not looking at me like he usually does. Who the f*ck do you think you are looking at me like that?

"Arata, I've noticed for a while now, but those scars are very deep. I'm concerned for your safety, my friend at the local university teaches forensics just like your aspiration and when I described your wounds he was also extremely concerned. Arata if someone's hurting you, I can help, you have to trust me. Look at you, if you're not covered in blood your wasting away. How could your parents not notice these things?" In that moment my mind went to utter sh*t, nobody had ever cared about me so much to seek advice from others never mind mention my parents. Wait, if Haruka finds out I've been attracting attention he'll kill me for sure.

"Teacher I appreciate your concern, but I didn't come here to be lectured. You want me, right? Then ravish me until there's nothing left. I'm hurting so comfort me." F*ck this isn't working he's not listening to me; I hate that look. I want to hurt him; I want to hurt him so badly.

"I'm not sure if your sex drive stems from your abuse but I can't continue to do these things with you, it's too much of a strain on your body." My body?...

"My body? The body that you've f*cked senseless countless times over. Are you tired of me already! After everything I endured for you, your just gonna throw me away like everyone else. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!" Oh sh*t, this is bad. I said it out loud without thinking, he's seen my true self.

"Arata! Please calm down, I'm trying to help you. Everything's going to be okay, the teacher at university said your mentality would be heavily traumatized so I understand. I'm not afraid." How can you not be afraid, I only use people until there's nothing left of them? I'll suck you dry until your so hollow there's no place let for you in this world. It's my essence and I need it.

"I'll destroy you." I can't let this get out, if Haruka finds out I've been caught it's all over.

"What did you say?", Riko.

"Teacher if you tell anyone about my wounds, I'll take everything you have. I'll tell your wife how hard you would f*ck me while cursing her name. Your job, your marriage, your soul I'll destroy it all so keep those pretty lips closed for me, would you? Oh, and don't underestimate me, destroying people like you is my specialty.".

I slammed the door on teacher after watching his horrified expression go sour in understanding. I'm sick of hearing the same f*cking things. Arata, you so bruised. Your skin is so white. Your waist is so small. You should sleep a bit more.

"I'M FINE THE WAY I AM! *pant* *pant*", Arata.

"Are you finished you little psycho? Losing it like this in the middle of the street, your appeal will wear off ya know."

"Eh Haruka. What are you doing here?" Did he follow me?

"I wanted to see your new play mate; I get worried in-case they break you too much ya know. Didn't I always say I was the only one allowed to do that. I was just about to leave you to it when I overheard something interesting." This is it, he knows. I'm so dead I've broken out number one rule. F*ck why does it have to be like this. Please Haruka, I'm your rat right, you can't throw me away.

"You revealed your talent to a shitty teacher? How f*cking stupid could you be. Telling him you specialize in destroying people, you may as well sign over your life f*cking idiot!" Haruka kicked me so hard in the stomach I threw up my breakfast. Haruka was right I had f*cked up miserably and then occurs the reversion. Only Haruka had the ability to cause this phenomenon because he knows me so well, in short, I revert back to that sniveling little rat in that shed. That boy comes back to haunt me until we are one again, with each hit from Haruka he entices that boy to possess me.

"Please stop, not him please!", Arata.

"Who? Oh right, the old Arata. Ya know sometimes I miss him; he was so obedient. You've outgrown me haven't you. You don't need me anymore." That's not true you have no idea how much I need you.

"I NEED YOU, PLEASE I NEED YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING. THERE IS NO ME IF THERE IS NO YOU. I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU." I meant every word, I pretended I didn't need him anymore but if he left me, I'd slit my wrists until there was no blood left to flow.

"Do you love me Arata?" Is this a trick question, no-one's ever asked me that before? Seductive I gripped his leg and hauled myself up until I was level with his chest. Then I wrapped my frail arms around him.

"I love you so please break me more." His chuckle was pure evil, but It saved my life, so I don't feel shameful about my actions. Haruka took my hand and walked me home. He stroked the bruise on my face before showering me in affection and kisses. I like the way his hands ruffle my hair, but it also kills me inside knowing he's going to leave me. I don't want to go home.

"Goodnight my precious rat, we'll go hunting tomorrow okay?" I nodded sheepishly and pried my hands from his shirt.

"Arata? Oh my god what happened to you?" Ugh don't touch me you impotent woman, I'll f*cking kill you.

"I'm fine mom, I just got into a fight that's all." I hate this woman to my bones, so much so I wish she would just die already. That fake f*cking worried expression grinds me until I can't take anymore.

"Sit down sweetheart, I'll treat your wounds." My mom is nothing like me, she accepts her features and assaults like a champion. Secretly, I think she loves being a victim. My mom has big green eyes just like me, I get my dark hair from my father who's rarely home and when he is, he's beating the sh*t out of one of us.

"You shouldn't be getting into fights, you want a career right? Who's going to employ a delinquent especially since you---" Go on finish your sentence I dare you, look at her lips quiver. I'm a human not a monster you b*tch.

"Since what mom? Say it." Oh, she's seen my change again, but I can't stop. Words are like venom and they hurt like hell but there's nothing noisier than silence. It leaves room for your thoughts. Look at her fighting her despair, it tastes so sweet.

"I like c*ck, why are you being so refined. It's not my fault, maybe if you hadn't of let uncle Akito stay over I wouldn't be like this. It's your fault you know, don't think I didn't hear you walking past my room while he raped me every night. Your pathetic ya know that. Get the f*ck out of my sight." Aw here come the waterworks again, I can't f*cking stand that woman. Haruka said we should just bury her alive but I'm sure Aoi would suspect me straight away. We both share the same hatred after all.

T-Those footsteps…don't tell me he's home!

"Arata, why is your mother crying?" No no please god someone help me. Not again. I want Haruka, please don't let him hurt me!

"D-D-Dad w-welcome home."