Don't throw me away.

"I-I've been good, I think moms just sad again. I-I've been good, so you don't need to do it today. I even got flush A in my exam isn't that good." Arata's father was the only person other than Haruka who could break him down completely. Of course, this was kept secret from Haruka, he didn't like sharing his toys. Haruka always promised him if he ever let anyone else break him, he would kill his in an instant, like a disposable utensil. Arata's abilities were also immune to his father because their trauma was so similar, sometimes he believed it was inherited. When Arata's father was 15 he got lost in the red-light district and ended up being lured into a nearby prostitution house. There he was targeted and raped by a bunch of men and had been mentally unstable ever since.

"You know what to do, put your hands on the wall." Arata shuddered and slowly pressed his hands up against the cold paint, his father was also a very hypocritical man, he would beat his mother within an inch of her life yet punished Arata for making her cry. His inconsistency made Arata despise him even more, he always believed if you have a routine stick to it don't just pick up the hobby whenever you like it's inconvenient for the other party.

"What is it today I wonder? A belt? No maybe a whip I know your into that kinky stuff father. Or will it be your bare fists?" At this moment in time Arata was doing everything in his power to stay in control of the situation, it's never as good guessing a gift before it's presented to you. His father tutted loudly, Arata heard the buckle of his belt tingle and bowed his head. Not only did his father use the belt buckle itself to punish him, he would also angle the belt buckle hook outwards so it would impale his white skin.

"You're getting too cocky aren't you boy?" Arata smirked hearing his calm voice used to lure him into a false sense of security lately it had really lost its effect. Deep down he knew in his fathers mind he was screeching for resolve.

"Take off your shirt." Arata blood ran cold, he'd forgotten about the hickeys from his last victim, they were plastered all over his back and neck, if his father witnessed something so unsightly, he would murder him in an instant. Arata reached into the back of his mind to try and stall or even break him if possible. It was his speciality after all.

"Um, dad I want to do it myself today. If the pain is self-inflicted maybe, I'll learn from it better." He said enthusiastically. Glancing behind his he saw his fathers face twist in confusion, this was something he'd never offered before. While his mind was vulnerable Arata decided it was time to wage war.

"Hey Dad…when you were gang raped did you learn anything from it?" Suddenly his demeanour changed, and his eyes lost their light leaving two coal circles glaring into his father soul. For the first time his father looked terrified and seething with shame.

"You little f*ck how do you…know about that?" He stuttered as his head began to shake, Arata chuckled and faced him head on.

"It's okay father I understand, it hurts doesn't it. Having your innocence ripped away until there's nothing left of you." Arata looked expressionless as the spiderwebs from the past wrapped its way around his father until he was paralysed.

"We are?" Arata began laughing hysterically, the hope on his face someone would actually understand him was priceless.

"Are you f*cking kidding me do I look that weak to you, sure they gave me a rough time but I quite enjoyed it after a while and I know you did too that's why your so upset all of the time. So, what? just because you have a family and a nice house you get to play daddy? Don't be so full of yourself, if your gay you should just embrace it like me." Arata watched the fire ignite in his belly engulfing him whole, as he raised his fist Arata moved forward tauntingly until the brutal blow almost knocked him through the kitchen wall. Pain enveloped chattering through his teeth, as he pulled his hand up to his face, his jaw met him much sooner than it was supposed to. His dislocated jaw swung like a chop of meat on a hook. Running his tongue over his teeth two chips pierced pierced their way into the soft tissue, he spat out the white fangs and watched as the tears fell from his father's eyes. In his mind he was grinning widely, he'd won after all that was exactly the reaction he was hoping for.

Footsteps began sprinting down the stairs, the weight of Arata's body almost shook the house down attracting Aoi's attention. Arata rolled his eyes as she came running to the rescue. Fists came one after the other until Arata could barely breath. Aoi stood head blocking him.

"Stop this your going to kill him." Arata pushed her out of the way and opened his arms widely. Slurring saintly he taunted him.

"Let him, go ahead Kill me! What are you waiting for old man?" Strangely his movements stopped, and he looked like a vegetable. As if his mind had finally broken expressionless, he grabbed his coat and stormed past Arata. Finally, as the door slammed Arata slumped to the floor clutching his jawbone.

"Jesus Christ what has he done to you brother?" Arata glanced at the vein on her neck and wondered just how much blood could drain from the jugular before the body dies of shock, it had been so long since he counted.

"Get off me, I don't need your sympathy." Arata could see straight through her pathetic façade, she believed affection would keep her safe seeing the twisted change her brother had went through. Little did she know her tactic was having the opposite effect.

