Chapter 7

Zach was thinking about that time of Lance's debut until he was awakened from his daze by his sister.

"Big brother look, look! He is starting to sing the chorus!"

Zach moved his eyes towards the person performing in front of him. The man had black hair and has an above-average features and you can see the uniqueness in his eyes. His brown eyes was filled with vigour and was full of passion.

He has a mellow tone on his low voice and has a unique style of singing, that shows more of the emotion behind of any song. Along with the accompaniment of his guitar, gives the song more color it needs.

"Everyday with you,

Seeing your encouraging smile,

Makes me feel that doing

My best was worthwhile.

Everyday with you,

With your head on my shoulder,

Never leaving my side

No matter what weather,

Wanting to spend my

Everyday with you~"

Hearing the love and appreciation mixed on his voice, Zach knitted his eyebrows for a moment.

'Although he has a good voice that is very suitable for singing and a unique style differing him from your average singe, he is still lacking in terms of interpretation and expressing the emotion behind it. It can be improved though, with the help of proper training.'

As the song was written by Zach, he clearly knows the inspiration behind the song and what it intends to convey.

But sadly, everything asides from the lyrics which was made by him was different from the version that the man was singing.

'Lance Moore even helped the previous owner in perfecting the song but why didn't he use the original one? It was much more better than this one so why did he?'

Zach was curious about the reason but he didn't dwell more on it. As his attention was once again captured by the person singing in front of him.

"Everyday with you,

Looking at me with your kind eyes,

And with your hands supporting my back,

Always there for me no matter how time flies

Everyday with you,

I want to give my gratitude,

Thanking the gods above

That I got to have spent my

Everyday with you."

Silence came first and then applause came after when the person finished singing.

"Thank you everyone for listening. I hope you enjoyed the song and good night everyone."

After giving his gratitude to the people who applaused, the man began fixing his things up and was preparing to go out the park but he was stopped because a female child dragged her big brother with her and approached him.

The big brother came towards him first and called his attention.

"Good evening, my name is Zach. Do you mind if we bother you for a moment?"

"N-No, it's okay I don't mind."

The man looked very flustered after hearing him, it was unlike when he performed confidently under many people around the park.

Seeing the man's reaction, Zach chuckled. It was like seeing a puppy being approached by a stranger. It was very amusing, he thought.

Seeing that the person agreed, Mary immediately went towards him and shouted.

"Hey uncle! You were very cool! I really like the song you sang!"

Hearing her voice, the person somewhat calmed down and smiled at her. Not minding that he was called an uncle as he was just a college student.

He bent down and went at the same level as the child as he said, "Thank you. What's your name little girl?"

"Hello uncle! My name is Mary and this is my big brother Zach! What's your name uncle?" Mary replied beamingly.

"Hi Mary, my name is Matthew but you can just call me big brother Matt if you want." He responded.

"Okay, big brother Matt! You were really cool earlier! Isn't that right big brother?" Mary questioned.

"Yes, he really was." Zach replied.

Listening to their praises he once again became flustered, somewhat shows that he is becoming shy.

"T-Thank you, I'm really glad that somebody appreciates what I do." Matt said as he gave his gratitude.

"So, what made you sing the song earlier?" Zach queried, trying to remove the man's shyness.

"Well, as it is one of the most recent hits in America, I guessed that many would be familliar with the song. Why did you ask though?" Matt asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing. I just wondered why that song out of many." Zach replied.

"Oh, is that so. I thought it was because of something else." Matt responded back, as he decided not to ask about the matter anymore.

"So do you always go here in the park to sing and play your guitar?" Zach asked again, trying to change the topic.

"No, I just come here sometimes if I'm free. I want to give someone enjoyment and make them relax with my song, as I feel glad whenever someone does." Matt said, as you can see the passion in his brown eyes.

"But why here, big brother Matt?" Mary asked curiously.

"I like the atmosphere in this place, it really makes me feel comfortable." Matt said as he breathes in the fresh air.

"What about you guys? What made you come here this time in the evening?" Matt asked back to Mary.

"Big brother and I just finished eating our dinner half an hour ago! We went here because big brother said that walking after a meal helps me increase my bad sugar!" Mary replied.

"Bad sugar?" Matt questioned confusedly.

"It's blood sugar, not bad sugar silly." Zach said to his little sister as he pinched her cheeks.

"Oh right, it was blood sugar! Sorry big brother, my bad." Mary replied after her cheeks were squeezed by her brother.

"So, are you going home now?" Matt asked.

"Yes, we are. Do you want to go home now my little princess?" Zach responded as he asked Mary.

"Un! Mommy and daddy should be waiting for us now!"

"Okay, let's say goodbye to big brother Matt now shall we?"

"Yes big brother! Bye-bye big brother Matt! We'll see you again next time!" Mary said as she waved her small hands to Matt.

"Sure, make sure not to forget big brother Matt okay?" Matt said, as he patted Mary's head.

"Will do!" Mary replied as she giggled.

'Big brother Matt is really nice, but my big brother is more nicer.'

"Goodbye Matt, it was very nice meeting you. Here's my name card, my number is in it so we could keep in touch. Hope to see you soon." Zach took his card from his wallet and gave it to Matt as he walked away with Mary.

"Sure, Zach." Matt replied as he took the black card, with a white border in it.

He looked at what the card contains and boy, he was shocked at what he saw.

Zachary Adams


More Entertainment Trainee

'So that was Zachary Adams of More Entertainment?! I heard that he had a dispute about the copyright of the song Everyday With You with the singer, Lance Moore. He said that the song was his but he had no proof to show his ownership. In the end, the agency blocked him and canceled the contract with him. Maybe that was the reason he asked earlier, huh.'

Looking at the two figures walking away, Matt was lost in his thoughts.