
Immediately sensing the tense atmosphere, Lyn stood up, "Okay, you two, enough is enough. Quit fighting every time."

"I apologize Princess, but this man gets far too close to you."

"That's because your Princess likes me."

"Liar! She already said that she…"

Lyn's eyes widened, and she reached over to cover Pupillam's mouth. Her aide's next words came out as a muffled reply. Rhys, however, seemed suspicious. He didn't say a word but looked her up and down. After what felt like forever, he spoke up.



Rhys ran his hand through his hair. Since he clearly just came from the baths, his hair was still wet. There was something about the way he ran his hands through his hair - or maybe it was due to the aftereffects of the water. 'His hair looks like it's glowing.'

"I wanted to invite you for dinner, do you mind?"

"As in…"

"In an hour, there's a good place in town. Only if you want."