Chapter 6

Zachary, the previous owner of his body has a fear of rejection, also called as Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria or RSD.

This condition is for the people who don't handle rejection very well. They get very upset if they think someone has shunned or criticized them, even if that's not the case. People who have the condition sometimes work hard to make everyone like and admire them. Or they might stop trying and stay out of any situation where they might get hurt. This social withdrawal can look like social phobia, which is a serious fear of being embarrassed in public.

It was a devastating blow to anyone that receives this condition, especially for Zachary as he aspires to be a star. Being a star faces a lots of hardships, with fans comes also haters.

He has developed this condition when he was a kid. Since he was very pleasing to the eyes as he was very cute when he was a child, almost all the girls in his class like to play him. That resulted to him, being shunned away and being isolated by the boys. Even his own friends were alienating him, with them having persuaded by their peers to stay away from him as he was grabbing the attention of all the girls that they wanted to play with.

But he was a very smart child, noticing that he was attracting the boys' hatred, he quickly tried to talk to them that he would make the girls also play with them so that it would be more fun. In the end, they agreed and even made friends with him. He never told his parents nor brother about what happened, knowing that they would get worried for him. He kept it to himself and forced himself to smile in front of his family, to show that he was having fun with his so called friends.

Even since then, he built a sunny image so that the girls would feel that he was very gentle and likeable, increasing their admiration of him. The boys would also feel that he was very friendly and outgoing, that he was very good friend to have fun with. Added with his highly retentive memory and very high IQ, he became the top student of their batch and also an ideal role model of their school. The teachers pleased with him even suggested to him that he handle the position of their school's student body president, as they needed someone like him to be a role model to others. Not disappointing them, he agreed.

He became a people-pleasing person, and even often goes too far. He always found it impossible to say no, even when saying yes causes major inconveniences or hardships in his own life. He takes on too much tasks and responsibilities, increasing his own risk for exhaustion just to improve their opinion of him.

In the end when he grew up, Zachary still has that fake smile on his face. Although he has friends to hang out with, he still feels something empty in his heart.

But if they just notice, that his sunny image was just a mask for his loneliness, his bright eyes was filled with the desire of acceptance if they look closer, and that the smile plastered on his face was him wanting them to realize that it was not his true self, but his fear of rejection was shackling him, not being able to do so.

But all of that changed when a person named Lance Moore came to his life. He was like a shower of light invading his dark world, trying to remove the darkness within. His gentle green eyes saw through his facade, and his kind smile bringing genuineness to his cold, fake smile. He was the one who tried to understand him, always keeping a beam on his countenance even when he tries to push him away, feeling that he was the same as others, who tried to get close with him just . He thawed the ice on his facade, leaving only but warmth within.

Slowly, but surely, Zachary's condition became better with the help of Lance. He became more confident and much more expressive, removing his fictitious image to the shock of people who knows him, including his parents and siblings. The girls in his school, was even more enamored with his change and the guys, was feeling more envious and hateful. He met new people, had new friends, a genuine one, different new experiences, and a new life with his guidance.

That's why Zachary wanted to be a star, not just wanting the recognition of his parents and siblings, but also all of the people around him.

His bestfriend, Lance Moore was also a part of his reason why he wanted to be one.

He was the one who told Zachary to join More Entertainment when they were still first year of high school. His parents also approved of that, as they knew that their son always dreamed of becoming an artist.

Year after year, Lance and Zachary still strived hard on their training of becoming a star. Many people in the agency saw their potential was on a higher level than other trainees of their batch, even more so for Zachary.

When it was their fourth year, the higher ups told the trainers of Zachary and Lance that their time to debut was on that year. The trainers immediately called the both of them, and told them the good news. They were so excited, as the best friends even jumped in joy after hearing the news.

Zachary felt so happy that time, that he was even inspired in writing a song to express his delight. That was the time when the hit song, "Everyday With You" was born. He told Lance about his song, and he saw the shock on his face. He said to him that he was planning to release the song on his debut, to surprise their trainers and the higher ups, but also his soon-to-be fans.

Lance told Zachary that he could help in perfecting the song and he agreed. He even gave him his original manuscript to work on.

All was well after months passed, they perfected the song and it was the time of Lance's debut in the entertainment industry.