Things She Wanted

If she can't repay his kindness with her own kindness, then the least she could do is be useful for him in the battlefield. Lyn thought long and hard about what she could do for Kazuya, to repay him for everything he has given her. He not only taught her how to love but lessened those shackles that had been tying her down this whole time. Since they first met, how much of the world has she seen? A small fraction, and yet this is enough. Even if he were to leave and return home to the Sound Kingdom, Lyn knew she would treasure the memories and everything he gave her. When he returns home, the changes in her life would disappear too. Things will return to how they were before.

There were things she wanted, things she pictured in that dark room. Before Kazuya came, no it wasn't until this year where the stuff in that room started to increase. Even then Lyn didn't know what to put there; she was so used to that place only having one item. A place to sleep, 'it wasn't even a bed before, but just the couch. Before the couch, it was just a mere blanket,' Lyn thought to herself.

That room initially had a lot more things; she stayed there since she was born. But slowly the servants started to take everything and only left her with an old blanket. The first few years of her life, none of her family members visited her, so they didn't realize something was wrong. However, when her father came back from an extended mission and asked to see her.

Lyn could remember it, a pair of warm arms that wrapped around her and a tear-stained face, an older man apologizing to her. Seeing her father, one of the servants who was already feeling guilty about taking everything away, confessed. Her eldest brother Andrew immediately searched the servants quarters and found everything. He didn't hesitate in delivering the cruelest punishment possible to those servants. She has no doubt now that her Eldest brother wanted to rush to her side then, but he stuck to his responsibilities first.

Harming the royal family and taking their belongings is a crime, Eldest Brother had to punish them first. However, her father chose his duty as her father first and rushed to check on her. That was the deciding factor that made the two different from each other.

While her father rules this country alongside his Mother and should have punished the servants first, he's never cared much about power and prioritize the things he cares about first. In contrast, her Eldest Brother prioritized power. For her back then who was craving for love and any type of warmth, her father making that decision despite people criticizing him further touched her heart.

It was because of her father that things in her life started to change, but even then there was a limit to what he could do. Father cares greatly about her, and yet he didn't fight hard enough about having her locked up in these quarters. In fact, she overheard him say, 'Perhaps it is better this way that child she's..'

Lyn didn't listen to the rest of the conversation; she had a feeling it would be best if she didn't hear the end of it. If she listened to the rest and it turned out that her father thought the same as the others. Lyn knew she wouldn't be able to handle it.

"What's wrong, Lyn?" Kazuya asked.

Lyn shook her head, "Nothing is wrong," she snuggled up to him, "Kazuya, your so warm."

"And so are you, my cute and adorable Lyn."

"Aha, you keep saying that. It sounds so silly."

Kazuya smiled, "But, it's the truth. You're mine, and your cute and so adorable."

'Mine, that sounds a bit possessive,' Lyn thought. But, it's the truth since they are in a relationship with each other.


After laying down and relaxing for a bit more, Kazuya took her to another quiet spot so they could watch the fireworks together.

Two people nuzzle into the soft fabric of one scarf. Fireworks faded across the night sky," You seem to be troubled," Lyn commented. For the last few minutes, Kazuya wore a distressed look on his face.

"I didn't know you thought about me like that," Kazuya admitted, "I was a bit shocked."

Ah, on the way here they passed some villagers who asked about their relationship. Lyn sighed, "If I didn't give that speech, those girls would have clung to you," the reason that couple asked, was simply for their daughters who were lingering behind them. "Their intentions were clear; they wanted to steal you away."

Kazuya laughed, "I see now, I'm very oblivious to these things. So you'll have to keep watch for me."

Ah, she knew it! She really does have to be careful.

"But do you think anybody can steal me away from you? In the sixteen years, I've lived, the only person who has been able to sway my heart is you," Kazuya squeezed her hands, "Do you understand?"

"I understand," she really does. If Kazuya's, 'love' for her was something that could be stolen away. Then she wouldn't have accepted him. It's because she saw how sincere and genuine his feelings for her, that she accepted his hand in the first place, "But, you have to look at things from my perspective too."

Kazuya nodded, "Yeah, I understand. However, it's not just you with the jealousy thing."

Lyn froze at his words, is he still bothered by Rhys? Nothing can happen between them. 'Such an idiot,' Lyn thought. But she kept that thought to herself. She let's go of his hand and instead grabbed hold of his arm, Lyn rested her head there, and a content sigh passed her lips, "I do want to get to know you better Kazuya."

"Yeah, don't worry. We still have plenty of time."

Time, huh?

There are so many things she wanted back then. That lonely girl devoided of all life, wanted quite a few things. Perhaps it was because she was all alone in that room for so long, with practically nothing but her work out clothes and a broken blanket. However, back then, Lyn had plenty of time to think, about her current circumstances, about the things she wanted to change her situation.

A warm home.

A place where everybody smiles.

People who would accept her, family, and friends who would get angry for her sake, smile for her sake.

And, her gaze fell on Kazuya, somebody who loves her. It's strange even now, even though she wanted all those things. Lyn didn't think she would get it. Though the third one is still a work in progress, her life is filled with such warmth now.

"Shall we go back, Lyn?"

"En, let's go," Lyn murmured. Even if this is only temporarily, and will be taken from her the moment he leaves. Lyn will forever treasure these beautiful memories.