"Where the hell are you going Arata, your hurt." As he was putting on his shoes, he stopped dead. Aoi could tell by his aura that he'd snapped and backed away carefully.

"How about you shut the f*ck up before I show you what hurt really looks like." Aoi covered her mouth, the grotesque looks in his eyes along with his unhinged jaw made him look inhuman. For such a small frame, he had something intimidating in those eyes. Because those eyes had seen things people would think of in their wildest nightmares. Arata strutted through the door with one person on his mind.

Running as fast as he could he caught sight of himself in one of the nearby shop windows and even he was stunned at how unnerving he looked. One of his eyes were bloodshot and blood trickled from his nose onto his white shirt below. In a strange way he liked not being desirable for once and perhaps Haruka would lay off him for a while. Hunting was a tiring sport. Following the back streets and avoiding the desperate prostitutes he managed to go home undetected. Arata reached for the handle when a loud thud startled him, he knew that thud too well. At first, he was hesitant to enter but remembered this was his house too and if he wanted to enter, he could.

Immediately as the door opened the raw smell of flesh hit him like a brick, even through bloody nostrils the scent still constricted his throat until he was coughing violently. Following the trail of blood down to the basement he caught Haruka in the act of 'putting them to bed' which was their code for burying the dead. Impatiently, he watched Haruka whistle away as he heaved the corpse into the hole, the squishing sound of body on body was enough to make you gag.

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Haruka paused before itching his head nervously, his face stained with happiness.

"Oops looks like you caught me in the act rat. Better question what the f*ck are you doing in my house? You wanna join them?" His seductive yet frightening tone didn't shake Arata at all, like a spoiled brat he crossed his arms and stormed upstairs. Haruka sighed and sat down on the mould heap watch a stray red balloon drift past, the air current in here was getting heavier, he would need to move the bodies quickly before people started to notice the stench.

"Damn f*cking brats, if I knew he was going to be this much of a pain in the ass I would have picked the other guy." Chuckling he dragged his feet up the wooden steps and wandered into the kitchen, as the light became brighter so did Arata's injuries, he winced seeing his dislodged jaw. That looked painful.

"You look like something out of a horror movie, come on let's put it back. Stay still." Arata flinched as he grabbed his face, with one knock from his knuckle the bone bounced back into the socket. Arata bent over clutching his head, it was agonizing. Haruka patted him on the back and began pouring some tea for them both.

"Back to my question, why the f*ck are you in my house. Just because daddies giving you a hard time doesn't mean you can waltz in as you please." Arata sat quietly with his head bowed, Haruka splashed the tea in front of him trying to get a reaction but he was like a zombie.

"Your hunting without me now? Weren't you the one who said you didn't want me to be your rival dumbass?" Haruka smirked, Arata's dark personality was more prevalent than ever. It would come out if you beat him harshly enough.

"I got bored and after your little detour to the professors house I got pissed off. Gotta vent some way, right?" It's scary to think venting for these two young boys was killing, but that's just who they were. Everyone was disposable if it meant emotional relief.

"Tsk…you're such a snake. Here I am betting the sh*t beaten out of me while your having the time of your life. It was a young boy this time, did you f*ck him as my substitute?" Haruka slammed his hands on the table, Arata smiled at his attempt to scare him.

"Your getting too cocky you f*cking rat, I do what I want when I want. Since when did I need your approval huh?" Arata sighed and stood up, he stretched across the table and spread his legs seductively.

"Don't blame me if your frustrated, I'm bored let's do it." Haruka pulled his legs forward slamming Arata's head on the table. It was times like this Haruka despised the abilities he'd gifted him with. It was like the dog biting the hand that feeds it.

"Oh, so now you wanna f*ck? Listen to me you little rat, if you ever try to seduce me like that again. I'll rip your f*cking tongue out." Arata glared at him expressionless, words didn't shake him and neither did violence. When the mind snaps beyond comprehension, it's practically untouchable.

"Haruka, I have a question for you." Haruka sipped at his tea typing away on his laptop as if nothing was amiss. Arata slipped from the table and sat opposed giving him an evil smile.

"Even though you can't feel anything you still get angry at me. Are you lying to me? Actually, we've been together for two years now and I know basically nothing about you. Why are you like this Haruka? You can confide in me I promise." Haruka's face twitched at his challenge, Arata was trying to make him crack and deep down it was working.

"I would never confide in you, you little rat. Who do you think you are?" Arata looked a little disheartened, his hand slipped across the table grasping Haruka's tight. Haruka brushed him off and looked at him coldly.

"Come on Haruka, you know everything about me. My father, my mother. My countless rapes, beatings and you won't even tell me one thing about you. What are you so afraid of?" Haruka began chuckling obnoxiously as if taunting him.

