Fireworks II

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a pair of warm lips on hers. It was brief, and yet Lyn felt Rhys tongue in hers, and she immediately drew back, "Y—y—" Lyn stared at him with wide eyes, "What are you doing?"

"As you can just see, I kissed you."

Wahhhh, he did that so suddenly and in public too. Nobody saw that, right? Lyn looked at their surroundings, and thankfully, it was just them on this side. She turned to Rhys and glared at him; she said nothing and just conveyed her message with that glare before she abruptly stood up. Lyn was aware he was following her, but she didn't stop to look back and made her way over to where Kazuya was. He was helping some children out and Mothers with the fireworks, by the benches beside the giant oak tree.

She hurriedly made her way to Kazuya and buried her face in his arms, "Woaahhh," he exclaimed, "Hey, Lyn? What's wrong?"

"Rhys is bullying me," Lyn explained, "He keeps doing weird things."

A dark and menacing aura wrapped around Kazuya then, "Oh? What kind of weird things? I can think of several, but I hope he isn't stupid enough to try them."

Lyn didn't know what he was talking about, but Rhys did since he waltzes over, with a casual look on his face like nothing happened.

"Her tongue is nice."

'N—nice?' Lyn thought. This guy is impossible, does he have no shame whatsoever?

"Rhys you!!" Kazuya exclaimed.

Lyn, however, tightened her grip on him, "Kazuya, hang out with me now? Forget Rhys."



Kazuya leads her up some steps, and they arrived on top of the hill. On the top was a small shelter area, where the two of them sat down on the stone seating.

"Kazuya, what are you doing?" For the last few minutes, since they sat down, Kazuya had buried his face in the nape of her neck and held her tightly.

"Trying to disinfect," Kazuya murmured, "Damn, that guy."

Lyn laughed, "Um, he only got to my lips. I don't think hugging me will disinfect anything."

"Then let me kiss you, a lot," Kazuya said. Just as Lyn was about to agree, she hears the last part and frantically shook her head. No way, she can't allow him to kiss her for so long. It would be too much. But, Lyn took a look at his expression, is it not okay? For now, anyway? Lyn nodded, and Kazuya gently caressed her cheeks in his hands before he leaned forward and their lips met each other.

It was just the usual kiss, so Lyn didn't think much of it. At least at the start, that's what she thought, but after a good few minutes had passed and Kazuya hadn't let her go. Lyn knew something was amiss. Indeed when she felt his hands touch places that he usually wouldn't, and her robe loosens, she immediately stooped him, "Mmmmgh...A—alright Kazuya, that's enough..." she covered his mouth with her hand, cheeks red due to embarrassment, "C—cut it out!"

Kazuya looked at her dumbfounded.

Lyn laughed awkwardly, "Aha, I'm sorry. I came to my senses at the last moment," she trailed off. Her heart is still beating very quickly. The sensation of

"Um, wasn't that strange? Etto, we never go that far," they may be sixteen, but it's not like...they don't know about being intimate.

"You can't just expect me to come this far and then stop, that's just criminal !" he buries her head in her breasts.

"Uwah, um, um! Wait stop, if you stop I'll buy you ice cream,"

"Ice cream? What am I a kid? Are you bribing me with food? So you can run away?"

"What? No good? Then um you can increase the times you hug me," Lyn suggested. Kazuya likes hugging, right?

Kazuya looked at her with an even more frustrated long, as he sank to the ground, "Damn," he muttered, "Even though I said I'd be patient, I just can't do it."

Lyn blushed at his words, Kazuya wants to touch her like that? She supposes it's normal, even if it is Kazuya, he's still a guy after all. Lyn looked at him curiously, Kazuya had hunched up into a little ball shape.

"Kazuya?" Lyn called out, she walked over and hugged him, "I'm sorry."

He turned around and let out a defeated sigh, and she snuggled up to him, as his arms wrapped around her. "I don't get it when you do this. You're usually so confident but now your just acting shy."

If he says that, then she has to admit it too. She is not used to it, this gentleness of his. Kazuya has always been gentle with her. But recently it seems like something's different.

"You're too tense. It's fine we're just cuddling. Relax Lyn," he murmured in her ear. For the first time, her shoulders stiff with nervousness and tension had begun to hurt. She had lived her whole life being uneasy, but right at this moment, she felt so safe. None of that unease and fear remained. He cupped her cheeks with his hands, "Kissing is okay, right?"

", you know what you're doing?" Lyn knew this kiss would not be as gentle as the last one.

"It's not difficult," it isn't? But aren't they both newbies at this stuff?


After a few minutes had passed of kissing and touching - yes, this time, there was more touching than she thought was possible. Bellow her neck, and his hands that trailed across her thighs. Just remembering it was rather embarrassing for her, she had yet to calm down.

"So yeah," Kazuya gently caressed her hair, the two of them were laying down on the carpet he brought. Lyn rested on his arm, "I guess I didn't know how many desires I had until I met you."

"Ah, Kazuya is a pervert too."

Kazuya laughed, "It seems like it."

'He's admitting it,' Lyn thought as she stared at his handsome face. In the background, Lyn could hear everybody's happy voices, and above them stretching across the night sky were beautiful fireworks. This moment is wonderful.

"I don't want Rhys getting close to you, but I don't trust anybody else but him to watch you when I can't."

"Um, I can protect myself."

"I know that," Kazuya smiled, "But, sometimes unexpected situations pop up. I want to be careful," he murmured, "Okay?"

"Okay," Lyn nodded in understanding.

"Having fun?"

"Ah-huh, my idea is perfect."

Kazuya laughed, "As expected of my cute and adorable Lyn."

'Cute and adorable,' Lyn wonders why Kazuya always says that whenever he addresses her. She leaned into his hold and felt him gently caress her cheeks with his free hand. 'So warm, it's so comfortable,' Lyn thought. She could bask in this warmth forever. But one day Kazuya will have to leave her, he can't stay with her forever. When that happens, Lyn wonders what she will do. Even though she lived so many years with only Pupillam and The General's company, it was never like when she is with Kazuya. When she is with Kazuya, things are different.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt him gently kiss her forehead, and her heartbeat increased. Even just him doing these little things sent her of edge. Kazuya's kindness, she wonders if one day she will be able to repay it.