"Your forgetting my number one rule. You don't get to ask questions you f*cking rat. My life had nothing to do with you, the only thing your good at is spreading your legs and luring people to me, my tool not my boyfriend, not even my friend so don't get to full of yourself. In fact, I was thinking about recruiting a new member." Arata face turned sour as he grinded his teeth.

"Because that worked so well the last time." Haruka glanced at the blood-stained floor beside them.

"You're the one who poisoned her, you're an asshole. Clean ups a b*tch. Just admit that your jealous would ya?" Arata pouted like a spoiled child and crossed his arms.

"Of course, she wasn't suited to us. That girl took one look at our pit and fainted; she was weak." Haruka nodded his head agreeably. It was true maybe his sight had worn off.

"You got lucky with me, let's just keep it how it always is. I lure in the prey and you kill it, what more could you want." Haruka glared at him dangerously.

"I'm bored, there's nothing left for me to teach you." Haruka knew nothing aggravated Arata more than new company, his obsession with him was unhealthy. So unhealthy the last person he tried to recruit ended up choking on her own guts and convulsing on the kitchen floor as he watched.

"We don't need anyone else; they'll be a liability." Haruka smirked and walked from the kitchen.

"We'll see little rat…"

-----------------------------------------Kasei Academy-----------------

"Good Moring Arata!" Arata rolled his eyes and turned around painting a smile on his face.

"Hey Akira, how are you doing?" Akira had been absent with a fever leaving Arata alone in school but in a way, he'd missed his company.

"Yeah I'm fine now. Oh, I was going to ask you, can I meet your friend. I can't stop thinking about him." Arata felt a nauseating feeling wash over him. If Haruka found out Akira was precious to him, he would get rid of him. Although Haruka said he was annoying, being dependant on others made him crazy.

"I told you he's a recluse, you wouldn't like him he's unusual." Akira frowned and dragged his feet like a child.

"Come on Arata, I don't like you staying over at his house all the time. Spend more time with me." Arata felt a slither of happiness hearing the jealous undertones.

"You're right we should hang out more." Arata would escape to Akira's everyday he could in the past but now he had Haruka to save him from his family. Truthfully, he'd never met such devious grotesque monsters in his life.

"Arata could I speak to you please?" As they were wandering to class the guidance counsellor collared Arata before his feet made it past the door, Arata froze up and bowed his head. He could feel himself snapping inside, he wasn't in the mood to play victim. Akira patted his shoulder and went into class leaving them alone in the corridor. The silence surrounding them was eerie.

"Let's head to my office." Arata sighed and followed closely behind, this time he couldn't tell what his intentions were so was quite weary as he locked the door behind him. Slowly his hand guided him over to the desk where he sat down obediently.

"Arata, I've been thinking a lot about our last conversation and I've decided I'm going to help you get over your trauma." Arata smirked at his crudeness, he had an animalistic look in his eyes only Arata could pick out.

"How would you like to do this then, should I get undressed now or?" Riko sensei looked at him peculiarly, that wasn't his intention at all. Arata had only been at his home the night before and he spewed nonsense about helping him.

"No that's not what I'm here for. I want to help you, there's a colleague of mine that specialises in abuse cases. I think he can help you Arata." Arata leaned forward and began banging his head heavily until Riko saw it split at the scalp.

"Didn't I tell you it's not your concern teacher. I like the way I am; no-one can help me." Riko moved back unnervingly witnessing the mad man look in his eyes. Arata stood up and took off his tie before wrapping it around Riko's neck seductively. Riko watched his climb onto the desk and wrap his legs around him.

"If you didn't ask me here to play then can I leave." Riko blushed and looked away trying to give in to his seduction. Arata could see him drowning in his sexual desire and giggled playfully.

"Your hard teacher, let me help you with that." Arata reached down and unbuckled his belt, then unzipped his jeans.

"That looks yummy, just relax teaching is a stressful career. You need some relief every now and again." Riko let out a loud breath as Arata began performing oral sex on him.

"You can't do this Arata, y-you have to stop." Arata lifted up his head in annoyance.

"But your enjoying it so much, are you sure you want me to stop?" Riko looked into his big green eyes that wouldn't blink no matter how long they glared before shaking his head. Arata laughed and continued.

"It's not enough…" Arata whispered in his ear before unbuckling his pants and straddling Riko.

"You don't have to do anything just stay still." In those thirty minutes Riko thrusted in and out of his small body, until they both finished simultaneously.

"Why does it feel so good with you?" Riko said in confusion not sure how he managed to f*ck him yet again. Arata got dressed and spun around one last time saying bluntly.

"I'm a professional that's why."